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The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry

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Stephen King’s “The Green Mile”

I have no idea how many times I’ve watched the movie. The Green Mile is one of my all time favourites.. it’s one of those movies that I just randomly re-watch every once in a while just because. But up to very recently, it hadn’t even come to my attention that there even was a book! Perhaps partially because so far I haven’t been such a big fan of Stephen King’s writing, and I didn’t even know this was one of his.

Last month a friend of mine asked me what I thought of the book, and a couple of hours later I actually started reading it. I was a little worried that the book wouldn’t be that good, or that it would be too different. Fortunately as it turned out the usual rule applied here too and the book was in fact better.

Reading the book you get to know the characters much better. Their personalities, thoughts and circumstances of their lives have been much better described. And then there’s the mouse. In the movie you do fall in love with the mouse, but in the book you properly get to know the mouse. There is much more to him and his story, and he is perhaps the 2nd main character in the book. And I absolutely love that.

Paul Edgecombe’s story is also better told in the book. There is in fact quite a bit about him that doesn’t make it to the movie, including a very meaningful last chapter. That last chapter was hard for me to read…so very emotionally intense, and it gives you much to ponder about. Mind you it doesn’t really change the story or how it ends, but it does paint a move vivid picture of Paul Edgecombe.

The Green Mile

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

Recently I was asked if it’s a good idea to watch the Cloud Atlas movie first, or to read the book. I almost always read the book first, but in this case, I came across the movie before the book. But that’s alright, the movie couldn’t possibly have spoiled the experience of the book…

I watched Cloud Atlas a couple of years ago, and was thoroughly impressed. I figured this must be an exceptional example of a situation where the movie didn’t totally destroy the book. Some months after that I read the book…. Well, as good as the movie is, the rule still applies, the book is infinitely better.

The book is written in quite a unique shape, an amazing structure, with such subtleties that can never be imported into a movie. The relationship between the characters in different timelines are described in such elegant ways. And well, there are major story bits and implied meanings in the book, that make the book much deeper, much more complex and in some parts much darker than the movie.


So yes, the book wins once again…. since you have the choice, read the book first. 😉


So I was just wondering, is there a book? Because if there is then I definitely want it. =P

Good sci-fi is currently quite rare, and I have just been pleasantly surprised by how good this product of the current era turned out to be. Cheers to Christopher Nolan!

P.S: Yes thanks a lot, it turns out that is a novelization. And also a book related to the science of the whole thing. I’ll check them out.


It’s poetic injustice really. 50 years ago Walt Disney shamelessly hijacked what can easily be considered the most important literary achievement of P. L. Travers, Mary Poppins. Now, some half a century later, Hollywood takes the story of P. L. Travers herself, twists it into something politically correct, soft and sweet and easy to sell, and feeds it to the world. How many times is P. L. Travers going to be betrayed by the entertainment industry?

Admittedly, up to very recently I had not really read the Mary Poppins books. Not that I 81d3n8Gnz5L._SL1500_[1]wouldn’t have wanted to, Mary Poppins simply didn’t find her way to my shelf which was  usually crowded with Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke and the rest of the sci-fi universe, with a touch of Hermann Hesse and W. Somerset Maugham migrating over from my mom’s shelf. Point is, I didn’t really read much specifically “children’s” books.

My first introduction to Mary Poppins was unsurprisingly through the movie, which I watched with googly eyes when I was about 5 or so the first time. And loved it, really really loved it. And have even watched it many more times since then.

Recently, I watched “Saving Mr. Banks”, which was supposedly the story of how Walt Disney approached P. L. Travers to get the rights for the movie, and her reactions, and how the movie was eventually made. Nice movie, which at the same time felt full of plot holes for something that was supposed to be based on a true story. I had a feeling that there was more to the story than met the screen.

So I went and started the research. Did my fair share of reading on P. L. Travers, found71fBHSsGDWL._SL1500_[1] what seems to be the most accurate and detailed, and the least “interpreted” biography of her out there, titled “Mary Poppins, She Wrote” by Valerie Lawson. After finishing this book and some more articles and shorter books about her, I read the original Mary Poppins books. All 9 of them.

