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Archives by Subject: Musical Compatibility??!

So what just happened to that? I’ve noticed that since about 2 weeks ago, suddenly has decided to show very low compatibility between me and people who listen to a lot of the same as me… people who used to have near 100% compatibility with me. I think they’ve managed to break something. =P And yes I sort of care because it’s a good way of discovering music I may like. This service truly is on a downward spiral… meh.

  • Filed under: BlaBla,, Music
  • LOST Season 6……

    Ok so I just wanted to take this opportunity to say this is bloody PAINFUL. So I have to wait until February – May 2010 for a new season of LOST, and then guess what, it’ll be the LAST season. I am NOT happy right now. =P

    “Lost Season 6 is scheduled to be the final season of Lost. It has been confirmed in an ABC press release. [1] It will air from February-May 2010. It was originally intended to include 16 episodes. Due to the 2007 WGA strike, it will now comprise 17 produced hours.”

    Season 6 – Lostpedia – The Lost Encyclopedia

  • Filed under: BlaBla, Horrible, Sci-Fi, TV
  • 5 Facts About Me!

    Having been ridiculously busy in the past week or so, I hadn’t found the time to check out my favorite blogs. Now that I finally stole the time to do some reading, I figured that Optimus has passed on a kind of a pyramidoid game to me, where you basically write down 5 things about you that your readers might not already know. Hmmm ok, then I guess I’m not gonna write stuff like I’m into electronics or I listen to tons of music. Hmmmmm…. what am I gonna write… lets see. =)

    1 – I tend to remember stuff, and I mean that in a bit of an unusual way. The details of everything that happens to me, everything I hear, everything I see or smell or taste… I remember everything in details, no matter how long later you ask me about it. I have clear memory of my childhood, even very early stages. Even if there’s something that I don’t remember right away, if I sit down and concentrate on it for a few minutes, I can recall the whole thing with high-def picture and surround sound. Now this thing, is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing aspect of it is … well… memorizing stuff, very handy while studying… specially when I’m studying something like a new language or so… or remembering the lines of the books I read [and well I read plenty] .. or remembering the sound track for every single movie I see [lol =P]. Oh well, it’s a useful thing. Hoowwwever, the curse aspect comes in when I’m dealing with memories that I don’t like to remember!! I mean naturally it happens for everyone, events that one might not really like, dark memories… stuff that most people tend to send to the recycle bin of their mind. No such luck for me, I have the carry the whole thing for… well.. basically forever.

    2 – I’m an optimist. I believe in the bigger image and the higher force, and I believe that everything happens for a good reason. I’ve had a life full of events… full of ups and downs, and I have came to believe that I may or may not see the reason for what happens right away, but in time I will. And when I see that… somehow it’s always for the best.

    3 – I LUV LEGO. =) I’ve always loved LEGO, ever since I was a kid I was deeply into it, and even now… I seem to only get more and more interested. =)) I like to sit down and put together the pieces and bits for hours and hours and hooooooooours, and design my perfect spaceship or submarine or robot or a little tech city full of… well… all mentioned. =)) Some people say that’s because I’m a logical thinker… or engie student… or she-nerd. =)) I donno…. that may be…. but I just love the total peace of mind it gives me. And of course I do enjoy playing with others!! =)))

    4 – If someone asks me where I’m from, I usually say that I’m Persian. From Iran, that is. Because I was born and raised there. However, if you want to break it down to the genetics, then it gets a bit more complicated than that. And I mean… very… complicated. =)) Here’s a list of where I’m genetically from [as in, where my parents routes] , the higher in the list has the bigger part:
    – Welsh
    – Persian
    – Azeri
    – Indian
    – Turkish
    – Russian
    Addition: My friend insists that I should add that I’m also considered a Canadian now, having lived here for a while… and the citizenship and everything. Well, one more for the list. =)))

