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Who are you?

It’s this ice-cold feeling I get, followed by an uncontrollable urge to run in the opposite direction…. When I come across this very special sort of people, who seem to read a lot but it doesn’t teach them. Learn a lot but it doesn’t change them. See a lot, but stay blind. Experience a lot, but don’t evolve. Touch a lot, but don’t feel.

I wonder what happened to you… where are your layers? Where is your soul? Where is your heart?

  • Filed under: Thoughts
  • Doctor Who and Gender Equality

    Fair warning, I’m pissed. This is going to be a rant-ish post.

    For the life of me, I can’t understand how we ended up here. How did I go from voicing my opinion about the latest iteration of Doctor Who, to a full on conflict regarding the topic of “gender equality”.

    The ridiculous non-issue issue:

    In a massively misguided move, BBC decided that the next Doctor should be female. Yes, I’m a girl. Yes, I bloody well hate this decision. Why? Because this character has historically been the personification of dude quirk. He is male. He just is. In every iteration he has looked different, sounded different, been a different age.. but he has always been, without any doubts, a quirky, idiosyncratic male.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am all for a kick-arse female time lord, but not turning an already established very much male character, female. BBC’s decision comes through as a cheap distraction, as if they simply had no idea where to go with the series next.

    But you know what is boiling my noodles right now?

    The fact that voicing that opinion has so far several times resulted in someone wagging a finger at me and bringing up our modern society’s move towards “gender equality”!! I think somewhere along the line we forgot what gender equality is about, what it actually means. Gender equality has never been about genders being equal. It has always been about genders having equal rights, about everyone being able to make their own choices about their life, their education and career. It’s about the law giving every human being similar rights. It’s about fairness in our judgements. It’s about respect.

    But genders themselves are obviously not supposed to be equal. Some people are female, some male, some both, some neither, some somewhere in between. Each of these categories is unique, each have their own characteristics, idiosyncrasies, aptitudes. Each have their own special something to add to the balance of our human society. What is the point of their existence if they were to be all the same? Have we forgotten that simple fact? Aren’t we, in our overflowing enthusiasm towards the topic of gender equality, suddenly being dismissive towards the identity of each category?

    I guess by now you can tell that this post is not about Doctor Who. My rant is about the many examples of the term “gender equality” being misused these days. I’m getting the feeling the term is turning into an all purpose gadget people use when they can’t come up with a better arguement. We’re going straight from one imbalance to the other. There is no way we can be fair to any gender, as long as we are not acknowledging the particularities of that gender.

    Let’s keep that in mind the next time we’re wagging our finger at someone and shouting gender equality at them.

    P.S.: Yes, right now there’s two versions of my blog and they both look….. under-construction I guess? It’s the same content, it’s just two different systems… long story, it’s a test run and I currently am not finding time to move things forward, so for the moment… yeah there’s two of them.

    Fair warning: Not the nicest version of me has written this article.

    Last week I wrote a blog post about my thoughts on the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Since then I’ve been receiving preposterous amounts of “feedback” regarding that post. The tone and language of some of this “feedback” in my comments section resulted in flame-wars between readers, and I ended up having to disable comments. But I’m still getting the emails and the Facebook messages and so on. So for some of you who’ve written me comments and messages that have been a pleasure to read, thank you. And for the rest, I feel the need to write a response.

    Sorry I’m not writing back to each of you directly, I’m afraid the post here will just have to do. As it happens I actually have a life, and a really busy one at that. And perhaps due to my line of work and style of life, I’m not nearly as obsessed with fiction as some. Simply put, this whole thing is just not important enough.

    First, this is my weblog, and I will write in it as I please. I’m not employed by anyone,3439859-9541807941-middl[1] I’m not paid by anyone, I’m not under any form of obligation and the only rules I follow here are those of my own values. This weblog is old as hell, and yes, I have readers. Some of them read because they like what I write, some because they hate what I write, and some somewhere in between. And sometimes they share my posts with others, so that they can like or hate it together. And sometimes my posts end up on websites with a lot of readers. I don’t ask for that, I don’t object to that, and I don’t change what I write because of that. I’m generally not concerned about accidentally stepping on anyone’s toes, due to _my_ personal_ opinions.

