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Cat Hunt… The Tale of a Horrid Day!

So it’s not been a fun day. That is unless you were someone watching me and Oliv from some distance… then you might have laughed your lungs out. Or not…. I’m not sure.

This morning we had a vet appointment for the cat. We put the cat in his basket and since the vet’s office is about 2 minutes by foot from our building, we just put the basket in a shopping cart and headed there. We had an informative conversation with the vet, got the cat checked out, and headed back our building. The cat, as usual, didn’t like being in the basket or in the street. Cars generally scare him, and so does just about everything else. He was screaming, so we had to stop every few steps, open the top, pet him and try to calm him down… and since we had to keep doing that, we didn’t properly latch the top.

Well… halfway to the building, in a completely uncharacteristic move, Mr. Zorbas decided to jump out of the basket, and run straight into the tight tangle of trees and bushes leading to the forest area!!

Well. For the next I don’t know exactly how many hours Oliv and I ran around trying to find him, while my heart was stuck in my throat. The area he had jumped into was filled with thorny bushes and tangled branches, but fortunately eventually Oliv managed to spot him. He was hiding in the most knotted part of that messy tangle, and it took some serious acrobatics, but we got him out ok and eventually returned home.

Oliv’s arms are covered with scratches. My legs are covered with cuts and scratches. We both have half a jungle in our hair. I had a terrible shock, I was half sure that we had lost him forever, and I feel like all my energy has left me. And the cat is now sitting there comfortably licking his paws…. hmmmm….. yup.


  • Filed under: Cat, Horrible, Life
  • It’s poetic injustice really. 50 years ago Walt Disney shamelessly hijacked what can easily be considered the most important literary achievement of P. L. Travers, Mary Poppins. Now, some half a century later, Hollywood takes the story of P. L. Travers herself, twists it into something politically correct, soft and sweet and easy to sell, and feeds it to the world. How many times is P. L. Travers going to be betrayed by the entertainment industry?

    Admittedly, up to very recently I had not really read the Mary Poppins books. Not that I 81d3n8Gnz5L._SL1500_[1]wouldn’t have wanted to, Mary Poppins simply didn’t find her way to my shelf which was  usually crowded with Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke and the rest of the sci-fi universe, with a touch of Hermann Hesse and W. Somerset Maugham migrating over from my mom’s shelf. Point is, I didn’t really read much specifically “children’s” books.

    My first introduction to Mary Poppins was unsurprisingly through the movie, which I watched with googly eyes when I was about 5 or so the first time. And loved it, really really loved it. And have even watched it many more times since then.

    Recently, I watched “Saving Mr. Banks”, which was supposedly the story of how Walt Disney approached P. L. Travers to get the rights for the movie, and her reactions, and how the movie was eventually made. Nice movie, which at the same time felt full of plot holes for something that was supposed to be based on a true story. I had a feeling that there was more to the story than met the screen.

    So I went and started the research. Did my fair share of reading on P. L. Travers, found71fBHSsGDWL._SL1500_[1] what seems to be the most accurate and detailed, and the least “interpreted” biography of her out there, titled “Mary Poppins, She Wrote” by Valerie Lawson. After finishing this book and some more articles and shorter books about her, I read the original Mary Poppins books. All 9 of them.

    And now, after all the reading, I am… well… angry.

    As P. L. Traverse herself had said many times before, the Mary Poppins books are not exactly children’s books. They’re certainly books that children can enjoy reading, but the way I see it they’re somewhat comparable to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “Little Prince”. They’re more philosophy books than anything else, and they’re nothing like the pink and fluffy image of the Walt Disney movie.

    As much as I enjoyed the Disney movie as a child, right now I wish I had never seen it, that it had never been made. From what I understand, what Disney did to Mary Poppins was the source of agony for P. L. Travers for the rest of her days, and it also manage to frustrate just about anyone who had any kind of an actual understanding of the point of the books. Now after having read the books I can understand why. Disney basically took the shell and left the soul behind.

    But then, this is not really what “Saving Mr. Banks” shows, is it? The movie is unfortunately yet another bit of fluff, created to please the audience. Everything I’ve read, everything I’ve dug out, shows that unfortunately Mr. Disney was not at all the fair and decent character shown in the movie. He basically ambushed P. L. Travers into finally selling him the rights to make a movie [after years of harassing her for it], and then slowly pushed her out of the picture. Despite the fact that he originally promised her that her ideas will be respected, he eventually disregarded all of the very important points that she had made in order for the movie to stay faithful to the books.