    5 – In my entire life, I’ve fallen in love only once, and it’s been the most precious gift in the whole existence. Thank you for everything, Oli. =) <3 <3 <3 Well, that’s my 5 facts. =) Now I’m supposed to pass this on to 5 other people, and that’s not gonna be easy, because apparently some people like writing something like this, and some don’t. Well I’m not gonna pass this directly to anyone, I’m just gonna say this to everyone who’s reading this article: Write the 5 facts if you like to, and let me know if you do so! =D Update: Well it seems like so far 2 people have managed to write the 5 facts. =) Check them out:
    Appearing Offline

    My Glasses! =P

    Ok hmm… this is gonna be a bit of a ridiculous post, but it seems necessary, since I keep getting asked the same question over and over again. So here’s the answer:
    The pair of glasses that I wear every now and then, are not exactly medical glasses. Yeah I’m talking about the blue frames. The glasses have got AR Coat, so to some limited extent they help prevent the eyes from getting exceedingly tired, while staring at the monitor for long hours. Of course the even more important reason for wearing them, is simply the fact that I like glasses. Ok? =PPPP
    I hope it’s all clear now! =))


    Something’s terribly wrong with me today! I’ve been debugging the simplest mere extension circuit for hours now and I still can’t get it to work! All bloody analog…nothing fancy. Now I have a blown up op-amp & 2 burnt finger tips, and after looking around for God knows how long I just realized that I have a reversed zener-d and for some reason I just couldn’t see it. Golly…I’m quite sure there are a few more of “that” type of problems laying around staring at me right now. I should probably leave it for now….at least for a few hours.
    As for World Cup frenzy….well I’m still pretty ticked off over Iran’s pathetic [for one kind word] performance in the game vs. Mexico. I’ve received all sorts of lectures on why things happened the way they happened and why this was to be expected….not like they make me feel any better. England’s team however has so far done well….& my fave match so far was the Ghana vs. Italy game. One hell of a game that one.
    And as for my Greek language studies….it’s going fine, thanks for asking! 🙂 I mean it’s going as fine as it can possibly go given the conditions! It’s funny how everything tends to sound 180˚ different than what I would expect according to the alphabet basics. My search for “living resources” is still “on going”…… On the plus side, teaching Persian to my German friend is going pretty smooth.
    Now only if I could figure how this thing is supposed to sound like……:P

    Well…I already know where I stand with this! 😛 I mean…if I wake up to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, I check my emails too on my way to bed…Anyway, check it out:
    “It seems that the Japanese always have some newfangled idea that it appropriately spun to sell product. For only 2980 Yen (this mouse that’ll nag you about addicted to the Internet you are. Alternatively, your boss can use this mouse to record how active you are at work on your computer.”
    read more | digg story

    & I Walked….

    I walked…& walked…& walked….& walked….the weather waz fabulous….it waz raining lightly…&amp; I walked…& walked…& I watched the streets…all new to me….& I walked….& I watched the people…all interesting to me….all stranger to me….& I walked….& walked…..for hourz & hourz….I felt completely lost…..&amp; walked….& wondered how different people can be….& how different the weather can smell…..& how different the rain can taste….& walked…& I felt the sun rays on my skin…coming from behind the clouds…..I’m the same….you’re the same….& I walked…& there were drops all over my face….rain drops on my cheeks…..&amp; I walked…..& wondered if rain waz painting my feelingz on my face…..& walked…& walked….& the more I walked the further I got from my destination…..& I walked….& I thought to myself….I’m so not close to home………….

  • Filed under: BlaBla, Life, Thoughts
  • Welsh Proverb.. My Situation

    Dyfal donc a dyr y garreg.

  • Filed under: BlaBla, Life, Welsh
  • I’m fine!

    Hey all! who said I’m sick? Don’ worry I’m allright!!!! It’z so cold here but I will survive!! But thx 4 all the mailz guyz u really make me feel great!By the way, I hadn’t ever seen this much snow in ALL MY LIFE!!

  • Filed under: BlaBla, Old Posts
  • Hello!

    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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    Oh and there's cookies here. Yummy ones.


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