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Archive for the ‘Social Networks’ Category

Out with the Facebook apps!

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This keeps popping up in conversations… so… time for a blog post.

I have a Twitter account, mainly because nowadays not having one can make life a tad complicated. There are many people and organizations who’s Twitter posts are the onlytwitter21[1] real way of staying in the loop with them. But I don’t really use Twitter, and I really do not in any way like the service.

What appears on my Twitter page is actually my Facebook activities that get forwarded to Twitter via this brilliant little tool: IFTTT, and I basically log onto the service every once in a very very blue moon. That being said, if I’m following you on Twitter, that means I DO see your posts. How? Well… that’s where it gets complicated and here’s also one of the major reasons why I don’t like Twitter.

You see, Twitter actually has user feeds. Or “had”, to be more precise. They were never highly advertised, didn’t show up on the user pages and didn’t get detected by browsers, but they were active and I generally developed the habit of subscribing to the RSS feeds of the people I follow, and checking their updates on Feedly [or previously GReader], which is what I actually do check pretty frequently. This wasn’t working too badly, but a while back, Twitter made some changes to their API which resulted in a change in the general format of the feed address. Major pain, as I had to re-subscribe to all the feeds. Now, as of last week, Twitter has officially retired their REST API 0.1, and with it, their RSS feeds!!

Of course someone already came up with a service to take care of this problem [probably using Google Scripts or something similar], so now you can use “Twitter-RSS” to generate Twitter RSS feeds… well… obviously. But then this also means one more round of re-subscription to _all_ my Twitter contacts, yes, all the 80-something of them.  But the real disaster is of course happening to anyone who ever wrote a piece of code using the V0.1 API…. and from what I’ve seen, it’s a good number of people. Ask me again why I just luuuv Twitter.

So anyway, you can see my Facebook activities on Twitter, and I can see your Tweets via Feedly, which works but is slightly dysfunctional, and a tad ridiculous. So, if you would like to keep in touch / stay in the loop with me, how about just trying my Facebook instead? As much as I’m not a big fan of Facebook, for a long list of reasons, it’s what I’m currently actively using. 

Google+ Real Name Disaster

When I first started using Google+, the name on my profile was obviously my nicknamegoogle_plus_fist which I had always used on my Google account. A nickname which by no means gives me anonymity, seeing that it has been attached to my real name all over the web, and even people in real world very often call me with it. The nickname has been around since my first days of hacker-spaces and various other tech sub-societies and as a result a lot of people would look for me by it, hence my persistence in using it…

When I received the warning message on my account saying that I had to use my real name, despite the bad taste that was left in my mouth, I went ahead and switched to my real name. I figured I was way too busy for the drama that would follow, were I to keep the nickname. That was a bit more than a month ago.

Well, big surprise, the drama came anyway. 2 days later my contacts started telling me that my Google+ profile was no longer accessible, showing a “not found” message. I checked my profile and saw the message on the top of it, saying that my profile was suspended due to my name not being acceptable by their “standards”, and was waiting to be reviewed, which would probably take a few days. A week later, my profile was still suspended, I had received no communication from Google, and I had come to realized that my ability to use other Google services was also limited.

That was when I started looking for ways to communicate with whomever was in charge. First thing I noticed, was that there basically are no functional ways for doing that. I tried sending a number of feedbacks which clearly had no effect. Then I landed on the support forums which is apparently where Google intends for you to end up, if you go looking for help/support. Of course what you’ll never receive on these forums is help or support. My requests for help were ignored and eventually buried, same as many others. Soon it became clear that a terribly large number of people are on the same boat.

While searching the forums for answers, I came across a few mentions of writing an appeal, using a link that should be somewhere on the suspended profile, but I saw no such link anywhere. Then I found out that the appeal link only shows up once your profile has been reviewed and “really” suspended. My profile seemed to not even qualify for that. So, for the duration of an entire month, my profile was stuck in the proverbial limbo.

By the end of the 3rd week, I was thoroughly inflamed. With everything I had read in other people’s complaints, responses and stories, it had become quite obvious what the problem was. My uncommon name and even less common last name didn’t look enough like a real name to Google. That’s just so deliciously ironic, seeing that a simple Google search would have cleared out my identity. My name’s all over the web. I have a couple of domain names and as a result who-is records which happen to tie my Gmail address directly to my name. For Pete’s sakes, how difficult would it be to verify my identity?

Doing some more digging, eventually I found a link to the appeal form somewhere and sent a number of appeals through. Then a good friend of mine offered to talk to his contacts in various departments in Google… but what finally did it, was another dear friend talking to her contact in Google+ , and getting my profile released [thanks a lot =) ].