    The nice and emotional conversations between Disney and P. L. Travers in the movie are all pretty much fictional, and at the end Disney had actually no intention of having P. L. Travers present at the premiere at all. To him, she was only a nuisance. The movie shows a rigid and difficult Pamela, without making any mention of why she was the way she was. Quite unfair.

    It’s of course even more of a horror reading some of the articles that showed up online after the release of “Saving Mr. Banks”. Clueless people writing completely misguided articles about P. L. Travers, her role in the creation of the Poppins movie, and even her personal life and her relationship with the people around her, and with her son. Following the movie, these articles picture P. L. Travers as a despiteful unloving and unloved character, who was responsible for destroying the life of her adopted son. For heaven’s sakes, do your research before writing this nonsense. A bit of digging will show you that the horrendous rubbish couldn’t possibly be further from the truth.

    P. L. Travers was an amazing person with a wonderful mind, and what’s being done to her is a crime. This should be stopped.

    Mom Back to Toronto….

    Yesterday noon my mom flew back to Toronto, which has left me with a black mood and a broken heart. You’d think with everything I’ve been through in my life, I’d handle it better… well not really. =(

    The distance is murdering us. Everything that I have gained here, all that I love about here, everything that is positive about the collection of migrations I’ve made, at times none of it helps the way I feel. What I’ve lost, what I’ve left behind and what I have to ignore every single day is not a small load. In the perfect world, I would not have had to leave my birth country to start with.


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  • Filed under: Life, Sad
  • Tomorrow at 12:00 noon [Switzerland time], year 2572 [1392] of the Persian calendar begins. Wish everyone a very happy Norooz, and a lovely start to the spring. Cheers! =)

    cardHappyNorooz 2[1]

  • Filed under: Events, Life, Norooz
  • Due to my collection of genetic peculiarities, I’ve undergone quite a number of tests and studies throughout my life. However last night during the “Quantified Self” meetup, I global_178140052[1] realized I’ve never actually looked into my sleeping patterns and stages. Given my truly weird lifelong sleeping habits, I think it might be interesting to do so.
    For as long as I remember, I’ve slept an average of 4 hours per cycle. As a child perhaps I would stay in bed longer, but the 4 hours were all the sleep I needed, and it’s still the same. I can force myself into sleeping more, that actually can at times work, but it will result in something like what people usually experience when they don’t get enough sleep. There have also been times when I’ve gone for a number of days with much less than that, or no sleep what-so-ever. And then I sleep for a much longer time, and all is well. The little sleep that I get is quite enough, and I’ve basically never had a problem with being tired, sleepy or out of energy during the day. None of this has ever had a negative effect on my health, mental sharpness and so on. The few hours that I sleep are usually deep, unbroken, and apparently quite fulfilling! [Some years ago there was a study about this, titled “The Sleepless Elite“. Didn’t offer much in terms of answers though…]
    The other odd bit is the way I dream. I’ve heard in many occasions, including last night at the QS event, about people attempting to induce lucid dreams. There’s been quite a good deal of speculations about the positive or negative results of doing that. The thing about me, is that I don’t have anything other than fully lucid dreams! I dream quite a lot, I tend to remember my dreams clearly, and in my 29 years, I have never had a dream that wasn’t lucid. I’ve been trying to figure this one out, talking to psychologists, neurologists, and you name it…. so far I’ve not come any closer to knowing why.
    So with all this, it was very interesting for me to look at the sleep charts created by “Zeo Sleep Manager“. The device detects and records your REM, Light and Deep sleeping stages [among other features…]. This is something I’ve never tried, and I do wonder, with my little “situation”, how my chart would look like. Perhaps I should give it a try.
    More on the QS meetup, it was also interesting to see presented as a self tracking tool. I just realized that I’ve been doing this for quite a few years now… I listen to humongous amounts of music on daily basis, and I can’t really tell you what kind of music “I like”. Depending on my mood and state of mind, I could be listening to just about anything. What I’m listening to is a reflection of my psychological patterns, and for many years now, my close friends and I have been looking at my charts to get an idea of “how I’ve been doing”! So yes, haha, is in fact the perfect self tracking/study tool! =)
    And that’s about all I have to say for now….

    Cat Sickness

    Today I had a scary experience.

    Living with a cat since my arrival in Switzerland, has been quite a learning experience since I never had any sort of a pet before. But of course I’m still very much clueless and inexperienced about many things.

