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Carmen’s Painting Exhibition

This afternoon, after a couple of super-hectic weeks, I [+fiend of mine] finally found the chance to visit Carmen’s painting exhibition in Reinach, Basel. =) It’s a really lovely collection of paintings [the colours are very special], and I really enjoyed being able to look at Carmen’s works up close. So for anyone who enjoys looking at beautiful paintings, I recommend checking the exhibition out.

You can find the information and address here, and you may have to hurry since the exhibition is only ’till July the 5th. The place is not difficult to get to via public transport [Tram], just make sure not to get off the tram too early as the SBB website suggests, instead get off at “Landererstrasse” as the exhibition flyer suggests. 

And you can view a few more pictures here.


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  • Stargate Universe…. CANCELLED???

    Ok is this strange, unbelievable, unfortunate, disastrous and all in all extremely bad. SyFailI realize it’s old news which due to being extremely busy I found out about now, but anyhow I’m enraged. Steaming mad

    Ever since the start of SGU, this is my 4th post about the series. Previously, I wrote this, this, and this one. If you’ve read those, you probably have an idea as to how I was feeling about the series up to about October of last year. To me, it was a bit of a fail. The first season and beginning of the 2nd season of SGU involved too much soap opera and too little sci-fi for my taste. I kept watching the show, hoping it would finally pick up at some point…

    Well guess what, it DID pick up! From the middle of 2nd season, we started seeing much more action. The plot got a lot more interesting, character development started to finally happen, and we started seeing actual sci-fi in there. Improvements kept coming at a high speed, and finally a couple of weeks ago I found myself saying to my boyfriend “hey, SGU is actually getting extremely good now, I can’t wait for the next episode!”, to which he enthusiastically agreed.

    Now, 2 weeks later, and I read that the moment the show got good, it also got cancelled. And if you start looking at the big picture, and the collection of things that made the path to the show getting cancelled… it really looks VERY ugly.

    First, SyFy rescheduled the show from Friday nights to Tuesday nights, because apparently Friday nights had to be kept for the most sci-fi, the most brilliant, the most imaginative show out there. It’s called WWE Smackdown. Yeah, it’ BLOODY WRESTLEING! What the bloody hell does that have to do with science and fiction, I have no bleeding clue!  

    On the other hand, lets be honest here, the sci-fi genre [specially what you may call hard-core sci-fi] has never really been the most popular genre with the main stream. Rescheduling of the shows like this together with lack of interest from masses, results in the show having low viewer stats at the time it’s first aired. Of course no one cares that many fans record the show to watch when they can due to busy schedules, or that many of us don’t even live in North America so we have to watch the show through other channels.

    And now for mentioning the obvious… low viewer stats, low DVD sales and basically not enough money being made out of a TV series, means no love from money hungry networks like SyFy who ONLY cares about the profit. So, who cares that this is the successor spin off to one of the most successful, most loved, most amazing series in the history of sci-fi that we’re talking about right? And who cares that it still has a lot to offer? And who cares about all the people who have spent years creating all this? The main stream prefers to watch some guys smack each other to pieces [theatrically of course] or some girls chew each other’s necks over an ex, so the so called blighted SyFy channel decides to give them exactly that.

    Sad fact is that the SyFy channel has no longer anything to do with science fiction. I saw that coming, when they changed the name from Sci-Fi to SyFy, supposedly to explore other possibilities. This is what they meant by it. Just look at the show list for the channel, and you’ll see that by killing off SGU, they just removed the last serious science fiction series that they had from the network’s list of programs. That’s it. SyFy, is officially no longer a science fiction channel.

    To add to the disaster pile, it turns out that the untimely cancellation of SGU, also has put a permanent stop to the production of the Stargate Atlantis movie, and any other movies from the Stargate franchise that we may have been hoping for.

    SaveSGUA quick look around the web, has made it clear to me how utterly upset, angry and frustrated the fans of the show [not a small number] are. And how hard they’re all trying to save the show. I honestly can’t say that I’m keeping any hopes up… but who knows, I’m going to join every campaign I come across and sign any petition I can. Maybe something will come out of it after all…

    And here’s what you should be checking out:

    An article from Joseph Mallozzi’s website, answering some questions about the show and it’s cancellation

    A Facebook page called Save Stargate Universe

    And since the list of information, support, campaign and petition pages is growing daily, I have created a Verse page where I [or anyone else interested] will be collecting relevant info and links. Check it out!

