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Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

Little, Big by John Crowley

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Ars Nova Field Easel

This is my first ever field easel. When I wanted to purchase it, me and a couple of friends had quite some discussions about the pros and cons of such easels. So now after some months of using it, I figured I’d give you an idea of what it’s like.

Long story short: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s great!

I absolutely looooove the look and feel of them old-school pretty pretty wooden easels. I didn’t think I would be able to replace that [and it’s still not out of the question that I’d eventually get yet another those given how much I love them]. Having said that… oh my god, I am so enjoying the freedom the field easel is offering!

To start with, it’s obviously lightweight and easy to carry around. That is, even when you’re in the middle of something and have a canvas on. And when you’re done, it doesn’t need to be a fixture of your living space. Folding it and putting it back in it’s carrying case takes only a few seconds.

One of the most important points of discussion was the question of stability. I’ve been outside with the Ars Nova easel in the wind, and there was next to no shaking. The telescopic legs are surprisingly and impressively quite stable. The weight is about 1.3 kg, which makes it very easy to travel with. And it can handle up to the weight of 8 kg, which is actually quite a lot for an easel.

There are of course a couple of shortcomings with this specific model too, it’s not all perfection. One issue is, just like many other easels, if your frame is somewhat small, you can’t fully fix it on the easel since there’s a limit to how far up you can move the stand. With quite a few of my frames, the frame doesn’t reach the top clip. This is normally not an issue, but it could become one if you’re outside and it’s seriously windy. [But if it’s that windy then you’ll probably have bigger problems.]

And tilt adjustment doesn’t really exist. You can only adjust tilt by modifying the opening angle of the legs [but interestingly, the legs are so stable that this actually does work!!].

As far as field easels go, the Ars Nova is a mid-price and probably mid quality one. For me it was mostly an experiment to see if I even like field easels. But now that I’m enjoying it so much, I think I’ll be on the lookout for better quality field easels with more functions. But if you’re looking for something rather cheap and very functional, the Ars Nova is very much recommended.

Räbechilbi [Turnip Parade] Richterswil

Last Saturday we attended this year’s Turnip Parade at Richterswil. Unfortunately it turned out to be a rather big mistake and a terrible experience. Afterwards I wrote a review at the page of the Gemenide Richterswil. Here’s a copy of that just FYI, in case you’re considering going there…

I was at the Räbechilbi Richterswil event yesterday evening with a small group of friends. I’m sorry to say that this was certainly one of the worst experiences that we have ever had in such an event inside or outside of Switzerland. To tourists or anyone else with an interest, we DO NOT RECOMMEND this event.

On the event catalogue it was suggested that at 3 different points in time during the evening it would be possible for visitors to see the lit up fountain at the lake side. When we went to see the fountain, we realized that the whole area around the fountain was fenced off, the entrances were locked and there was no way to get in. Of course the way the fountain is located, it is so that you can see very close to nothing from outside of the fenced area. We expected that around the suggested times someone would probably open one of the doors for us, perhaps we could get a ticket and get in, but no one came. Waste of time and bad organisation.

Before the start of the parade, our small group found a spot at one of the streets where the procession was supposed to pass through. [I believe the street is called Farbweg.] Just before the beginning, a group of security staff went about organising the rows of people standing on the sides of the road. They sent a group of people to find another spot, and organised the rest of us [standing on the sidewalk] so that we weren’t standing too close to the street. So we naturally thought we were fine to continue standing were we had been organised and given the “ok” to stand by the organisers of the event.

However as the procession started going forward, wider and wider lantern boards showed up, and it started getting hard for them to pass the street without brushing with the bystanders. At this point I already started having an uncomfortable feeling. The staff started getting more and more aggressive and rude with us, and at some point one terribly impolite staff member put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards the wall, while there was of course another human being between me and the wall behind us. I really had to control myself not to slap this person hard in the face.

But then of course it go even worse. At some point the staff started shoving us down the street, telling us that we could no longer stand there and we had to “go away”!! Well, go away where exactly? The sides of the streets were completely filled with people, who did not want us passing in between them or standing in front of them and blocking their view. And of course we couldn’t go through the streets as the floats / lantern boards kept coming! We were forced to go down on our knees on the sides of the street, it felt like a bloody war zone as we were pushed and pulled to every direction.

