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Priceless Elevator Ghost Prank!

So a friend of mine just sent me this, and for the past few minutes I’ve been laughing my lungs out…. =D Oh how deliciously evil….. >=D

  • Filed under: Friends, Funny
  • Taiwanese Beef Jerky

    A few days ago, a very nice Taiwanese friend of mine, Lolita, gave me a pack of Taiwanese beef jerky. Something that I had never before tried. =) At the first glance the package contents looked more or less like any other beef jerky I had ever seen before. But after I opened the package and had a taste… well, let’s just say it’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted before!! This was probably one of the bigger surprises I’ve ever had in terms of foreign food taste. =) Well, the Taiwanese jerky is sweet. And I mean really, truly, cake icing kind of sweet. There’s also a ton of cinnamon in there, and it’s generally softer than common jerky. After the initial surprise slap has worn off, I’m finding myself stealing bits from the package more and more. The taste is so unusual that keeps drawing me back. As you can see, not much of it remains now…. =P

  • Filed under: Culture, Food, Friends
  • Google+ Real Name Disaster

    When I first started using Google+, the name on my profile was obviously my nicknamegoogle_plus_fist which I had always used on my Google account. A nickname which by no means gives me anonymity, seeing that it has been attached to my real name all over the web, and even people in real world very often call me with it. The nickname has been around since my first days of hacker-spaces and various other tech sub-societies and as a result a lot of people would look for me by it, hence my persistence in using it…

    When I received the warning message on my account saying that I had to use my real name, despite the bad taste that was left in my mouth, I went ahead and switched to my real name. I figured I was way too busy for the drama that would follow, were I to keep the nickname. That was a bit more than a month ago.

    Well, big surprise, the drama came anyway. 2 days later my contacts started telling me that my Google+ profile was no longer accessible, showing a “not found” message. I checked my profile and saw the message on the top of it, saying that my profile was suspended due to my name not being acceptable by their “standards”, and was waiting to be reviewed, which would probably take a few days. A week later, my profile was still suspended, I had received no communication from Google, and I had come to realized that my ability to use other Google services was also limited.

    That was when I started looking for ways to communicate with whomever was in charge. First thing I noticed, was that there basically are no functional ways for doing that. I tried sending a number of feedbacks which clearly had no effect. Then I landed on the support forums which is apparently where Google intends for you to end up, if you go looking for help/support. Of course what you’ll never receive on these forums is help or support. My requests for help were ignored and eventually buried, same as many others. Soon it became clear that a terribly large number of people are on the same boat.

    While searching the forums for answers, I came across a few mentions of writing an appeal, using a link that should be somewhere on the suspended profile, but I saw no such link anywhere. Then I found out that the appeal link only shows up once your profile has been reviewed and “really” suspended. My profile seemed to not even qualify for that. So, for the duration of an entire month, my profile was stuck in the proverbial limbo.

    By the end of the 3rd week, I was thoroughly inflamed. With everything I had read in other people’s complaints, responses and stories, it had become quite obvious what the problem was. My uncommon name and even less common last name didn’t look enough like a real name to Google. That’s just so deliciously ironic, seeing that a simple Google search would have cleared out my identity. My name’s all over the web. I have a couple of domain names and as a result who-is records which happen to tie my Gmail address directly to my name. For Pete’s sakes, how difficult would it be to verify my identity?

    Doing some more digging, eventually I found a link to the appeal form somewhere and sent a number of appeals through. Then a good friend of mine offered to talk to his contacts in various departments in Google… but what finally did it, was another dear friend talking to her contact in Google+ , and getting my profile released [thanks a lot =) ].

    So now, after a month of bloody struggle my account is usable again, and that only because of my friend and her friend. I find many aspects of Google+ quite brilliant, but this experience has been a true disaster, and the whole “real name policy” is looking like serious folly.

    As I once wrote in the forums, it was my impression that this was supposed to be a social network for people from everywhere. But these so called policies seem to be shaping the service such that mainly people from North America and certain parts of Europe can use it without trouble. In the past decade Google has slowly taken over the web so that one way or the other you’re using some of their services, and now a lot of people who for some reason or the other can’t do exactly as almighty Google commands, are in trouble.

    There are many people out there who have very good reasons for not using their real names on the web. For instance, just look at the amount of political activity on services like Facebook or Twitter in the past year, by people from the middle east. Well, ban the use of nicknames, and you ban all these people. There goes all that political and humanitarian activity. There goes what was one of the most important contribution of social networks. There goes the platform for freedom of speech.

