I recently found out that my Ixian page has regular visitors, apparently that’s how some of my friends find out what I’m up to! Or if I’m really busy, that’s how they find out that I’m still alive… basically by checking out my news collection. =)) So that gave me the idea to create a bit of an extension to it. I created a new blog called “Secher Nbwi”. This new blog is in fact an auto-blog. The way it works, is that my activities around the web get automatically posted in there, via the feeds. Blog posts, twine posts, blip.fm posts… and everything else. So well, if you would like to web-stalk me, this is the easiest way to go! =D

I also added a couple of new toys to the Ixian page recently, and did some general updating on the website, including getting rid of the non-working last.fm widgets and adding my own brand new music player widget.

P.S.: If you’d like to know exactly what “Secher Nbiw” is all about, I suggest you read Frank Herber’s “Dune” series. 😉