    Having said that… putting all the attack literature I’ve received together, a few very interesting points stand out.

    It is quite interesting how in general there’s no real mention of precisely “why” I’m wrong. There’s a whole bunch of “you’re wrong because this is the best movie ever made”, but no rational responses to anything I’ve written. Mind you, once again, what I wrote wasn’t to say that this was a “bad” movie, it was to say that it did not, at all, meet the expectations set by the DnA [and the long line before that] comic books. It appears that some 90% of the unhappy comments I’ve received are from people who’ve never read those, or haven’t paid much attention, and generally do not have any idea what I’m getting at. I did mention that if this is your fist encounter with the whole thing, you’re probably fine… didn’t I? [Well unless you were looking for intelligent entertainment in which case.. well… hello!]

    Even more interesting are the comments from people saying that they find the books not interesting, because they’re “needlessly complicated”, “don’t feel like comic books”, “there’s too much details” and so on, and that they’re happy with the now more entertaining version of things. I must admit, it’s taking quite a bit of my energy to not write something really obscene in response to that.

    I will however say this, thank you very much, that’s very 1984 of you. So how’s about we abandon the needlessly complicated English dictionary and just go for Newspeak then? We don’t need so many words to communicate do we? I mean after all it’s not like we have any need of communicating complex concepts, do we? And while we’re at it, let’s take every bit of thought provoking, meaningful literature out there and simplify it to death. It doesn’t matter that we’re already suffocating under the tons of pointless nonsense, let’s take the few remaining shreds of good substantial thought-food and convert them into mass-pleasing balderdash too, how about that eh?

    Or, you could just stick to whatever pleases you, and leave what pleases me alone. Hmm? How about you enjoy your 90% and leave me to my 10%. You see, if you don’t “get it”, it doesn’t make it “bad”…

    Oh, and thanks for calling me an “Elitist”, again. I’m starting to feel quite comfortable with that term. In fact I seem to get a warm tingly feeling every time a clueless ninny calls me that. So yes, I enjoy both intelligence and intellect, but even more so, wisdom. And you have no idea how happy it makes me that you don’t like that about me.

    Forget that it’s 2014, it not possible for me to have one such discussion without somebody playing the “but you’re just a girl after all, what do you know” card. Honestly that’s so old I don’t even feel like addressing it anymore. So I say only this: I can build you a functional robot out of the junk in your garage, and I can teach you a fine lesson in humility with a pair of long-swords. Feel free to drop by any day of the week.

    Another really big load of text that didn’t explain in any rational way why I’m “wrong”, went in the direction of explaining why it’s “bad” to be a fan of Joss Whedon. Hmm. There was the attempt to make me understand that the only reason I like Joss Whedon is that I’m a feminist, and he has a reputation for writing strong female characters. It was then explained to me how that’s only a pretence, and how his female characters are actually weak and needy. 

    On one hand, I am as further away from feminism as I can possibly get. On the other hand, yes I do happen to like Joss Whedon’s female characters, as well as the male ones, and everything else outside or in between! Why? Because he writes characters I can actually relate to! You say his female characters are actually pathetic because… what exactly? Because they have flaws? Because they have needs? Because they make mistakes? Because they have weaknesses? As opposed to what exactly, what is it that you want to see in your female character, a glorified cyborg??? And do Whedon’s male characters not have the same issues in general? Are they not humanized the same way? Are his male and female heroes not equals?

    On the third hand, what does this all have to do with Guardians, pray tell? Did you really just try to convince me that I’m wrong to prefer Joss Whedon’s direction by launching a “he’s a fake” campaign? Dear god people… as I have said before… please, please get a life.

    At the end I would like to say this. You see, speaking my mind has a history of putting me in terrible trouble of the real sort. If you think the scorn of some Hollywood fanatics, over a movie review of all things, is going to have an effect, well… that’s just adorable.