    This evening as I was taking a bath, I suddenly heard the cat wailing loudly and in a sharp tone that I had never heard before. I don’t know exactly how I jumped out of the bath, got into a towel and got myself to the cat who was laying on the ground in front of the balcony door, screaming in pain and salivating. He was shaking, his breathing was laboured and he seemed pretty scared also. The following 10 minutes consisted of Oliv somehow finding a vet who was still in the office on the evening of December 26th, me somehow keeping the cat calm, getting dressed, putting the cat in his basket and running out of the door all in full panic.

    By the time we got to the vet’s office the cat was much calmer. The doctor had a good long look at everything and told us that basically there was nothing wrong, other than a mild sore throat. He explained to us a number of possibilities none of which were anything serious, gave us some tips, and suggested that we should have the cat’s blood tested [tomorrow] just to be sure. 

    So now we’re back home and all is well, and the cat is back at eating up to his eyes and demanding petting every 10 seconds. But the time between when I heard the cat’s screams and when the doctor told us that all is fine, I experienced a scare and panic that I’ve perhaps experienced only 2-3 times in my entire life. It was an absolute nightmare. =(  

  • Filed under: Cat, Life, Sad, Scary
  • Misogynistic Bollocks….

    Fair warning: I’m angry and therefore quite possibly offensive. Also, you’ll need to speak Persian for this one….

    Of all the misogynistic idiotic mindless hogwash that _some_ of my beloved Iranians are nowadays spreading around social networks such as Facebook, every once in a while something really gets on my last nerve. Here’s one. I guess what really boils my blood is that this was shared by a WOMAN. Mind you, I’m not a feminist by any definition, but sometimes I just run out of patience with these things….

    So I’m saying to the “man” who created this and whomever’s spreading it: I dare you to compare my IQ, my credentials, my accomplishments, my technical skills, my general wisdom and etc with YOUR OWN. Lets create a chart and publish the results. I dare you. Lets see which one of us is doing better in this life, and then lets talk about your work of art here….

    I double dare you.

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  • Filed under: Anger, Iran, Life, Thoughts
  • A Dream Within a Dream

    A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

    Take this kiss upon the brow!
    And, in parting from you now,
    Thus much let me avow-
    You are not wrong, who deem
    That my days have been a dream;
    Yet if hope has flown away
    In a night, or in a day,
    In a vision, or in none,
    Is it therefore the less gone?
    All that we see or seem
    Is but a dream within a dream.

    I stand amid the roar
    Of a surf-tormented shore,
    And I hold within my hand
    Grains of the golden sand-
    How few! yet how they creep
    Through my fingers to the deep,
    While I weep- while I weep!
    O God! can I not grasp
    Them with a tighter clasp?
    O God! can I not save
    One from the pitiless wave?
    Is all that we see or seem
    But a dream within a dream?

    Yes, I Am Ambidextrous

    Sometimes when you grow up with something as a constant in your life, you get so used to it that you end up not finding it in any way interesting or significant anymore. Then, it takes a bunch of googly eyed surprised people to remind you that this “Thing” is in fact not terribly common.

    The larger part of the human population is right-handed [and in general right-sided], the smaller part is left handed/sided. And then there’s the negligibly tiny fraction of the population who are both, aka ambidextrous. Natural ambidexterity is extremely rare. Most people who seem ambidextrous are left handed people who due to various circumstances have learned to write with their right hands. People who are naturally ambidextrous can use their hands/feet/body in general with the same comfort on both sides. So yes, it’s not usual but it exists.

    Every once in a while [a couple of days ago this time] someone catches me in the act, wondering, for instance, why it is that the piece of paper that’s been in front of me the whole time looks it was written on by 2 different people. And then I have to explain that it’s because the my left hand’s handwriting is completely different from my right hand’s. [Which is why I have to be careful not to switch hands in the middle of writing an exam or a legal document!] And then comes the big surprise, and the googly eyes.

    So yes, ambidexterity exists. It’s rare, but it’s here… not a myth. I’ve been naturally ambidextrous since childhood. I write, fence, eat, catch a ball and do just about anything else with both my hands the same way [without need for any special practice] and the same applies to my feet and body in general. I can also write with both my hands, at the same time, in different languages. [On the downside: I have two handwritings and they can both make your eyes hurt.]

    I however don’t know anyone other than myself with this condition and I would like to. For instance I would like to know if other ambidextrous people have the same handwriting issue! So if you’re reading this, and you are one, please do let me know. =)

  • Filed under: Aasemoon, Life
  • Hello!

    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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