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I have no idea why it took me so long to finally read this book. This is my all time favourite musician, I grow up with his music, and yet it took me until now to read the autobiography. And now after finally reading it, somehow I wish I had read it sooner.

I’m not going to get into what Oldfiend’s music means to me or why, that’s too complicated for words. But let’s just say that my whole life, his music has been my sanctuary, my way of getting through tough times, and a description of my feelings.

So it’s been quite meaningful reading about where the magic comes from. It’s fascinating reading the stories behind the albums and the author’s own feelings and state of mind when he was coming up with each piece of the music. And I also really enjoyed the author’s language. The honesty, simplicity, and the “lessons learned”. The book is a wonderful journey and honestly, I think it’s totally worth reading even if you’ve never listened to a single track of Mike Oldfield’s.

  • Filed under: Books, Music
  • Orb Gaming Pocket Retro Game Console

    =D So I just received this in the mail [for winning a certain digital arts related competition]. It’s an interesting choice seeing that it looks like the tiny version of my old Pegasus, that I’m still a huge fan of.

    Aside from being very cute, it also turns out to be quite entertaining. Some 150 retro 8bit games, respectable graphics on that tiny LCD and even decent enough sound quality! Despite being quite tiny, the buttons are quite comfortable for me.. though I’m not sure what happens if you have bigger fingers than me, I guess it could be a bit of an issue. It requires 3 AAA batteries, though it doesn’t seem like it drains the batteries that fast. Altogether it’s a fun little gadget.

    So thank you guys, I’m enjoying this quite a bit! =D

    China Ink

    Given how increasingly hard it’s been to get my hands on colour soot ink, I’ve been experimenting with some China ink. And I have to say I’m very pleased with the results. Flows very well on various types of paper. Looks amazing on calligraphy paper and works great with my bamboo pens. It takes some getting used to as it’s far more slippery than soot ink, specially on calligraphy [or photography] paper. But once you manage to take control of it, the outcome is shinier than that of soot ink. Of course the whole slipperiness of it can make things a bit difficult for complex calligraphy [like Persian calligraphy], especially if you’re a stickler for the rules. But I’m not, so…..

    In case anyone would like to give it a try, this is the China ink I’m getting from The colour chart looks rather small, but keep in mind that these inks can be mixed quite nicely for a far larger pallette.

    So I heard about this book at the end of last week, picked it up on Friday evening and about 36 hours later, it was finished. I had a hard time putting it down, you could say.

    I wasn’t sure what to expect. There’s so much accusations flying towards this book already. There’s a lot of assumptions that this is a cry for attention, or an attempt at cashing in, or…. It becomes very hard to believe any of that nonsense after actually reading the book. It’s also not, well, boring. Or repetitious. Or a book full of empty accusations.

    What it is, is honest, well reasoned, sharp… and courageous! Really, this woman is risking quite a lot by coming out with all of this. And I sincerely doubt she thinks she’s going to have any significant personal gain here. In fact it appears she’s got quite a history of absolutely not profiting from anything to do with that accursed family!

    This is a book of answers and explanations.

    Especially since his appointment in 2017, there has always been quite a lot of speculation around who Donald Trump really is. Is “this all” just an act? Is he secretly very intelligent? Is he really that incompetent? What the hell is he really about? Why is he so inconsistent? His very special brand of not making any sense or showing any consistency, together with his fountains of faux confidence and bad jokes, seem to have somehow created him an air of charismatic mystery. One that seems to appeal greatly to the poor souls buying his act, and keep everyone else guessing. Well, this is why this book had to happen.

    Dr. Mary Trump, who as it happens is a clinical psychologist, is the niece of Donald Trump, and the daughter of the man who was considered the black sheep of the Trump family. She had not only spent time with this toxic family, but has also experienced first had the depths of their depravity. In his book, she clarifies who Donald Trump really is, what he really is, and precisely how he got to where he is today. The book demystifies the hell out of the living lie that is Donald Trump, dealing an awfully ruinous blow to someone whose only talent is to put up a show. A show so loud and so flashy that it manages to blind a ridiculously large number of people. This book is a magical pair of glasses.