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  • @ Iran: Shiraz

    From November 10th to 14th, we had a short trip to Shiraz. Yeah yeah, I know, it’s ridiculous number of days for a city that marvelous, but.. well… it’s complicated. I couldn’t stay there any more than that.. mainly due to the fact that I still have much more to do in Tehran, and I also want to spend a week in the Kish island…

    It was a nice, complicated and eventful 4.5 days. I finally had the chance to meet my aunt [father’s sister] and my cousin [Katy] for the fist time. We had a nice time with them.. and my aunt showed me a large load of old family photos that I had never seen the like of, before. It felt as if I was getting to know a part of myself that I had never known anything about… a family I never actually had.

    We stayed at Pooneh’s place [other side cousin] like the old days… and we had some good fun with her and Golnar and Kaveh [her kids]. We paid a visit to the Vakil Bazaar where I took another really large load of photos, had a picnic in Chaasorkh, had very original Persian Kabab in a classic Persian restaurant called “Sharzeh”, and had a great little party with friends too [dancing… dancing… dancing… ;)]. Oh, and I did some shopping too….. 😉

    And now I’m back to Tehran. =) Yesterday evening I was out with TanTan again, did some souvenir shopping and had a great shrimp pasta in a pizza place called “Aared”. And today… today was fantastic, I met my great old friend Jinous after 6 bloody years. It was fantastic seeing her again… we had a lovely evening. =) She’s just marvelous… <3

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  • More Still!

    Oh wow…. ok, it looks like this Still group never created anything less than perfect! 10 demos, and they’re all pretty amazing. The visuals are marvelous and the soundtracks are just lovely! =)

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  • Secher Nbiw

    I recently found out that my Ixian page has regular visitors, apparently that’s how some of my friends find out what I’m up to! Or if I’m really busy, that’s how they find out that I’m still alive… basically by checking out my news collection. =)) So that gave me the idea to create a bit of an extension to it. I created a new blog called “Secher Nbwi”. This new blog is in fact an auto-blog. The way it works, is that my activities around the web get automatically posted in there, via the feeds. Blog posts, twine posts, posts… and everything else. So well, if you would like to web-stalk me, this is the easiest way to go! =D

    I also added a couple of new toys to the Ixian page recently, and did some general updating on the website, including getting rid of the non-working widgets and adding my own brand new music player widget.

    P.S.: If you’d like to know exactly what “Secher Nbiw” is all about, I suggest you read Frank Herber’s “Dune” series. 😉

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  • 26 & Nose Piercing! =P

    Sssoooo on Monday I turned 26. =) Not that I feel any wiser or anything. =P Knowing what I know of what’s to come, I can say that this year of my life is going to be one heck of an adventurous one. Kool, apparently that’s what I was born for, ups and downs and adventures. =) Bring it on!

    And of course to start it right, today I went and got my nose pierced! =D I had been playing with the idea for a very long while.. somehow never got around to it till nMyBlueNoseRingow. And as for the pain [yes, since that’s the first question everybody asks! ;)], I’m probably the  wrong person to answer. =P Lets just say that as it turns out my pain threshold is even higher than I thought…. I felt nearly no pain, and it started healing pretty fast too… it’s a couple of hours later now and I have absolutely no pain or discomfort. It’s like it’s been there forever. Of course I have to mention that the person who did my piercing was quite obviously REALLY REALLY good at it. If anybody wants to get any sort of piercing or tattoo let me know, I’ll give you the address. =) And on the right you can see a picture of my little nose ring. I’m being told that it’s looking quite good….. luv it! 😉

    Update: And ehmmm yeah I’m somehow suddenly very much in love with the below track! =P

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  • ASD – Crash Boom Bang! =D

    Winner of this year’s best demo at The Gathering, ASD’s new demo is pretty much a complete action movie, with an awesome plot, amazing stunts and the superbly perfect music to make you feel the “Rapture” in your bones. =) The demo, which according to certain rumors [ 😉 ] takes place on the “Planet Risk”, has trains, trucks and ships crashing and bridges falling down in neon blaze, making it impossible for you to take your eyes away from the screen for even a fraction of a second. And of course aMUSiC and Leviathan’s powerful soundtrack [very thoughtfully named “Throw Navis Off The Train! =))] completes the hypnotizing effect of the demo. So, check out Rapture! 

    Oh but there’s even more great news: Congratulations to aMUSiC, for winning this year’s award for best music, for “Afternoon Stroll”, the soundtrack to the awesome demo “Midnight Run”. So lets check that out too! =)

    And by the way, “Rapture” was in fact not the only ASD release yesterday, there’s also 2 new cute little games that you can download and have fun with, “Demobot Olympics” and “Seconds To Nothing”. Enjoy! =)

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  • Hello!

    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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