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Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Comic-Con 2013

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Star Trek: Into Darkness

“Star Trek: Into Darkness” : I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUV IT! =D I mean, I really really really love it. We went to watch it on Monday evening, and it’s still running in the background of my mind. Fantastic plot, awesome visuals, perfect cast…. This is definitely one of the very best Star Trek movies I’ve ever seen, and I already have the feeling that unfortunately it is, and it is going to be, underrated.

[Warning, from here on there could be spoilers.]


“Wrath of Khan”, and “The Search for Spock”, were actually the first 2 Star Trek movies I watched as a child [very little =)], and basically the first time I watched anything Star Trek. Somehow the two movies left quite an impression on me… perhaps the reason why I’ve always been such a huge fan of the franchise. The scene of Spock’s death in “Wrath of Khan” was something that really affected me… the idea, the feelings, the message… So you can imagine, for me it was quite amazing to watch the same scene in the new movie, except with the positions reversed. In fact all the “mirrors” in “Into Darkness” were very exciting for me.

I also think that the choice of Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan, was basically as good as it could possibly get. =D He was completely perfect for the role. The character of Khan was always interesting, but I feel that Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance somehow managed to make something new out of the character. A much deeper, much more twisted, and terribly impressive new Khan. I’m also a huge fan of the “old Spock” cameos, and Simon Pegg as Scotty is also a completely brilliant choice.

I really cannot understand all the criticism that the movie is receiving. I just hope that J.J. Abrams keeps doing what he’s doing, and I look forward, impatiently, to the next one. =D

Robot & Frank

Few days ago I watched “Robot & Frank“. One of the better Robot movies I’ve seen. I guess I mostly liked the fact that this movie, unlike many sci-fi/futuristic movies I’ve seen, is not trying to decide or state whether this kind of technological advancement has positive implications or negative ones. Instead, it’s simply showing that it can have  pretty serious effects on the most private aspects of our lives, and our relationships, with others and even with ourselves.

Oh, and I loved the soundtrack! =)


The Dark Knight [Finally] Rises

About a year after all the buzz, and everyone [and most likely their dogs] having already MV5BMTk4ODQzNDY3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODA0NTM4Nw@@._V1_SX214_[1] watched “The Dark Knight Rises”, Saturday night I finally managed to watch the movie. =D I had simply not found the time before, especially given that I’ve [please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me….] never really been that big of a fan of the Batman movies. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had fun with the movies and the comics and heck, even the old TV series. =) I’ve just not really been a _fan_. At least, not till now.

The recent Batman movies [Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale] have been quite different from the older versions. There’s now actually a plot, a real story, some fantastic character development. And now, with this latest movie, I’m actually a fan! For the first time in my life I’ve actually watched a Batman movie that I’ve really truly enjoyed enough to even feel like watching more than once. =D

Of course it also appears [at least so far] that this is going to be the last Nolan/Bale Batman movie, which is quite a shame. This has definitely been the best version of Batman so far, and I really would have liked to see more of it….

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

This made me laugh, then cry, then laugh, then cry again…. One of “those” movies.


Donovan’s Echo

On Saturday night I watched “Donovan’s Echo“, thanks to the recommendation from a good friend. =) And totally loved it. Here’s yet another movie that somehow never became popular, and no one seems to ever have heard of.

Ok I am officially excited about this! As it turns out, not only Mr. Abrams is directing “Star Trek : Into Darkness”, he’s actually going to be directing “Star Wars VII” also!! Wow wow wow! Full article here.

Life of Pi

I read the book “Life of Pi” a few years back, due to the suggestion of one of my profs. I enjoyed reading the book quite immensely, and felt quite moved by it. Somehow I felt a lot of connections between the life of Pi and the life of myself. The book is definitely one of the best I’ve ever read.

When I heard that “Life of Pi” was made into a movie, and especially after reading up on the crew and the cast, I figured this is probably not yet another case of a really good book being mutilated into a movie. The book, as deep and wonderful as it is, it also tells a very simple story which I didn’t imagine would be too hard to make into motion picture. And then I saw the trailer, and I knew that I absolutely had to see the movie.

As it turns out, the movie is indeed a very good adaptation of the book. Aside from remaining completely faithful to the book, the visual aspects of the movie are quite marvellous, and the music is breathtaking. And I’m also very happy to see that they didn’t try to somehow hollywoodize the whole thing. =)

So for anyone who is a fan of the book, as well as anyone who’s never heard of it before, “Life of Pi” is totally recommended. Best if you actually go to a movie theatre and see the 3D version, as there are some truly spectacular scenes in there. I enjoyed it very very much. =)

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

It’s a pretty long list of reasons why I’ve always been a huge fan of Tolkien’s books, one of the main ones being the way there is a million and one story lines happening parallel to each other. There’s a lot of important information, as well as major and minor characters in each of these streams, contributing to the depth and the complexity of the story as a whole, and making the whole Tolkien universe a lot more of an intriguing place.

That is why, when the 3 Lord of the Rings movies officially took over the world, I was one of the very few people not to be that big of a fan of them. I did of course enjoy watching the spectacular visuals of the movies and many other great aspects of them. But my problem was with the amount of information, story pieces and even some very significant characters [Tom Bombadil being the best example] that were removed, in order to fit books of that magnitude into 3.5 hour movies. In my opinion, these modifications have altered the story line, and have caused irreparable damage to much of what Tolkien was trying to communicate through his stories.

When last year I read that for the single “The Hobbit” book, three movies were in production, I had to smile. I’ve been very much looking forward to seeing the movies, and last week I finally got to watch the first part, “An Unexpected Journey“. As I suspected, having considerably more time means that the movie is a lot closer to the book than the LOTR movies. The important parts are all there, and the story hasn’t really been altered in any way. And then there’s of course all the visual gorgeousness and the lovely scenery, and the truly awesome collection of actors and actresses. On that note I must say I’m really happy with the choice of Martin Freeman as Bilbo, him being one of my favourite actors and completely perfect for the role too. Oh, and was anyone else excited to see “Being Human”s Aiden Turner as Kili? =D

So all in all finally there’s a Tolkien book made into movie that I’m happy with. Now waiting impatiently for the 2 remaining parts….

The Fourth Kind

Very often I end up watching a movie long after the rest of the world has seen it, simply due to not finding the time. Also the more I want to see a movie, the more I avoid reading other people’s reviews and spoilers and sometimes I don’t even watch the trailer, regardless of how much noise it may have made. So a few days ago I sat down to watch “The Fourth Kind”, knowing absolutely nothing about it. And by the time the movie ended, I was sticking to the couch, hugging the cushions, my jaw was laying on the ground and I had plums for eyes.

And then I started Googling….. and you can imagine the rest. =P


Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


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I comply. ;)
Oh and there's cookies here. Yummy ones.


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