    So, well, yes, I did finish reading The Hunger Games trilogy. My thanks to you who forced me into it. 😉 I don’t however have much to say about it. Not for the lack of thoughts, mind you. But simply because I don’t know what to say… I don’t know how to put it into words… I guess for me it got a tad too emotional.


    As usual, the movies are good but they do not at all reach up to the books. The books tell a story that can very well happen tomorrow, in detail they depict a world that so resembles our current one. That’s why it was very emotional for me to read them, because there are too many familiar elements, too much connection to reality. Thanks to all I’ve seen, I had far too many “oh, I know exactly how that is” moments reading the 3 books.

    All I can say is that I hope we somehow manage to skip that. I don’t know how likely it is though, as my own experiences living in various parts of the world have shown me too much to leave me with much optimism regarding the direction our race is currently headed to.

    And you know what? The ending always looks like that….

    Misogynistic Bollocks….

    Fair warning: I’m angry and therefore quite possibly offensive. Also, you’ll need to speak Persian for this one….

    Of all the misogynistic idiotic mindless hogwash that _some_ of my beloved Iranians are nowadays spreading around social networks such as Facebook, every once in a while something really gets on my last nerve. Here’s one. I guess what really boils my blood is that this was shared by a WOMAN. Mind you, I’m not a feminist by any definition, but sometimes I just run out of patience with these things….

    So I’m saying to the “man” who created this and whomever’s spreading it: I dare you to compare my IQ, my credentials, my accomplishments, my technical skills, my general wisdom and etc with YOUR OWN. Lets create a chart and publish the results. I dare you. Lets see which one of us is doing better in this life, and then lets talk about your work of art here….

    I double dare you.

  • 1 Comment
  • Filed under: Anger, Iran, Life, Thoughts
  • Google+ Real Name Disaster

    When I first started using Google+, the name on my profile was obviously my nicknamegoogle_plus_fist which I had always used on my Google account. A nickname which by no means gives me anonymity, seeing that it has been attached to my real name all over the web, and even people in real world very often call me with it. The nickname has been around since my first days of hacker-spaces and various other tech sub-societies and as a result a lot of people would look for me by it, hence my persistence in using it…

    When I received the warning message on my account saying that I had to use my real name, despite the bad taste that was left in my mouth, I went ahead and switched to my real name. I figured I was way too busy for the drama that would follow, were I to keep the nickname. That was a bit more than a month ago.

    Well, big surprise, the drama came anyway. 2 days later my contacts started telling me that my Google+ profile was no longer accessible, showing a “not found” message. I checked my profile and saw the message on the top of it, saying that my profile was suspended due to my name not being acceptable by their “standards”, and was waiting to be reviewed, which would probably take a few days. A week later, my profile was still suspended, I had received no communication from Google, and I had come to realized that my ability to use other Google services was also limited.

    That was when I started looking for ways to communicate with whomever was in charge. First thing I noticed, was that there basically are no functional ways for doing that. I tried sending a number of feedbacks which clearly had no effect. Then I landed on the support forums which is apparently where Google intends for you to end up, if you go looking for help/support. Of course what you’ll never receive on these forums is help or support. My requests for help were ignored and eventually buried, same as many others. Soon it became clear that a terribly large number of people are on the same boat.

    While searching the forums for answers, I came across a few mentions of writing an appeal, using a link that should be somewhere on the suspended profile, but I saw no such link anywhere. Then I found out that the appeal link only shows up once your profile has been reviewed and “really” suspended. My profile seemed to not even qualify for that. So, for the duration of an entire month, my profile was stuck in the proverbial limbo.

    By the end of the 3rd week, I was thoroughly inflamed. With everything I had read in other people’s complaints, responses and stories, it had become quite obvious what the problem was. My uncommon name and even less common last name didn’t look enough like a real name to Google. That’s just so deliciously ironic, seeing that a simple Google search would have cleared out my identity. My name’s all over the web. I have a couple of domain names and as a result who-is records which happen to tie my Gmail address directly to my name. For Pete’s sakes, how difficult would it be to verify my identity?

    Doing some more digging, eventually I found a link to the appeal form somewhere and sent a number of appeals through. Then a good friend of mine offered to talk to his contacts in various departments in Google… but what finally did it, was another dear friend talking to her contact in Google+ , and getting my profile released [thanks a lot =) ].

    So now, after a month of bloody struggle my account is usable again, and that only because of my friend and her friend. I find many aspects of Google+ quite brilliant, but this experience has been a true disaster, and the whole “real name policy” is looking like serious folly.

    As I once wrote in the forums, it was my impression that this was supposed to be a social network for people from everywhere. But these so called policies seem to be shaping the service such that mainly people from North America and certain parts of Europe can use it without trouble. In the past decade Google has slowly taken over the web so that one way or the other you’re using some of their services, and now a lot of people who for some reason or the other can’t do exactly as almighty Google commands, are in trouble.

    There are many people out there who have very good reasons for not using their real names on the web. For instance, just look at the amount of political activity on services like Facebook or Twitter in the past year, by people from the middle east. Well, ban the use of nicknames, and you ban all these people. There goes all that political and humanitarian activity. There goes what was one of the most important contribution of social networks. There goes the platform for freedom of speech.

    Of course these are only a part of the reasons people might have, for not wanting to use their real names. Google says that they want people to interact on Google+ the same way they would in the real world. Well, look around you. There are many people who don’t use their legal names in their day to day lives. Plus, wake up and smell the coffee, this is the web, it was never supposed to be the real world. Google says that the real name policy is there, so that they can provide users with better service. Sorry, but would it have been benefits for users that you’re concerned about and not your own pocket, matters could have been much simpler. Instead of suspending user accounts, you could just warn them of the possible service quality issues, leave them to use whatever names they preferred, and put an end to this grand fiasco. Instead you’ve bought yourself a great deal of anger….

    And then there is of course the small and insignificant problem of those of us who have names that you have not heard before. I even know of people who’s accounts have been suspended several times simply because they have uncommon names. So what exactly is it that we’re supposed to do? Prove to the almighty gods of social networks that I’m actually called this? Well that would be pretty much the end of both my patience and my interest.

    So thanks to my friend, I have my account back which is pretty important for my use of several other Google services, but as to Google+… I don’t know. After all of this, I’m no longer certain that I’m all that interested in using the service. For the moment the only reason I’m sticking around is my connections in there. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what will happen next….

    Further reading: A similar story, and an interesting article

    Bones & Castle

    I just feel like mentioning this, because recently I was talking to a couple of friends about it… 😉

    Bones and Castle are both TV series that I like and I watch [whenever I get a chance, which usually means so many episodes at once…]. But seriously, how can anyone not see that Castle is totally a Bones rip off?

    gurney shot

    I’ve been a fan of Bones since it first showed up in 2005. I find the series to be a very interesting one, and generally not brainless entertainment. The story lines are complex and sophisticated. Also full of interesting scientific facts, and I can even see a touch of sci-fi in there rather often. I do consider myself a fan of the series and I try to catch all the episodes even if it means late night marathons.

    Castle on the other hand… well… let me see how to put this. Castle seems to have borrowed much of Bones’ structural elements. The cop and the novelist, the touch of romance, the adventurer and the conservative, the single parent… and many more details of Bones can be seen in Castle. But of course all of that does not in any way mean that Castle’s story lines are EVER as interesting as Bones’. Castle is a very usual mystery/crime/cop TV series. It’s rather entertaining and often enjoyable to watch, but I watch it for smiles only, and I don’t find any thrill what-so-ever in it’s plots. So all in all I don’t think I’d really call myself a fan of the series, and I don’t mind missing episodes here and there.

    So yes, that’s how I compare the 2. I sort of like Castle but I very much see it as a rather weak Bones rip-off.

    Oh, and I must say that I’m so looking forwards to seeing Bones season 7. The way season 6 ended was pretty insane… 😉

    I have to start this by saying that I’m not trying to “bash” vegetarians or vegetarianism. I’m not an anti-veg, and I don’t have a problem with vegetarians or vegans for that matter. Generally I’m a kind of person who believes that every human being is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and I respect people’s way of life, regardless of how different from mine they may be. I have to insist on all of the above, because I don’t want to cause any misunderstandings.

    I don’t know how exactly this started, but I’m currently feeling exceedingly tired and annoyed, as a result of a collection of encounters that I have had with vegetarian people during the past couple of years. When did vegetarianism turn into a religion? And why is it that a very large percentage of the people who turn veg, see it fit to try to either convert you, or act as if you’re somehow unholy?

    I read the labels on the food products I buy [or anything else for that matter] quite carefully. I pay close attention to my diet, nutritional balance, and needs of my body. I do sports and I exercise every day, sometimes heavily. Generally I pay attention to my health and fitness. Apparently, this somehow makes me the perfect target. First I am “invited” to take the “next step”, then comes the bickering and well, if you know anything about me you probably know that I don’t react too well to someone trying to poke at me using arguments that they can’t properly and logically defend. And yes, I’m afraid most of the times the discussion comes to an uncomfortable halt once you bring the medical and nutritional facts to the tables. Facts that unfortunately most of these terrifyingly passionate vegies didn’t think to read through before they chose vegetarianism not only for themselves, but for the rest of us as well.

    But before we get to the actual health facts, I also have to make a mention of another questionable reasoning the religious vegies usually bring up [very often when all else seems to fail], and that’s the whole animal cruelty discussion. Well, I don’t wear Merino wool or fur or anything of the sort. I don’t eat in McDonald’s or any of the similar chains. I think what these corporations do to animals is indeed criminal. But is that in any way the same as what humans have traditionally been doing for millenniums now?

    When the Native Americans hunted a buffalo, they killed it as quickly and painlessly as possible. They did so for their survival, and they used pretty much every part of the animal for a purpose, so that nothing went to waste. Like them, I believe in nature, and in it’s rules and balance. In the cycle of nature there are billions of examples of bigger living organisms feeding off of smaller ones. I don’t see anything wrong with that. To me, that’s as correct and  natural as it gets. However, unfortunately us human beings have turned into the only animals who kill other living beings just for the heck of it, or torture other living beings for our own profit, and I truly despise that. But how does it make any sense to say that use of meat or other animal products in the traditional sense is also “animal cruelty”??! “Meat is murder”? Really? If that’s the case then I suppose mother nature is the biggest murderer of all eh?

    So now let’s get back to the health and nutrition side of things. I’m not going to try to explain the medical facts myself seeing that I don’t have a degree in any of the related fields, but instead I have decided to create a reference list below, from a number of quite well written articles on the web that explain everything.

    Of course I have to add a few notes of commons sense as well. In general what a person’s body needs and what keeps them healthy is to a good extent depending on the person’s body type, age, sex, life style, form and amount of activities and many other details. To recommend a diet [more like a life style in this case] to someone without taking account all the variables of their life, is generally a very bad idea. I for instance have a somewhat above the average amount of physical and mental activity per cycle, and I hardly ever sleep. The following articles will give you an idea as to how it would be an extremely bad idea for someone like me to become a vegetarian.

    Also, if your diet used to consist of so much meat that you may have expired from Gout, your new vegetarian diets is most certainly much healthier. If you pay a good deal of attention to your vegetarian diet and make sure to include replacements for what you don’t eat, you can certainly have a more healthy diet than most people in this world. But again, that doesn’t mean that vegetarianism can be healthy for everyone and in fact, very often it is not, specially since it becomes a severe pain to create a “real” healthy vegetarian diet, which is something that many vegetarians don’t seem to realize.    

    The list of articles and references below is something that I’m compiling [with help from friends] so that from now on I can just forward people with “suggestions” to it, instead of having to say/type it all again each time. I have gone through the articles that I’m listing, with a couple of doctor friends, to make certain of their validity. If you’d like to add anything to this article or the links list, either log onto Verse and do so, or contact me. Enjoy reading! 😉

    [I have posted this article and the actual links list on this Verse page. This way anyone else interested can edit and contribute, so that we can have a more complete reference in time.]