So now, after a month of bloody struggle my account is usable again, and that only because of my friend and her friend. I find many aspects of Google+ quite brilliant, but this experience has been a true disaster, and the whole “real name policy” is looking like serious folly.

As I once wrote in the forums, it was my impression that this was supposed to be a social network for people from everywhere. But these so called policies seem to be shaping the service such that mainly people from North America and certain parts of Europe can use it without trouble. In the past decade Google has slowly taken over the web so that one way or the other you’re using some of their services, and now a lot of people who for some reason or the other can’t do exactly as almighty Google commands, are in trouble.

There are many people out there who have very good reasons for not using their real names on the web. For instance, just look at the amount of political activity on services like Facebook or Twitter in the past year, by people from the middle east. Well, ban the use of nicknames, and you ban all these people. There goes all that political and humanitarian activity. There goes what was one of the most important contribution of social networks. There goes the platform for freedom of speech.

Of course these are only a part of the reasons people might have, for not wanting to use their real names. Google says that they want people to interact on Google+ the same way they would in the real world. Well, look around you. There are many people who don’t use their legal names in their day to day lives. Plus, wake up and smell the coffee, this is the web, it was never supposed to be the real world. Google says that the real name policy is there, so that they can provide users with better service. Sorry, but would it have been benefits for users that you’re concerned about and not your own pocket, matters could have been much simpler. Instead of suspending user accounts, you could just warn them of the possible service quality issues, leave them to use whatever names they preferred, and put an end to this grand fiasco. Instead you’ve bought yourself a great deal of anger….

And then there is of course the small and insignificant problem of those of us who have names that you have not heard before. I even know of people who’s accounts have been suspended several times simply because they have uncommon names. So what exactly is it that we’re supposed to do? Prove to the almighty gods of social networks that I’m actually called this? Well that would be pretty much the end of both my patience and my interest.

So thanks to my friend, I have my account back which is pretty important for my use of several other Google services, but as to Google+… I don’t know. After all of this, I’m no longer certain that I’m all that interested in using the service. For the moment the only reason I’m sticking around is my connections in there. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what will happen next….

Further reading: A similar story, and an interesting article

Last week when I was searching for information on one of the latest “Angel” comics issues, I came across the website called Comic Vine for what was not the first time. I figured since I keep bumping into the website, I may as well join and see if will do the job of “ for comics” for me.

So I joined Comic Vine and after using it for a few days, just as I was beginning to like the system [and considering becoming a paid member and inviting friends], I happened to come across a wiki page about a comic book that I had just read. The page was missing the “Plot Summery” section, so I figured I may as well be helpful and add the few lines. Now, for anyone who may not know… these type of plot summaries are like movie trailers. You see the same standard synopses on Wikipedia, Amazon, and many other websites related to comic books or books in general. And that’s why you see the Wikipedia plot summaries [and many other pieces of info, for that matter] on pretty much every wiki page on Comic Vine. Also, lets keep in mind that the content on Wikipedia, according to the Wikipedia terms of use, are under the Creative Commons licence and free to re-distribute.

Anyhow.. I took the plot summery from Wikipedia, and added it to the wiki page on Comic Vine, and I did this for 2 issues of the same comic series. What happened next was somewhat unbelievable. I received a message from one of the administrators of the website, giving me what they were referring to as a “First and final warning”, for PLAGIARISM!!! Oh, and to make things even more fun, the other one of the 2 summaries I had submitted at the same time and from the same source, was approved!!!

Well… you can probably imagine that as someone who’s active in the research field as well as academia, I know only too well the definition of the word plagiarism, and you can also guess how much I don’t appreciate being wrongly accused of it. I added a standard piece of information, a tag-line if you will, from a public domain source, to a wiki in a website which more than anything is a database of information regarding collections of work created by other people to start with. Information that is by definition not a property of Comic Vine, and is quite visibly coming from sources all over the web. I didn’t claim to have created the book, the tag-line or anything else for that matter. My name is not printed under there, I’m not even breaking any copy-rights, and I’m most certainly neither getting paid nor marked for that work. All I did was sharing a public trailer. So, how in the heaven’s name did they come up with plagiarism?!