    Of course these are only a part of the reasons people might have, for not wanting to use their real names. Google says that they want people to interact on Google+ the same way they would in the real world. Well, look around you. There are many people who don’t use their legal names in their day to day lives. Plus, wake up and smell the coffee, this is the web, it was never supposed to be the real world. Google says that the real name policy is there, so that they can provide users with better service. Sorry, but would it have been benefits for users that you’re concerned about and not your own pocket, matters could have been much simpler. Instead of suspending user accounts, you could just warn them of the possible service quality issues, leave them to use whatever names they preferred, and put an end to this grand fiasco. Instead you’ve bought yourself a great deal of anger….

    And then there is of course the small and insignificant problem of those of us who have names that you have not heard before. I even know of people who’s accounts have been suspended several times simply because they have uncommon names. So what exactly is it that we’re supposed to do? Prove to the almighty gods of social networks that I’m actually called this? Well that would be pretty much the end of both my patience and my interest.

    So thanks to my friend, I have my account back which is pretty important for my use of several other Google services, but as to Google+… I don’t know. After all of this, I’m no longer certain that I’m all that interested in using the service. For the moment the only reason I’m sticking around is my connections in there. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what will happen next….

    Further reading: A similar story, and an interesting article

    Goodbye Jack….

    Earlier tonight, I received an email from the wife of a very dear, very special friend, Jack D. Logan, informing us [his friends] that Jack has passed away. I’m still in shock. I thought he was pretty much through his health problems and well on his way to recovery… I have no idea how this happened. All I know is that I’m sad, and shocked, and cold, and….. *sob*

    My heartfelt condolences go to his family and friends, and everyone who was lucky enough to know him.

    On a bit of a personal direction… Gosh, this thread of me losing friends has to stop. 2011 has been gloomy in this way thus far… first a childhood friend of mine passed away, almost at the same time someone I thought of as a friend turned out to be anything but, then another friend passed away and now this….. *sight*…. =(

    Jack will be sorely missed. I will most of all miss the music he shared with me….

    A little dedication to Jack:

  • Filed under: Friends, Life, Music, Sad
  • Airport Pain

    Oh my GOD! This is sooooooo true! Thanks a lot René for this… I can’t agree more with it! =P

    [Also: Now imagine that in my case I often have 2 notebooks and a number of other electronic pieces that need to come out…. yeah… phuunn…]

  • Filed under: Friends, Funny, Travel
  • I know, I’ve been quiet lately. I know you folks have been expecting to hear/read quite a bit more about how things are developing here. Well, truth is I recently lost someone of weight in my life under rather strange circumstances. As a result, I’ve fallen back a bit from all forms of online communications, while I’m trying to deal with this. But I’m still here and I do read all that you write.

    This is quite difficult, I’m completely heart-broken and to all honesty it couldn’t have come at a more complicated point in my life. Nonetheless, I’ll get past it soon. I’ll survive… always do.

    P.S.: As far as music therapy goes, I came across this track a few days ago quite accidentally on MTV DE. And I totally fell in love with the band.

    Modelling, and Modelling!

    A couple of weeks ago, I had an offer to do some modelling for a pretty well known Italian fashion brand. The offer came to me through an Italian musician/artist friend of mine who is active in that field, and in touch with the founder of that brand. I told my friend that I was very flattered [which I really, truly am, believe me! =)], but working in that specific field is just not an interest of mine, and really not in harmony with my life style and fields of activity and work that I’m interested and involved in.

    So my friend relayed my response to his friend [a lady working for the brand], and then came the real surprise. A few days ago my friend told me that his friend had said that she was wondering why I had said no to the offer, since she had seen my profile on Facebook [oh, yeah!] and I had listed “modelling” as one of my interests. Apparently she was very curious as to whether I have an offer from some other brand or agency that I somehow found more interesting. =P

    Well, as you can imagine I had very big round eyes when I read my friend’s message saying all that. I knew that unless I was suffering from multiple personalities disorder, I couldn’t have possibly listed “modeling” as an interest of mine, and to all honestly I don’t think my friend believed that I had done so either. =P So then I ended up doing some digging in my own Facebook profile, and guess what… I discovered that I did in fact have the keyword “modeling” in there. Quite a few times too actually. Page names such as “Modeling the World” and “NLP Modeling” and numerous others with the “modeling” keyword most certainly are listed in my interests. =P Except of course, [well here comes the funny], those are all about  _SCIENTIFIC MODELLING_!!! D’UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here’s the moral of my story, and my advice to all the recruiters out there: Make sure your target model is interested in the same kind of modelling as you are. =P And when you see something with the word modelling in it on someone’s FB profile, CLICK ON IT, you’ll see it may or may not have anything to do with your kind of modelling. And yes, there are, in fact, OTHER KINDS OF MODELLING in this world! =PP

