Earlier tonight, I received an email from the wife of a very dear, very special friend, Jack D. Logan, informing us [his friends] that Jack has passed away. I’m still in shock. I thought he was pretty much through his health problems and well on his way to recovery… I have no idea how this happened. All I know is that I’m sad, and shocked, and cold, and….. *sob*

My heartfelt condolences go to his family and friends, and everyone who was lucky enough to know him.

On a bit of a personal direction… Gosh, this thread of me losing friends has to stop. 2011 has been gloomy in this way thus far… first a childhood friend of mine passed away, almost at the same time someone I thought of as a friend turned out to be anything but, then another friend passed away and now this….. *sight*…. =(

Jack will be sorely missed. I will most of all miss the music he shared with me….

A little dedication to Jack: