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Archive for the ‘Rant’ Category

Little, Big by John Crowley

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This is an angry rant. You’ve been forewarned. 

My social circle, friends and acquaintances, tend to come from all walks of life. Different backgrounds, attitudes and belief systems. Probably due to my family circumstances and upbringing, I’ve always been used to having all sorts of opposing ideas around me. I feel that life would become terribly dull if I were to be surrounded only by people who agree with me. I learn quite a lot by having discussions, or just listening to, people whose philosophies are partially or entirely against mine. I need to be able to see things from the point of view of the Trump supporter and the anti-vaxxer, because I end up seeing valuable facts in their side of story that I wouldn’t see otherwise. Being used to this practise, means that it’s not easy to piss me off even if I’m listening to an opinion that I personally find outrageous.

But… this has limits. And now, I’m angry. Very, very angry.

One very clear boundary to my patience is when someone’s misguided actions are directly endangering the lives of other people. And it makes me so sad, so sorry and so bitter when I see people I like, people I care about and have respect for, people among my friends and acquaintances, do exactly that. It’s been painful watching some of your opinions and actions on social media. It’s hurtful on a personal level.

I’ve been watching you post pictures and videos of you dismissing the lockdown protocols in different parts of the world. Breaking quarantine. Not giving a f*ck about social distancing. Being proud of finding your way to some nice quiet corder of nature, conveniently failing to mention the public transportation you used to get there. You who are wearing a shirt saying that you’re young and healthy and not afraid of anything. You who are protesting in groups, expressing loudly that the government is taking away your human rights or freedom by telling you to stay at home. How out of touch with the reality are you? Do you realise that facts are still facts even if it’s the government voicing them?

Anti-establishment anarchism, political activism and all these misunderstood labels you’re proudly putting on yourself, have no connection to your selfish, childish, thoughtless actions. Lockdown, social distancing and all the related protocols are not about you or your political opinion. I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but the Corona virus doesn’t give a sod about your bloody political opinion.

This is about whether your grandmother will have the freedom to visit her doctor without the possibility of dying of Covid 19 constantly looming above her head. This is about whether your colleague with asthma will survive this bloody situation. This is about families having the freedom to visit each other again, families that might currently be stuck, away from each-other, in different parts of the world. This is about establishing regulations that would allow people to go back to their jobs before their lives are completely ruined and the economy of their country is damaged beyond repair. This is about putting a leash on this disaster before it causes even more ruin that it already has. This is a matter of survival. Do you understand that your delusion of fighting for your freedom, is practically taking away everyone else’s? Who gives you the right to destroy the lives and freedom of everyone else? Or do you perhaps think that freedom is a word that only applies to you?

What irks me even more is that you, my dear “rebellious” friends, all happen to live in parts of the world with governments that generally aren’t known as oppressive regimes. You do not have a first clue what it is to live under an actual oppressive regime, take it from someone who has. And this is definitely no time for you to play out your fantasies of political justice heroism. Human rights are constantly shredded to bits around the world and you act like having to stay at home during a pandemic is the thing to go to war for? You’re clearly not interested in the well being of the society, only in your own personal interests. Oh, and the police wouldn’t have to force you to stay at home or respect social distancing if your own sense of logic and responsibility had taken over the task.

Of course if you happen to have any interest in facts, the web is full of legitimate scientific information showing you exactly why you’re expected to follow these pandemic protocols. And if that’s too much effort for you, there’s even a ton of initiatives by people who try to, among other things, explain things as simply as possible so you don’t have to work too hard. Like this page here for instance:

And while you’ve been busy worrying about your “freedom” [to spread the virus?], the world’s been finding out more and more about the effects of this virus, and what it can actually do to the human body. Does any of that happen to interest you by any chance? Here’s just a couple of interesting examples:

COVID-19: also a systemic endotheliitis

SARS‐CoV-2 in COVID-19 patients is likely to infect the brain

Have a look around the web and I’m sure you’ll see a ton more informative articles on the bloody capabilities of this virus, as well as the global statistics of the damage it’s doing. And while you’re at it, please have a look at the charts on this page depicting the correlations between Covid deaths and age / preexisting conditions.