There was one person with us who could not go down on his knees due to health reasons and it’s safe to say this did not end well for him. Somehow we pushed forward and eventually made it out of the crowd alive, to our own surprise.

So we were first given the ok to stand at a spot by the very organisers of the event, and then rudely pushed away like a herd of animals to go heaven knows where in that crowd. This was unbelievable. It’s not as if the width of the streets change, how hard is it to come up with an standard for how wide the boards / floats are allowed to be? How difficult would it have been to organise this so that you don’t have to treat your visitors like animals? How incompetent can you be? This was simply shameful. This was an event for which we bought tickets. We only saw less than half of it, and we had the pleasure of being treated horribly by the rudest staff you can find anywhere in the world.

To the organisers of this event, I suggest you seriously reconsider how you organise your events and especially how you treat your visitors. To tourists and visitors in general, I suggest you do not go to this place until they get their act together.

So I read this one too, by Sean Patrick. And I really really enjoyed the cover design. Nothing else really that interesting about this book though. Turned out to be basically a motivational essay by a Tesla fan. That about sums it up.


Fair warning: Not the nicest version of me has written this article.

Last week I wrote a blog post about my thoughts on the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Since then I’ve been receiving preposterous amounts of “feedback” regarding that post. The tone and language of some of this “feedback” in my comments section resulted in flame-wars between readers, and I ended up having to disable comments. But I’m still getting the emails and the Facebook messages and so on. So for some of you who’ve written me comments and messages that have been a pleasure to read, thank you. And for the rest, I feel the need to write a response.

Sorry I’m not writing back to each of you directly, I’m afraid the post here will just have to do. As it happens I actually have a life, and a really busy one at that. And perhaps due to my line of work and style of life, I’m not nearly as obsessed with fiction as some. Simply put, this whole thing is just not important enough.

First, this is my weblog, and I will write in it as I please. I’m not employed by anyone,3439859-9541807941-middl[1] I’m not paid by anyone, I’m not under any form of obligation and the only rules I follow here are those of my own values. This weblog is old as hell, and yes, I have readers. Some of them read because they like what I write, some because they hate what I write, and some somewhere in between. And sometimes they share my posts with others, so that they can like or hate it together. And sometimes my posts end up on websites with a lot of readers. I don’t ask for that, I don’t object to that, and I don’t change what I write because of that. I’m generally not concerned about accidentally stepping on anyone’s toes, due to _my_ personal_ opinions.

Having said that… putting all the attack literature I’ve received together, a few very interesting points stand out.

It is quite interesting how in general there’s no real mention of precisely “why” I’m wrong. There’s a whole bunch of “you’re wrong because this is the best movie ever made”, but no rational responses to anything I’ve written. Mind you, once again, what I wrote wasn’t to say that this was a “bad” movie, it was to say that it did not, at all, meet the expectations set by the DnA [and the long line before that] comic books. It appears that some 90% of the unhappy comments I’ve received are from people who’ve never read those, or haven’t paid much attention, and generally do not have any idea what I’m getting at. I did mention that if this is your fist encounter with the whole thing, you’re probably fine… didn’t I? [Well unless you were looking for intelligent entertainment in which case.. well… hello!]

Even more interesting are the comments from people saying that they find the books not interesting, because they’re “needlessly complicated”, “don’t feel like comic books”, “there’s too much details” and so on, and that they’re happy with the now more entertaining version of things. I must admit, it’s taking quite a bit of my energy to not write something really obscene in response to that.

I will however say this, thank you very much, that’s very 1984 of you. So how’s about we abandon the needlessly complicated English dictionary and just go for Newspeak then? We don’t need so many words to communicate do we? I mean after all it’s not like we have any need of communicating complex concepts, do we? And while we’re at it, let’s take every bit of thought provoking, meaningful literature out there and simplify it to death. It doesn’t matter that we’re already suffocating under the tons of pointless nonsense, let’s take the few remaining shreds of good substantial thought-food and convert them into mass-pleasing balderdash too, how about that eh?

Or, you could just stick to whatever pleases you, and leave what pleases me alone. Hmm? How about you enjoy your 90% and leave me to my 10%. You see, if you don’t “get it”, it doesn’t make it “bad”…

Oh, and thanks for calling me an “Elitist”, again. I’m starting to feel quite comfortable with that term. In fact I seem to get a warm tingly feeling every time a clueless ninny calls me that. So yes, I enjoy both intelligence and intellect, but even more so, wisdom. And you have no idea how happy it makes me that you don’t like that about me.

