Ah… I just wanted to say that I finished reading this, and you should too. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. I can’t say anything more because it’s a Liu Cixin book. Which means that it’s as twisty and shocking and unexpected as it can possibly get. And so if I say anything, I could be spoiling it for you.

What I can say, is just what I said when I was reading his Three-Body Problem. Liu Cixin has a truly unique writing style. His seemingly flat, spartan tone slowly moves you forward in what feels like a eventless, dull road for a while. And then suddenly a door opens and you fall head-first into a bottomless pit. You go back and read that passage a few times just to make sure that you did in fact read what you think you just read. And you say to yourself “what the…. what in the…. no that can’t be…..”.

While The Three-Body Problem is a long procession of many of such pits and you keep climbing out of one and falling into the next, The Wandering Earth is a miniature version of that. Just a couple of pits closer to the end of the road, so  you get a taste of what the author can do.

And yes, in case everything I’ve said is giving you the wrong idea: I am in fact saying that I enjoy reading Liu Cixin immensely. And I am saying that you should definitely read his books. And now I’m going to go decide which book of his I’m reading next.