A mortality perspective on COVID-19: Time, location, and age

In China, more than 50 percent of COVID-19 deaths have been people who are over 70 years old even though most COVID-19 cases are being contracted by people below 70. Young people have interpreted this as an indication that they do not need to worry about the virus, while old people are being warned to take extreme caution. It is true that young people have a smaller chance than old people of dying from COVID-19, but they have a smaller chance of dying of almost any other health risk as well. In China, the age at which people died from COVID-19 was very similar to the age at which people died normally (Figure 4). And there are already signs that the age profile of deaths in China may not be the same as the age profile elsewhere, so it is useful for people of all ages to take extreme care.

Putting all of the above together, does it seem to you like your age and level of health is going to make you magically impervious to the effects of the virus? Does it seem like it would be possible to just isolate a “risk group” and let everyone else do as they wish? And even if that would have somehow made sense, do you really want to take away the freedom of every old or ill person permanently and just let the pandemic agony to continue?

So you want to talk about freedom? Here’s the freedom I want. I want the freedom to not be stuck in this miserable situation any longer than I have to. I want the freedom to go back to some semblance of a normal life. These are the freedoms you’re taking away from me, by helping the virus spread. Shame on you.

  • Filed under: Covid 19, Politics, Rant
  • Recently I’ve been seeing more and more commentary around the web calling Greta Thunberg “misguided”. Seeing how ridiculously busy my past year has been, I knew far less about Greta Thunberg and her message than I would have liked. When I read people saying she was misguided, my first thought [probably the bias of my background] was that perhaps she’s making claims that are not scientifically sound. However after spending a bit of time listening to what she has to say, so far I’ve not heard anything that doesn’t match the science and the facts. So then I wondered, why all the harsh judgement?

    That’s when I realised people have a problem with her approach. She’s loud, bold, and panic inducing. She says what no one wants to hear, and she doesn’t sugarcoat the situation. She is slapping our collective faces real hard, and for a lot of people, especially the politician type, this is just not something they enjoy. And since her facts can’t be questioned, her approach and persona receive all the assault.

    And then more recently I’ve been seeing increasing attempts at character assassination in the form of absurd nonsense like this.

    When I saw this thing yesterday, I finally lost my cool….. why? Really? Must you? Why are we so quick to turn off our bloody brains? This comparison is like trying to make a case against water because oxygen is more important.  These two young people are each doing something very important, very necessary, and very different from each other. But on the other hand there’s an almost symbiotic relationship between what they’re doing, that whoever came up with this shortsighted  infographic isn’t taking into account at all.

    Boyan Slat has come up with a solution for an incredibly large problem. He’s doing something amazing to save our oceans. And yes, it’s definitely a problem how little attention he’s receiving, it’s bloody embarrassing. In fact he’s one of the several scientists / technologists who are doing a lot for the environment, without receiving proper recognition for their work. And is that a surprise? There’s a growing list of environmental concerns and quite a few of these are by now getting completely out of hand, and our human society still acts like these are imaginary issues that are never going to touch our lives. We are acting like the problems don’t exist, is it any wonder we’re ignoring the people trying to solve them?

    And this, my dear people who are calling Greta “misguided”, is why we bloody well need people like her! We are slumbering, and she is the WAKE UP CALL!! Boyan Slat is changing a world that is in deep deep trouble, and we are not paying attention to any side of that equation. Then when Greta calls us out for it, we call her misguided? What the hell people? If this was still some 200 years ago and we had time for niceties and refinements of speech, then maybe there would be a little bit of point in saying panic wouldn’t help. But holy hell, our sodding house is ON FIRE!! It’s time for panic like it’s never been before! Issues like climate change, deforestation, soil pollution etc, are no longer future concerns! Our very generation is already grappling, and soon will grapple much worse, with the consequences of all of these! And then you fault Greta Thunberg for panicking? My god, at this point if you’re not panicking you’re simply out of touch.