Forget that it’s 2014, it not possible for me to have one such discussion without somebody playing the “but you’re just a girl after all, what do you know” card. Honestly that’s so old I don’t even feel like addressing it anymore. So I say only this: I can build you a functional robot out of the junk in your garage, and I can teach you a fine lesson in humility with a pair of long-swords. Feel free to drop by any day of the week.

Another really big load of text that didn’t explain in any rational way why I’m “wrong”, went in the direction of explaining why it’s “bad” to be a fan of Joss Whedon. Hmm. There was the attempt to make me understand that the only reason I like Joss Whedon is that I’m a feminist, and he has a reputation for writing strong female characters. It was then explained to me how that’s only a pretence, and how his female characters are actually weak and needy. 

On one hand, I am as further away from feminism as I can possibly get. On the other hand, yes I do happen to like Joss Whedon’s female characters, as well as the male ones, and everything else outside or in between! Why? Because he writes characters I can actually relate to! You say his female characters are actually pathetic because… what exactly? Because they have flaws? Because they have needs? Because they make mistakes? Because they have weaknesses? As opposed to what exactly, what is it that you want to see in your female character, a glorified cyborg??? And do Whedon’s male characters not have the same issues in general? Are they not humanized the same way? Are his male and female heroes not equals?

On the third hand, what does this all have to do with Guardians, pray tell? Did you really just try to convince me that I’m wrong to prefer Joss Whedon’s direction by launching a “he’s a fake” campaign? Dear god people… as I have said before… please, please get a life.

At the end I would like to say this. You see, speaking my mind has a history of putting me in terrible trouble of the real sort. If you think the scorn of some Hollywood fanatics, over a movie review of all things, is going to have an effect, well… that’s just adorable.

Let me start by putting out the fires: I’m not about to say that this was a “bad” movie. How could I possibly say such a thing? It wouldn’t be fair. The movie is in fact quite 18b149286ca6f2920e017bd5d2ffcbf5[1]marvellous to watch! It was quite entertaining… as a stand-alone movie, a movie that  you would watch without any regard for the decades of Guardians comic-books and story arcs. If you don’t know anything about what the story was, what the point of it was, what the philosophy of it was.. If you don’t know anything about what Guardians of the Galaxy was supposed to be, then you’re fine. Prepare for 1.5 hours of awesome entertainment!

Visually speaking, it’s a pretty movie. I really love their visualization of “Nowhere”. The make-up and costumes were pretty good. Special effects are great. There’s a ton of nice fight scenes and explosions. 😉 If you’re into that sort of thing.

But then if you’re like me, if you’ve waited forever and a half for a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and then you go and see this… then you’re in something of a trouble.

Guardians and I.. well.. let’s just say we have history. 😉 For the longest time it was this peculiar set of story arcs out of Marvel’s never so popular cosmic side. When you mentioned it to people, the reactions ranged from “What’s that? I’ve never heard of that!” to “Oh right it’s something to do with Avengers right?”. Guardians of the Galaxy was this more or less ignored concept that every once in a while got picked up by one of Marvel’s bolder writers, changed in various ways, published for a while and forgotten again. That is until 2007, when by some miracle, the geniuses of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning [alias DnA] got their hands on it.

When DnA started writing Guardians, it had been a while since anyone had paid any attention to the whole thing. Stalking Adam Warlock as I generally do, I landed on the Annihilation/Annihilation Conquest series and the new DnA Guardians. And hot damn, it took my breath away.

The DnA era was the true age of glory for the Guardians! The best possible characters were put together, and their parallel development was fantastically well done! These were, to me, the best written comics that ever came out of Marvel. DnA’s Guardians with the ties to Nova, Silver Surfer and many other interesting characters, concepts and species, managed to bring Marvel cosmic back to life. And with that came attention.

I’m not sure exactly what happened but it looked like all of a sudden someone in Marvel came to the conclusion that some money could be made out of this! Guardians was taken from DnA, and handed to Bendis. A pop-culture writer who was in no way compatible with the mentality behind Guardians’ story lines. By the time the production of a movie was announced, it was pretty obvious that there was no hope of DnA having anything to do with it. Heck, they weren’t even consulted.

When I was told that the movie is not going to be all that much related to the new Bendis Guardians, I thought perhaps there would be a chance that the producers would follow in the lines of what made DnA’s Guardians such a treasure. Trailers looked exciting enough, and I figured perhaps all isn’t lost.

Well, no such luck.

The biggest issue with the movie is also the first one that slapped me in the face as the movie started. And that, is over simplification of the characters. You see, the whole fun of Guardians was that the characters were complex, odd, and unpredictable. Oh, and not a single one of them was made for team work.

Gamora doesn’t do nice and friendly. She’s just far more of a b**ch than has been portrayed here, and no, she would NEVER work for anyone least of all Ronan, that’s just not in her character. Peter Quill is well aware of his own origins and heck, the idea of getting back at his own father eventually is one of the biggest factors in him becoming who he is. And he doesn’t come from a space-pirate background, he comes from a freaky science background. And since when is Drax  a retard? This is Drax the destroyer, he was made to counteract Thanos in every possible way including intellectually. He’s supposed to be cunning as hell. It makes me want to sit down and cry over what they’ve done to him. Rocket knows he’s a Racoon. Heck his full name is ROCKET RACCOON gosh darn it! Oh and he would never in a million years get emotional over some idiot calling him a rodent. And since when is Ronan the Accuser this dishonorable psychopath? Are we talking about the same Ronan here? [Please refer to the last picture below.]

And then there was Groot. Oh, this was probably one of the few truly brilliant points of the movie. =) When I want to think positively about the movie, I generally think that this movie was just about Groot. Here was something really positive. I think Groot’s character has never been so well developed, explored and realized as it has been in this movie. I looooved his looks, his movements, his eyes, how he beat people up, and most of all I loved the “We are Groot” scene. So yes, one for the plus.

But I’m afraid a single well developed character doesn’t make up for the intellectual slaughter of the rest of them. These brilliant thought-provoking characters have been dumbed down to the point of annihilation! And well, characters that couldn’t be dumbed down were simply left out.

The movie is full of dull auxiliary characters, while the brilliant central ones are missing. The few that are still there, are suffering serious cases of lobotomy. It felt like the producers simply couldn’t handle anything that wasn’t totally pop-culture compatible. The lack of these characters at what is supposed to be the formation of the group, leaves huge plot gaps. Without Mantis this group of anti-social delinquents wouldn’t for a million years stick together. Without the influence of Warlock and then Richard Rider [the only Nova that ever really mattered], Gamora would simple not be interested in collaborating with anyone. And if you think she’d consent to go to her death after receiving a 2 minute pep talk from someone she’s known for 2 days, think again. Without Martyr [and yes I’m going to keep calling her that ’cause that’s her coolest version of her by far ] there is no Moondragon. And of course there’s no trace of [any] Quasar anywhere to be seen.

Gamora, Rocket, Starlord, Warlock, Drax, Martyr

The dialogues are weak and shallow. It appears to me that the producers didn’t really grasp the type of humour Guardians is supposed to have. The casting left a lot to be desired. Vin Diesel did a brilliant job with Groot. But the rest, as much as they are probably good actors, are just not what they should be for their roles. e.g.: As much as I am a fan of her previous performances, Zoe Saldana is just not right for Gamora, and Chris Pratt is totally not Peter Quill. At the risk of causing more fires, I’d say this movie should have had Joss Whedon and DnA at the helm, and a [mostly] British cast.

Now of course there are rumours going around already about more of the central characters making an appearance in the sequels. Given what I’ve seen so far, that actually worries me. I mean I’m sorry to say, but James Gunn directing Adam Warlock is looking rather unthinkable right now, and I wonder, who can they even cast for the role? This would require someone in the calibre of Alec Newman, Michael Sheen, or at least Sam Heughan [yes, I realise, Scottish – Welsh – Scottish.. wasn’t  on purpose but it’s not a surprise]. And something tells me that’s not the kind of actor they would be adding to this cast. *sight*….

Ronan, Warlock, Martyr, Starlord. The dream team, Annihilation Conquest. And yes that’s Ronan there.