    Trump has already started Tweeting his disapproval. On one hand he’s calling it all lies, on the other hand he’s accusing the author of breaching NDAs. [I mean… if she has nothing on you, Mr. Trump, then what are the NDAs for and why are you in such a state of fluster?] Unseemly allegations are already going the way of the author, and it’s probably only going to get more complicated from here. She’s risked going up against Donald Trump in a fashion that can actually truly hurt him, despite having first hand experience what kind of hell could get unleashed on her.

    So much of the criticism she’s already receiving, is coming from people who haven’t actually read the book and have no interest in evidence. And the attacks are so predictable, trying to assassinate her character rather than address the facts she’s putting on the table. But as Trump’s own actions manage to disintegrate his fictional image further, as more and more people, including his own followers, start questioning his claims, I hope more people will put swift and harsh judgement of this book and it’s author on hold until they’ve read it, and given it’s truth a chance.


    The Wandering Earth by Liu Cixin

    Ah… I just wanted to say that I finished reading this, and you should too. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. I can’t say anything more because it’s a Liu Cixin book. Which means that it’s as twisty and shocking and unexpected as it can possibly get. And so if I say anything, I could be spoiling it for you.

    What I can say, is just what I said when I was reading his Three-Body Problem. Liu Cixin has a truly unique writing style. His seemingly flat, spartan tone slowly moves you forward in what feels like a eventless, dull road for a while. And then suddenly a door opens and you fall head-first into a bottomless pit. You go back and read that passage a few times just to make sure that you did in fact read what you think you just read. And you say to yourself “what the…. what in the…. no that can’t be…..”.

    While The Three-Body Problem is a long procession of many of such pits and you keep climbing out of one and falling into the next, The Wandering Earth is a miniature version of that. Just a couple of pits closer to the end of the road, so  you get a taste of what the author can do.

    And yes, in case everything I’ve said is giving you the wrong idea: I am in fact saying that I enjoy reading Liu Cixin immensely. And I am saying that you should definitely read his books. And now I’m going to go decide which book of his I’m reading next.

    Says it all…

    From the Mutts Comics Instagram page.

  • Filed under: Love
  • Even Cities of Gold | Aleksi Eeben

    Oh ♡!

    This is an angry rant. You’ve been forewarned. 

    My social circle, friends and acquaintances, tend to come from all walks of life. Different backgrounds, attitudes and belief systems. Probably due to my family circumstances and upbringing, I’ve always been used to having all sorts of opposing ideas around me. I feel that life would become terribly dull if I were to be surrounded only by people who agree with me. I learn quite a lot by having discussions, or just listening to, people whose philosophies are partially or entirely against mine. I need to be able to see things from the point of view of the Trump supporter and the anti-vaxxer, because I end up seeing valuable facts in their side of story that I wouldn’t see otherwise. Being used to this practise, means that it’s not easy to piss me off even if I’m listening to an opinion that I personally find outrageous.

    But… this has limits. And now, I’m angry. Very, very angry.

    One very clear boundary to my patience is when someone’s misguided actions are directly endangering the lives of other people. And it makes me so sad, so sorry and so bitter when I see people I like, people I care about and have respect for, people among my friends and acquaintances, do exactly that. It’s been painful watching some of your opinions and actions on social media. It’s hurtful on a personal level.

    I’ve been watching you post pictures and videos of you dismissing the lockdown protocols in different parts of the world. Breaking quarantine. Not giving a f*ck about social distancing. Being proud of finding your way to some nice quiet corder of nature, conveniently failing to mention the public transportation you used to get there. You who are wearing a shirt saying that you’re young and healthy and not afraid of anything. You who are protesting in groups, expressing loudly that the government is taking away your human rights or freedom by telling you to stay at home. How out of touch with the reality are you? Do you realise that facts are still facts even if it’s the government voicing them?

    Anti-establishment anarchism, political activism and all these misunderstood labels you’re proudly putting on yourself, have no connection to your selfish, childish, thoughtless actions. Lockdown, social distancing and all the related protocols are not about you or your political opinion. I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but the Corona virus doesn’t give a sod about your bloody political opinion.