And now, after all the reading, I am… well… angry.

As P. L. Traverse herself had said many times before, the Mary Poppins books are not exactly children’s books. They’re certainly books that children can enjoy reading, but the way I see it they’re somewhat comparable to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “Little Prince”. They’re more philosophy books than anything else, and they’re nothing like the pink and fluffy image of the Walt Disney movie.

As much as I enjoyed the Disney movie as a child, right now I wish I had never seen it, that it had never been made. From what I understand, what Disney did to Mary Poppins was the source of agony for P. L. Travers for the rest of her days, and it also manage to frustrate just about anyone who had any kind of an actual understanding of the point of the books. Now after having read the books I can understand why. Disney basically took the shell and left the soul behind.

But then, this is not really what “Saving Mr. Banks” shows, is it? The movie is unfortunately yet another bit of fluff, created to please the audience. Everything I’ve read, everything I’ve dug out, shows that unfortunately Mr. Disney was not at all the fair and decent character shown in the movie. He basically ambushed P. L. Travers into finally selling him the rights to make a movie [after years of harassing her for it], and then slowly pushed her out of the picture. Despite the fact that he originally promised her that her ideas will be respected, he eventually disregarded all of the very important points that she had made in order for the movie to stay faithful to the books.

The nice and emotional conversations between Disney and P. L. Travers in the movie are all pretty much fictional, and at the end Disney had actually no intention of having P. L. Travers present at the premiere at all. To him, she was only a nuisance. The movie shows a rigid and difficult Pamela, without making any mention of why she was the way she was. Quite unfair.

It’s of course even more of a horror reading some of the articles that showed up online after the release of “Saving Mr. Banks”. Clueless people writing completely misguided articles about P. L. Travers, her role in the creation of the Poppins movie, and even her personal life and her relationship with the people around her, and with her son. Following the movie, these articles picture P. L. Travers as a despiteful unloving and unloved character, who was responsible for destroying the life of her adopted son. For heaven’s sakes, do your research before writing this nonsense. A bit of digging will show you that the horrendous rubbish couldn’t possibly be further from the truth.

P. L. Travers was an amazing person with a wonderful mind, and what’s being done to her is a crime. This should be stopped.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I watched the movie a few weeks ago, but I didn’t find the time to write anything about it and I constantly get the question of whether I’ve seen it and what I think of it.

So here it is: I LOVED IT! =D

Yes. you’re hearing [well, reading] me right, it’s an X-Men movie, and I LOVED it!


I’ve not been that big of a fan of the X-Men movies [or the X-Men universe in general] in the past. As I’ve mentioned before, the first 2 X-Men movies were far too shallow for me to even feel entertained. Last stand had something a tad more interesting about it, and then First Class finally thoroughly entertained me. But I must say “Days of Future Past” is really the first X-Men movie that I’ve enjoyed, really, more than mere entertainment.

For the first time an X-Men movie had a really well constructed, very interesting plot. The movie contained some pretty great sci-fi ideas, and well you have to admit, that cast could have made even complete nonsense look good. 😉

That being said, there were of course some huge logic holes in the plot. I mean I’m pretty sure I saw Charles Xavier get blown to pieces by a very evil Phoenix. And now he seems entirely alive. Of course given the end of Last Stand, the theory is that his consciousness got transferred [somehow?!] to his twin brother’s body. Hmmm. So obviously the twin brother was suffering some sort of a physical problem as a result of which he was in a coma. And now Xavier just jumps into that body? And even if I were to accept that, then why is it that he’s still in a flying chair? For what reason would the brother’s body would have the exact same injury????

And then of course Magneto not only got back his lost powers, but seems to be doing extra-well too. And I could go on… And yet, I prefer to think that the holes in the plot are results of previous movies having problematic plots, not this one. 😉

Oh, and on a side-note, I have to mention that I’m growing quite fond of watching a movie in either Corso or Metropole in Zurich in some obscure hour when there’s nobody else, and it’s pretty much like private screening. 😉

Man of Steel

Honestly I wasn’t in such a hurry to see “Man of Steel”. Superman movies and comics have always been mere light entertainment to me, and even though I have occasionally enjoyed watching a movie or reading a comic, I’ve never been a fan. Through the years I’ve felt a chronic lack of plot and character development in all things Superman. [Which basically sums up my relationship with 99% of DC’s comics.]

So you can imagine my surprise, watching “Man of Steel” last night, and realizing in the middle of the movie that I was actually really enjoying it! Especially seeing the movie’s less than great ratings and the plenty of dissatisfied reviews! [Then again I often seem to like what everyone else hates and vice versa!]

Yes, I really really liked this movie! Many important details were changed, characters were much better developed, and most importantly so much nonsense and absurdity has been eliminated! I mean surprise surprise, for once in my life a Superman movie actually makes rational sense!!!!


For once we actually see a proper, well pictured, back story. Which actually explained why everything happened the way it all happened. I really enjoyed the beginning part of the movie where Krypton has been quite nicely illustrated, and we finally get a better idea of what “the parents” were like and what the circumstances were. Or for that matter why Zod acts the way he does. Also the earthly parents of Clark Kent have been much better developed. Supeman’s own character finally has some proper development with much less cheese involved. Oh, and for once, finally, someone has decided that Lois Lane should not be the idiotic, clueless, pointless, shame to all women, constantly in need of rescuing, aka the classical character. Thank you very much for that.

It’s been said the movie will have a next instalment in 2015. I do look forward to seeing that.

By the way, come to think of it, it’s interesting that the latest Batman movie was also the best I’ve ever seen, for pretty much all the same reasons! Looks like DC might have finally figured some things out… 😉  Maybe it’s time I go back and check the comic books……

The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

On Sunday night we went to see the Hobbit [3D]. Yes, the opening week, in fact just after the opening day. =P I was in a pretty big hurry for this one… Couldn’t wait! And I’m so not disappointed!

The movie was simply great. As I wrote about the first part, in comparison the LOTR movies, the hobbit movies have the advantage of being truly faithful to the book, which naturally comes with making 3 movies out of the one book. Every important detail is there, with some cute additions, and altogether things just feel right. The visuals are quite stunning, and if you’re going to see the movie, make sure to see it in 3D.


I still have a problem with a blonde Orlando Bloom. That really doe NOT work. But I don’t think I had enough time to pay attention to that given Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel, and Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice on Smaug. =P

All in all it’s a lovely movie. The only “issue”, is the humongous cliff-hanger at the end. Of course when you divide one single book into 3 movies, every conclusion, every important event, everything that you are waiting for, will be at the end, waiting for the last movie. So now I have to wait a year for… well… everything. Meh. =P

Of all the versions of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” that I have seen so fMuch-Ado-About-Nothing[1]ar, old and new, classic and modern, my favourite has to be Joss Whedon’s! I watched it  some weeks ago for the first time, and a few nights ago again. I never thought I’d enjoy a version more than the digital theatre one with David Tennant and Catherine Tate, but I liked Joss Whedon’s even more than that! It’s just too cute! =D

Of course Joss Whedon and Jed Whedon also created their own version of “Sigh No More”, the famous soundtrack of Much Ado [with Shakespeare’s own lyrics!]. It’s quite nice, definitely the nicest version of it I’ve heard. =)

Cloud Atlas

I don’t know how it happened that I haven’t read the book yet, but now I seriously believe that I should. And I will…. once I’m done with my current Dan Brown reading.

I watched the Cloud Atlas movie last week and it blew my mind to so many little pieces. Had not enjoyed a movie this much in a long while. It lacks in absolutely no category. The plot is unbelievably good, the cast is just brilliant, the humour is priceless… And this movie actually has a message, for a change.



Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


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