So yes. I can watch the latest Captain America movie and be very happy with it, and write a very positive review of it. Because Captain America never had much of a plot till now. You see, I am all for changing the story, when it’s in the direction of adding depth, making a point, creating food for thought. Captain America got smarter, Avengers got smarter, heck X-Men got smarter… But unfortunately Guardians of the Galaxy has been intellectually undermined, and this is simply unacceptable.

On the sarcastically positive side, after watching the movie, I feel that the Bendis comics are not altogether that bad. At least he’s paying some respect to the existing plot-lines, and he’s not lobotomizing the characters completely…

In September 2006, SONY released their very first line of ebook readers, PRS-500. By October 2006, I had already got my hands on one, despite the fact that the product was at the time only available in USA [and I was living in Canada]. A few months earlier I had already come across the leaked specs for the device, and I knew I was looking at the realized version of something the need for which had been running around in my head pretty much since I started reading.

Hand held devices and tablet computers on which I could read eBooks weren’t anything new, but this was something entirely different. Aside from the nice proper size, ease of use, and well, being able to carry around a whole library in my back pocket, on this device I could read for hours without tiring my eyes due to the E-Ink tech. Having come to the conclusion that in a life like mine I simply couldn’t buy and carry around paperbacks, I moved to the ebook side long before that. But this was the first time I was well and truly freed of paper.

I can’t begin to describe how much I enjoyed my first reader, and since then I have kept a very close eye on the development of ebook readers from different brand. I guess that part is obvious, given the number of posts on this blog on the topic. Another thing that’s obvious from the posts on this blog, is that I’ve not up to this day found a reader that I’ve liked more than the Sony Reader line. [And yes well… for a time I was involved with the development… ]

I imagine by now I’ve made it pretty clear about the kind of dislike I have for Amazon Kindle, and the reasons. And I don’t have much positive things to say [comparatively] about the other popular products out there either. But then it’s not as if I’ve always liked how the Sony Reader has turned out.

Since PRS-500, I’ve basically tried every single Reader model that Sony has released [yes and I still have all of them =D], and not all of them have been so great. I loved PRS-500 since it was my first one. =) PRS-505 was very functional and very cool. PRS-700 was pretty much the love of my life. It was just beautiful, very smooth in every way, amazing performance, and it had back light. And then came PRS-T3. And every model that I haven’t mentioned, it’s because in some way or the other I didn’t really like it.

But oh my world, PRS-T3! This is quite easily the best Sony Reader up to now, and in my opinion very much the best ebook reader currently available. And well, remember how I recently mentioned something about amazing Sony products somehow being constantly dissed by online reviews? That applies to this product too. I can’t for the life of me figure out how it is that readers with terrible hardware, glitchie software and all sorts of limitations  are gaining name, while the Sony reader isn’t even on the charts!! [Probably a question for marketing people.] I can’t quite understand exactly how Kindle still exists, how it’s still being produced and bought, when a piece of art like PRS-T3 exists.


The device, which runs a mini version of Android OS, simply functions very very smoothly. It supports a wide range of ebook and image formats, including ones that Kindle and the rest of them don’t support, and you have no limitations as to where you get the books from. The note taking functionality works very well both with finger and a stylus. It’s naturally WiFi connected and there are no browsing limitations [you can go wherever you like via the browser]. The device has an optional “light cover”, where a very nicely designed reading light extends from the back of the cover. [And unlike the previous version, it doesn’t require a separate battery. It uses a negligible amount of the reader’s own charge.]

But I guess the most important feature of all is nothing new, the E-Ink is still there, and smoother than ever. The device’s display is brilliant, and you can stare at it for hours without any pressure on your eyes, or at least no more than staring at paper [hint hint to Kindle Fire users].

Oh, and to explain the part about “stolen and repurchased”. Well, originally I bought the T3 about 4 months ago. But less than a month after that I was robbed in the train, and the reader was stolen from me. So I had to repurchase it… well it was rather annoying seeing that for various reasons I purchased this one from Canada and I had to have my mom buy it again over there and send it to me… But yes, the new one’s been here a few weeks now and all is back to normal.