    Let me start this by bringing an example. I’m not Chinese, Korean or Japanese. I’ve never been to either one of the countries. I’ve had my share of superficial contact with the languages and the cultures, but just that. I’ve never made any serious attempts at learning either one of these languages. And yet, if you write in all three on a piece of paper and show it to me, I can tell you which is which. I think most of you probably could… it’s 2010 after all. It’s the age of information, and with a tiniest bit of interest or curiosity, and 10 minutes [or possibly much less] of free time, you can gain yourself a general knowledge of just about anything.

    So, why is it that the movie/TV producers of the current era seem to have so much trouble gathering a very general idea of what the Persian language is, and what it’s supposed to look like, before using it in their productions in the most messed up way they could possibly manage? How difficult is it to get a correct and real piece of text to use?

    I was recently watching the latest episode of Chuck, in which the heroes of the story are supposedly stuck in an underground bunker in Iran, and the mistakes that were made in this episode regarding the Persian [aka Farsi] language made me think of a rather lengthy list of similar mistakes in other motion picture productions. So, here I’m going to write up a a few tips / common follies that you could pay attention to, if you’re going to use Farsi in your production…

    1 – Persian is not Arabic or Ordoo. [Well Duh!] Even though these languages have a similar font and some shared words, they’re completely separate languages. Just like English, German, Italian and Spanish are not the same language. So if you have people stuck in a bunker in Iran, please make sure that the stuff written on the walls is in Persian, NOT ARABIC! That includes you, Chuck producers! =P

    2 – The Persian font has capital letters and small letters. Every word consists of small Persian_Messupletters that can stick together in most cases, and capital letters that come at the very end of the word, separating the word from the next one in the sentence. You can’t just throw a bunch of disconnected capital letters sticking back to back in a line and call it Persian text. I’ve seen so many examples of this exact mistake recently, what’s up with that? One example would be this German movie I recently watched, called “Auch Lügen will gelernt sein“. A friend of mine sent me this movie as a part of my German practice homework package. Orrrrr maybe it was just because René Steinke is in it… ehm… *cough* *cough* 😉 Either way, the DVD came with a warning attached. Apparently my very much German friend who’s never had anything to do with Persian [except for the existence of me] could actually tell that there was something severely wrong with that supposed Persian text used in the movie. So how come the producers of the movie can’t figure as much? =P Come on!

    3 – Persian is written from…. here it comes …… RIGHT TO LEFT! Yes, most people give me such a surprised look the first time I tell them that…. I rather enjoy it! =)) =P So, if you have a piece of paper with a bunch of Persian stuff written on it and you want to make sure it’s the real deal, make sure the empty spaces at the end of the lines are on the LEFT SIDE, not the right side. That includes you, German folks mentioned above! =P

    4 – Iran and Iraq are NOT the same country, and they do NOT use the same language! Iraqi people speak Arabic! Iranians speak Farsi! This is also one very common mistake. A rather horrible recent example was the Lost TV series season 6 premiere, where the Iraqi character Sayid had an Iranian passport. Well not everyone can tell that a passport is Iranian just by looking at it, but as a producer you should at least be able to figure out that the writings on the passport are in PERSIAN, not Arabic. I wrote an article and included a picture here.

    5 – Persians are a not very small population who have been scattered around the world due to obvious unfortunate reasons. There are Persian communities in most major cities in North America and Europe. There are also lots and lots of online Persian communities, forums and websites. So what I’m trying to say is, finding someone with a proper knowledge of Farsi, is the easiest thing to do. If you want to use Farsi in your production, just get one of us to write you up something proper, rather than throwing a load of letters on a page and calling it Farsi.

    Well, this is what I can think of for now. Hope someone finds it useful! =)

    P.S.: The above picture is not exactly your example of a normal everyday Persian writing obviously. 😉 It’s the art of Persian calligraphy, which I’m currently practicing.


    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

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