    Boyan Slat is creating solutions, but that’s not enough. We need a lot more Boyan Slats. We need a lot more of a spotlight on the environmental issues, which requires a lot more awareness in our human society. We need to be woken up and educated. That’s what Greta Thunberg and people like her are trying to do, so don’t you dare question the importance of their work. If you think Greta Thunberg is “misguided” for trying to get us to panic, maybe you need to wake up and smell the bloody coffee.

    Doctor Who and Gender Equality

    Fair warning, I’m pissed. This is going to be a rant-ish post.

    For the life of me, I can’t understand how we ended up here. How did I go from voicing my opinion about the latest iteration of Doctor Who, to a full on conflict regarding the topic of “gender equality”.

    The ridiculous non-issue issue:

    In a massively misguided move, BBC decided that the next Doctor should be female. Yes, I’m a girl. Yes, I bloody well hate this decision. Why? Because this character has historically been the personification of dude quirk. He is male. He just is. In every iteration he has looked different, sounded different, been a different age.. but he has always been, without any doubts, a quirky, idiosyncratic male.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am all for a kick-arse female time lord, but not turning an already established very much male character, female. BBC’s decision comes through as a cheap distraction, as if they simply had no idea where to go with the series next.

    But you know what is boiling my noodles right now?

    The fact that voicing that opinion has so far several times resulted in someone wagging a finger at me and bringing up our modern society’s move towards “gender equality”!! I think somewhere along the line we forgot what gender equality is about, what it actually means. Gender equality has never been about genders being equal. It has always been about genders having equal rights, about everyone being able to make their own choices about their life, their education and career. It’s about the law giving every human being similar rights. It’s about fairness in our judgements. It’s about respect.

    But genders themselves are obviously not supposed to be equal. Some people are female, some male, some both, some neither, some somewhere in between. Each of these categories is unique, each have their own characteristics, idiosyncrasies, aptitudes. Each have their own special something to add to the balance of our human society. What is the point of their existence if they were to be all the same? Have we forgotten that simple fact? Aren’t we, in our overflowing enthusiasm towards the topic of gender equality, suddenly being dismissive towards the identity of each category?

    I guess by now you can tell that this post is not about Doctor Who. My rant is about the many examples of the term “gender equality” being misused these days. I’m getting the feeling the term is turning into an all purpose gadget people use when they can’t come up with a better arguement. We’re going straight from one imbalance to the other. There is no way we can be fair to any gender, as long as we are not acknowledging the particularities of that gender.

    Let’s keep that in mind the next time we’re wagging our finger at someone and shouting gender equality at them.

    P.S.: Yes, right now there’s two versions of my blog and they both look….. under-construction I guess? It’s the same content, it’s just two different systems… long story, it’s a test run and I currently am not finding time to move things forward, so for the moment… yeah there’s two of them.

    Just a quick rant.

    At the moment I use my Sony Android tablet more than any other gadget, and probably even more than my notebooks at times [because there is really quite a lot that the tablet is capable of]. Obviously, among the million and one things that I use the tablet for, I do a good deal of web surfing on it also.

    Given that the tablet has a 9.4″ screen, very often I prefer to view the full/normal version of websites rather than the mobile versions. In fact sometimes the mobile versions look rather ridiculous on a screen of that size. However since the device is essentially a mobile device and it runs mobile versions of web browsers, I’m often forced into viewing the reduced versions. Usually there is the option to switch back to normal version, but somehow it doesn’t quite stick, and I’m forced back to mobile every time I go back to the homepage, change a language option or do just about anything. A good example of this are social networks like Facebook and Google+, which are currently annoying the heck out of me. And then of course there are websites that don’t even have the option of switching back…. *sigh*

    So is it just me, or is anyone else currently bothered by this? Does anyone else think that this is pretty much a bug that needs to be fixed rather than a feature?   


    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



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