After the rather tragic [or not?] death of my old lousy MP3 player, I started looking for something “good”. And by that I mean something that has nothing in any way resembling an iPod. And it’s actually both very annoying and very sad that nowadays it’s very hard to find a simple MP3 player that both does the job and is not somehow trying to imitate an iPod. =P

A couple of years ago I got my mom a Philips MP3 player which has turned out to be a very nice one, so that’s where I started. Trouble though, was that I was looking for something very compact, and with some very specific functions, and Philips doesn’t have that. And well, No, I didn’t look at Sony Walkman at first. Why? Well because I wasn’t hearing a lot of good things about it on one hand, and on the other hand back when I was buying my mom’s player, they officially had nothing interesting.

After searching through the catalogues of some of my usual go-to brands and a few others, and not finding what I was looking for, I did eventually end up back at Sony’s door. And that’s when I come across  the “NWZ-B173F”. To me it seemed rather perfect. Small, comfortable controls, clippable, with radio and voice recorder and the pretty nice zap-in feature and a tiny but clear screen. But then of course I looked into the reviews and once again it didn’t look very good.

The reviews paint a pretty unseemly picture of the Walkman players in general, and this model very much so as well. Main target of criticism is the design of the player, and the USB cap. It’s been said for instance that the cap is a loose fit, and starts to fall off after a few uses. And that the controls don’t function very well. There’s also been criticism on the sound quality and just about everything else.

Reading through the specs and having a closer look at the design, I decided to go with my guts and get the player anyway. And I’m so glad I did!!


It’s been a few months now since I started using the NWZ-B173F, and I’m EXTREMELY happy with it. I can’t for the life of me understand where all the nonsense comes from. The cap is not loose, the controls are perfect, and the sound quality is superb. I’m a bloody audiophile after all, I would know.

Now this wouldn’t be such a big deal on it’s own.. but I think I’m starting to see a pattern. In the past few years, Sony has produced some brilliant hardware, all of which have somehow ended up with either unfair, or really terribly unfair reviews. What is going on here? I mean I know that they have also produced their fair share of pure nonsense, but how exactly have their line of Android tablets and ebook readers ended up so underrated? Heck, even the NEX cameras are quite underrated, for what they’re capable of.

So well, yes, I am a bit of Sony fangirl I guess. And this is my attempt at exonerating the Walkman MP3 player. I’m also planning on writing about a few more pieces of Sony hardware soon enough…

Man of Steel

Honestly I wasn’t in such a hurry to see “Man of Steel”. Superman movies and comics have always been mere light entertainment to me, and even though I have occasionally enjoyed watching a movie or reading a comic, I’ve never been a fan. Through the years I’ve felt a chronic lack of plot and character development in all things Superman. [Which basically sums up my relationship with 99% of DC’s comics.]

So you can imagine my surprise, watching “Man of Steel” last night, and realizing in the middle of the movie that I was actually really enjoying it! Especially seeing the movie’s less than great ratings and the plenty of dissatisfied reviews! [Then again I often seem to like what everyone else hates and vice versa!]

Yes, I really really liked this movie! Many important details were changed, characters were much better developed, and most importantly so much nonsense and absurdity has been eliminated! I mean surprise surprise, for once in my life a Superman movie actually makes rational sense!!!!


For once we actually see a proper, well pictured, back story. Which actually explained why everything happened the way it all happened. I really enjoyed the beginning part of the movie where Krypton has been quite nicely illustrated, and we finally get a better idea of what “the parents” were like and what the circumstances were. Or for that matter why Zod acts the way he does. Also the earthly parents of Clark Kent have been much better developed. Supeman’s own character finally has some proper development with much less cheese involved. Oh, and for once, finally, someone has decided that Lois Lane should not be the idiotic, clueless, pointless, shame to all women, constantly in need of rescuing, aka the classical character. Thank you very much for that.

It’s been said the movie will have a next instalment in 2015. I do look forward to seeing that.

By the way, come to think of it, it’s interesting that the latest Batman movie was also the best I’ve ever seen, for pretty much all the same reasons! Looks like DC might have finally figured some things out… 😉  Maybe it’s time I go back and check the comic books……

CamScanner for Android

Been using this for a few months now, basically every single day. Free document/photo scanner app for Android, with the ability to create PDF or image files with pretty darn high quality. Absolutely love it!

CamScanner -Phone PDF Creator

Update: Well, turns out there’s not CamScanner HD for tablets specifically. Just installed it and so far it’s awesome! 


Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


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