    This is about whether your grandmother will have the freedom to visit her doctor without the possibility of dying of Covid 19 constantly looming above her head. This is about whether your colleague with asthma will survive this bloody situation. This is about families having the freedom to visit each other again, families that might currently be stuck, away from each-other, in different parts of the world. This is about establishing regulations that would allow people to go back to their jobs before their lives are completely ruined and the economy of their country is damaged beyond repair. This is about putting a leash on this disaster before it causes even more ruin that it already has. This is a matter of survival. Do you understand that your delusion of fighting for your freedom, is practically taking away everyone else’s? Who gives you the right to destroy the lives and freedom of everyone else? Or do you perhaps think that freedom is a word that only applies to you?

    What irks me even more is that you, my dear “rebellious” friends, all happen to live in parts of the world with governments that generally aren’t known as oppressive regimes. You do not have a first clue what it is to live under an actual oppressive regime, take it from someone who has. And this is definitely no time for you to play out your fantasies of political justice heroism. Human rights are constantly shredded to bits around the world and you act like having to stay at home during a pandemic is the thing to go to war for? You’re clearly not interested in the well being of the society, only in your own personal interests. Oh, and the police wouldn’t have to force you to stay at home or respect social distancing if your own sense of logic and responsibility had taken over the task.

    Of course if you happen to have any interest in facts, the web is full of legitimate scientific information showing you exactly why you’re expected to follow these pandemic protocols. And if that’s too much effort for you, there’s even a ton of initiatives by people who try to, among other things, explain things as simply as possible so you don’t have to work too hard. Like this page here for instance:

    And while you’ve been busy worrying about your “freedom” [to spread the virus?], the world’s been finding out more and more about the effects of this virus, and what it can actually do to the human body. Does any of that happen to interest you by any chance? Here’s just a couple of interesting examples:

    COVID-19: also a systemic endotheliitis

    SARS‐CoV-2 in COVID-19 patients is likely to infect the brain

    Have a look around the web and I’m sure you’ll see a ton more informative articles on the bloody capabilities of this virus, as well as the global statistics of the damage it’s doing. And while you’re at it, please have a look at the charts on this page depicting the correlations between Covid deaths and age / preexisting conditions.

    A mortality perspective on COVID-19: Time, location, and age

    In China, more than 50 percent of COVID-19 deaths have been people who are over 70 years old even though most COVID-19 cases are being contracted by people below 70. Young people have interpreted this as an indication that they do not need to worry about the virus, while old people are being warned to take extreme caution. It is true that young people have a smaller chance than old people of dying from COVID-19, but they have a smaller chance of dying of almost any other health risk as well. In China, the age at which people died from COVID-19 was very similar to the age at which people died normally (Figure 4). And there are already signs that the age profile of deaths in China may not be the same as the age profile elsewhere, so it is useful for people of all ages to take extreme care.

    Putting all of the above together, does it seem to you like your age and level of health is going to make you magically impervious to the effects of the virus? Does it seem like it would be possible to just isolate a “risk group” and let everyone else do as they wish? And even if that would have somehow made sense, do you really want to take away the freedom of every old or ill person permanently and just let the pandemic agony to continue?

    So you want to talk about freedom? Here’s the freedom I want. I want the freedom to not be stuck in this miserable situation any longer than I have to. I want the freedom to go back to some semblance of a normal life. These are the freedoms you’re taking away from me, by helping the virus spread. Shame on you.

  • Filed under: Covid 19, Politics, Rant
  • Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!

    During my early teens, I was told by a few people whose opinions I respected, that I should read “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!“, and that I would find a “kindred spirit” in the legendary physicist! So I started reading the book, and then “life” happened and I never got to the last couple of chapters.

    Given how much I enjoyed reading as much of it as I did, I don’t quite understand how it is that it took me this long to go back and finish the book. But now I have, I have re-read the whole thing and finally finished it. And what a treat it’s been. =)

    I really am grateful to the people who originally suggested the book to me. I must say I did indeed find a kindred spirit in there. The book taught me a few things when I first read it, and now after all these years, once again, even more.

    The early chapters to do with Feynman’s childhood and youth shenanigans gave me a feeling of acceptance [I don’t know how else to describe this] as a kid. Now, at the spot where I stand in my life, given what I have experienced for myself, I can relate to the experiences and views of the adult Feynman much better. His experiences within academia, and the human society as a whole, make a lot of sense.

    So thanks for getting me to read the book. Took me a while to finish it but hey, I think it may have been for the best.

    Design Management – Related Books | The Alexander W. White Consultancy


    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



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