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Archive for the ‘Weeee =D’ Category

11/11/11 @ 11:11:11

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Tintin the Movie! <3

Ever since the news broke last year that they were creating a Tintin movie, I’ve hardly been able to wait to see it. On one hand it’s a very exciting prospect to see one of my all time favourite books as motion picture, on the other hand there’s always the worry that the movie will not do the books justice. It happens very often that the motion picture adaptation of awesome literature ends up being a pretty weak representation of the work they were based upon. So when the movie finally showed up in movie theatres, [and to my sheer delight, about a month earlier in Europe than in North America! =D] I turned my schedule upside down to find the time to go and see it, and last night I finally did. =)

Well, let me just say that this is easily one of the the very best conversions of a book to motion picture that I’ve EVER seen! Between Steven Spielber’s directing, Steven Moffat’s screen writing and some of the best actors in the British cinema, this movie is a real work of magic. And then there’s of course the visuals… oh… wow! I can’t believe how they’ve managed to bring the characters to life, exactly as I had always imagined them in my mind while reading the books. Everything is completely perfect, from Captain Haddock’s nose to Bianca Castafiore’s voice.

So, if you’re a fan of Tintin, make sure not to miss this movie, and if by some small chance you’ve never read the Tintin books, still make sure not to miss this movie. Now I can’t wait for the next one… I’m pretty sure there is going to be a next one! 😉

Pictures of the August 1st Celebrations

So it took a tad long for me to sort through the load of photos me and Genox took from the Swiss National Day [1st of August] fireworks. But it’s finally done, and you can check out a selection here in this album.

It was a quite a lovely day, starting with a good load of BBQ and ending with possibly the most exquisite fire works I’ve ever seen up close. And I’m not putting that lightly. We were on the top of a heal in Niederwil, so that we had a good view to all the surrounding houses and farms. It seems like the people of Switzerland make it very much their personal business [and not necessarily a government responsibility, as it is often the case in Canada for instance] to make the 1st of August celebrations as shiny as possible. Basically, every single house in the vicinity had their own fireworks, some of which were really really amazing. So imagine standing on a top of heal, in the middle of a circle of fireworks, quite a few of which put the Y2K fireworks to shame. Huge colourful glow raining on you from all directions. You try to catch everything with your eyes… and more than a few times I came very close to falling down backwards… It was completely insane and truly awesome.

Happy Persian New Year! =)

Happy Norooz everyone! =) Tomorrow night is the beginning of year 2570 [1390] of the Persian solar calendar. Winter is officially over, and Monday is the first day of spring, even though Zürich was freezing cold today. =P So make sure to have as much sweets and cookies as you can in the next few days, visit your friends and family and pass around some gifts. 😉

My 7sin is pretty much ready, even though some of the items are impossible to get around here due to the lack of a Persian community of any sort. My mom sent me most of what I couldn’t find here from Toronto. But I wasn’t able to get my hands on Samanoo at the end so we’re going to make some chocolate cream and imagine it’s Samanoo. =P

I have to admit though, I have all sorts of mixed feelings right now. The “situation” in Iran has made it very difficult for many people over there to celebrate anything, and I feel the weight of that inside of me…. and of course my mom’s not where I am this year, which really totally sucks. But I’m trying to make the best out of a … well… very complicated situation, and hope for the best in 2570.

Fasnacht 2011

Oh, right, I forgot to mention…. the pictures and movies from Fasnacht 2011 parades are online! You can check them out here. =)

I was at the venue both in Biberist and Solothurn this year, so there’s photos and videos from both. It was quite a lot of fun being there, and I’m still collecting confetti from my clothing, shoes and the flat’s floor. =P As you may notice in a couple of Solothurn videos / pics, I was given a bit of an up close and personal confetti shower so when I got home, I was looking like a very colourful clown of some sort, specially since confetti has a way of sticking and staying in my curly hair. =P

A few examples:

LEGO Digital Designer

Here’s something that’s been eating up a lot of my time lately. LEGO Digital Designer is an application by LEGO, which you can use to virtually build whatever you like, using all the LEGO pieces ever made. Yes, huge collection of pieces. That itself is something that made me a very very happy girl. But the fun doesn’t end there. Once you’re done building, you can actually order what you just built! Isn’t that fabulous? =D

So here you can download the app. Enjoy the addiction! ;D

Wow… I just saw an article with the first set of detailed information and pictures related to the upcoming Tintin movie! Looks like it’s going to be awesome! =D Apparently this is going to be the movie version of the “Secret of the Unicorn”, which is one of my favourite Tintin adventures and the first one I ever read! =) I just can’t wait to see the movie…

“With live action you’re going to have actors pretending to be Captain Haddock and Tintin,” says Peter Jackson. “You’d be casting people to look like them. It’s not really going to feel like the Tintin Hergé drew. It’s going to be somewhat different. With CGI we can bring Hergé’s world to life, keep the stylised caricatured faces, keep everything looking like Hergé’s artwork, but make it photo-real.”

Check out the full article here!

Genox – Hourglass

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the long wait is finally over! After years and years and more years of waiting for Genox’s highly anticipated new album, it’s finally here! =D Genox’s new album called “Hourglass” has just been released on the Enough Records netlabel, and you can click here to see the album information and download it.

Seeing how I’m obviously considered pretty biased, I probably should leave you to make up your own mind about the album… but I can’t help mentioning that I think every single track of this album is totally and completely special, and has it’s own unique character.

Of course I’m going to post the album to Verse shortly. Also, make sure you check out Genox’s new Facebook page here. =)  

Pocket Watch <3 <3

Me loves watches. Me really really really loves old style pocket watches. Here’s my beloved mechanical skeleton pocket watch. =)


OH MY GOD! Really? Seriously? Could that possibly happen? That would be just beautiful! =D

Since late last night I’ve been reading here and there around the web about how David Tennant has been approached for a role in the upcoming 2 part Hobbit movies! Apparently so far this is just an offer and no one knows for sure if it’s actually going to happen, but if it does… my oh my! Awesomeness to the max! =D

For anyone who may not be familiar with David Tennant, he is the actor playing the role of the 10th Doctor, in the British sci-fi series Doctor Who.  I’m a pretty big fan of Doctor Who in general, and well, the 10th Doctor is most certainly my favourite incarnation of The Doctor so far. 😉 Davit Tennant is an amazing actor, and if he goes on to play a role in The Hobbit, that alone will be a reason for me to see the movie on the opening day.

Another great actor who has been offered a role is Martin Freeman, who recently played the role of John Watson in the British TV series “Sherlock”. Apparently he will be playing the role of Bilbo Baggins.

When I heard that the “The Hobbit” is going into production phase soon, I was very excited. I’ve always said that the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies are an extra simplified version of the books, and that they miss a ton of important facts and side stories and a whole lot of depth in comparison to the books. However, that’s only natural. There’s just no way to put a Tolkien book into a movie exactly as it is, due to the incredible amount of details in his books. With all of that in mind, I believe that the LOTR movies where quite fantastic from many different aspects [well, Duh! ;)], and I’m now very much looking forwards to seeing “The Hobbit”.

You can read more about the possible cast of “The Hobbit” here.


Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


Regarding this:
I comply. ;)
Oh and there's cookies here. Yummy ones.


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Aasemoon's bookshelf: cariad