OH MY GOD! Really? Seriously? Could that possibly happen? That would be just beautiful! =D

Since late last night I’ve been reading here and there around the web about how David Tennant has been approached for a role in the upcoming 2 part Hobbit movies! Apparently so far this is just an offer and no one knows for sure if it’s actually going to happen, but if it does… my oh my! Awesomeness to the max! =D

For anyone who may not be familiar with David Tennant, he is the actor playing the role of the 10th Doctor, in the British sci-fi series Doctor Who.  I’m a pretty big fan of Doctor Who in general, and well, the 10th Doctor is most certainly my favourite incarnation of The Doctor so far. 😉 Davit Tennant is an amazing actor, and if he goes on to play a role in The Hobbit, that alone will be a reason for me to see the movie on the opening day.

Another great actor who has been offered a role is Martin Freeman, who recently played the role of John Watson in the British TV series “Sherlock”. Apparently he will be playing the role of Bilbo Baggins.

When I heard that the “The Hobbit” is going into production phase soon, I was very excited. I’ve always said that the Lord of the Rings trilogy movies are an extra simplified version of the books, and that they miss a ton of important facts and side stories and a whole lot of depth in comparison to the books. However, that’s only natural. There’s just no way to put a Tolkien book into a movie exactly as it is, due to the incredible amount of details in his books. With all of that in mind, I believe that the LOTR movies where quite fantastic from many different aspects [well, Duh! ;)], and I’m now very much looking forwards to seeing “The Hobbit”.

You can read more about the possible cast of “The Hobbit” here.