    We’re still having a good laugh over this so thank you….. ;))))

    People who have inspired me…

    A while ago I was asked this question on Formspring: “Which people inspire(d) you? (name a few if there are too many) Explain how they inspired you.” I ended up writing a pretty lengthy answer to it… and I was planning on turning it into a blog post, but hadn’t gotten around to doing so yet. Interestingly enough though, I’ve been receiving the same question from various people in different contexts all over the place, so I guess it’s best to write it down here and refer everyone to it. So, below is the answer to the question, and here is a link to the original question.

    Hmm. This is an interesting question with a pretty huge answer. =) Yes, there are indeed too many people who inspire me. It may be that I get inspired easily, by many things, ranging from very simple to very sophisticated. It could be a single sentence that someone says, or the simplest act, and what I get out of it could be massive.

    Ok, lets name a few, more or less randomly and off the top of my head.

    – My mom. Mahroo Araeenejad. =) She’s the strongest person I know, with a pretty much unbreakable spirit. She’s the power house, the one to rely on. And not just for me, for everyone around her. She has a heart bigger than this universe and a soul purer than sunshine. She inspires me in more ways than I can count.

    – My uncle. Dr. Mehdi Ghalibafian, also known as “the father of Iranian concrete science”. His wisdom, his dedication, his courage, his knowledge, his resourcefulness, his intelligence, his fantastic sense of humor, his kindness and his amazing personality will always be a source of inspiration to me.

    – Isaac Asimov. His books, specially the robot series, were among my main reasons for getting interested in robotics, AI and futuristic technology as a child, and later on choosing that as my main field of study and research.

    – Frank Herbert. The author of the Dune series. His books are life changing. Food for mind and soul.

    – The Little Prince. The adorable fictional character of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s legendary book of the same name. This book is like a road guide to life for me.

    – Mike Oldfield. His music speaks to me, very often saying that not even the sky is a limit.

    – Albert Einstein. I don’t think I need to explain this one. 😉

    – Thomas Edison. The God of “if at first you don’t succeed, try try try again”.

    – My friend TanTan. She has many many amazing qualities, but something about her that really inspires me is how truly fantastic a friend she is. I mean really, there’s being friends and then there’s being her…. <3

    – Vincent van Gogh. Hard to explain. There’s something I see / feel in his paintings that is very difficult to put into words, but it’s quite inspiring. I read his biography as a kid and it had a great effect on me somehow.

    This list could go on forever. Really, for EVER. It would include friends, musicians, scientists, engineers, writers, artists [and certain demoscene artists / musicians / coders would have their special place!]. But time is limited, and as I said, this is just a few, off the top of my head. This turned into an essay. Perhaps I’m going to make it into a blog post. And add it to Verse, so I can add people to it in time. Thanks for the idea. =)


    Lord Of Ultima

    For about a month now, I’ve been playing this online multiplayer game called Lord of  Ultima. And I think I really like it, so I’m going to recommend it for any of you w100126-lords[1]ho like me, 1 – Like games, 2 – Like to play with your friends, 3 – Like civilization style games, 4 – Hardly ever find the time to play anything at all. =)

    Lord of Ultima is a strategy / civilization style game that’s fully browser based, and runs quite smoothly on most any browser / system. So it requires no installation of any kind. You sign up for an account, choose a server, and start building cities and armies. You can choose to go to war with other players, or focus on building your empire. You can invite your friends to join in an alliance with you, and you can support each other. And the nicest part of all of this from the point of view of someone like me, is that it “can” take very small amount of time to play. Even though people do get obsessed and spend hours just staring at their monitors as stuff get built [or so I’m told], but that’s not something you have to do. 😉 Personally I play this game for 30 seconds each time, in between working or studying… and just that.

    I currently play on Server 6 EU, where me and friends have an alliance called Ariadne. If you’re by any chance tempted to join the game and play with us, you can check out a brief profile of our alliance @ Feel free to drop me a line if you like to join. =)

  • Filed under: Friends, Fun, Games, Internet
  • Hello!

    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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