That of course was the question I sent back to the moderator who had given me the warning. And that was the start of a rather pointless and circular conversation. The kind you usually get with the tech support of Rogers Inc. First I got a couple of 1 line responses without any form of a clear point, the sort that is designed to get rid of you as fast as possible. Then there was some very fuzzy explanation saying that the whole plagiarism issue may or may not [?] apply to the plot summery, but it does to some other [?] parts of the website. So the person in charge is not even certain as to where to apply a supposed rule of an ambiguous nature, but I do end up being insulted either way. After all I’m only a user, who cares about my respect anyway right? [Anybody else having Twine flash-backs? Well, we all know how that one ended..] Then I received a link, to a forum post by a moderator, saying “Don’t Plagiarize”!! Well, 2 problems here:

1- Yes generally plagiarism is bad. It’s one of those things you morally don’t go about doing. So all good and fine with the article, but what does that have to do with my situation? Where is the plagiarism in what I did? Of course if someone writes a piece of literature somewhere on this website consisting of information from other sources, without citing, and taking full credit for themselves, then yes you have a case of plagiarism. But what does that have to with editing a wiki page on a service like this? How could you possibly commit plagiarism on what is, as I mentioned, a database of publicly available information on other people’s creations?

2- If you’re going to refer me to your website rules, should they not be a part of your Terms of Use? I mean, isn’t that the whole point of a bleeding Terms of Use page? So does that mean, the random words of your moderators are the rule books of the website, and that I should be reading through every single forum post, to find out what your team of site-Gods would like me to do on your website? Well I’m sorry, but that is not happening. Some of us have a life outside of comic books.

So then, after a whole load of explaining myself, quoting website ToU and demanding a proper response from anyone who can, I received an – oh wow – more than one line response, explaining very politely how that’s just the way it is, and letting me know that the reason I’ve been granted all the friendly unhelpfulness is that the person on the other side of the line is “very tired”. At that point I really controlled myself not to write back “Do you want to compare schedules? Life? Usual amount of work?” So, I have been insulted, accused of something I haven’t done, been responded to as if I was a proper idiot, have had my time wasted, and you tell me you are tired. How awesome is that?

That was the end of it. I really wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation that would only have bought me more insult. And obviously I have lost all interest in using the service itself. I spoke with a couple of my comic enthusiast friends who let me know that they were already aware that the administration of the service in question suffers a bit of a God/celebrity complex, and I should have just asked them first. [Yes, perfect! =P] I’ve also been directed to another website for comics that is apparently run by a “nicer” crowd. We’ll see how that goes. 😉 I’m also very much interested in more suggestions on the topic and opinions in general… so … comment away! =)


Update I

Xander has made an interesting point in the comments that a lot of people seem to be referring to, so I’m adding it here. It’s somewhat dark, but it seems true.

This god complex that you’re mentioning, I’m thinking it has deeper roots into certain types of communities. It’s not just something about this specific website. That’s my opinion. What I’m trying to say is, unfortunately if you look into communities that are built around similar interests like comics or gaming (as you were saying earlier), you will always find too many people who suffer this sort of god complex. They make up a personality based on how awesome they are known to be in the community and live by that personality. Getting lost in the characters of comics or games, forgetting entirely that there are people out there, real people, who are making a difference in the real world. The actual super heroes.
The real ugly comes when one of these community superstars finds it fit to insult and dismiss one of those people who is making a difference in the real world. This seems to me like one of those times. Sorry love, but really, you should just ignore folks like that.

@Xander: Well, I most certainly don’t see myself as anything like a superhero [ =)) ] but I do see your point, and I’m afraid I’m quite familiar with what you’re pointing out here. I’ve had so many people tell me that they joined the “ABC” community or game or this or that just to have a simple good time, and they’ve ended up having to deal with something of a religious cult instead. “The air of elitism” as Char puts it, is something that I personally have a hard time dealing with.

I don’t know if what happened here was exactly that… but it’s not so unlikely since a good deal of attitude could easily be felt there.


Update II

Well, I must say that it was very nice to read from Comic Vine [refer to the comments] and it’s good to see that they’re paying attention. As I wrote in the comments, I’m not all that certain that my problem was only with a single administrator. I mean surely it would have been nice to have dealt with someone more interested in helping out, but if for instance what I did [or anything of the sort] really is considered plagiarism according to the regulations of that community, then my problem is more with the system rather than the person representing it. If words change definition and regulations become a full semester study, then I simply can’t afford the time. This whole thing was supposed to be for recreational purposes to start with…..

My decision now is to not publish this article for the moment, and stick around quietly and see how things develop with Comic Vine. Meanwhile, I will be giving a try to other suggested services as well, and thanks for all your comments and suggestions.

Bye Bye Twine =(((( [Hello Diigo?]

Since I seem to be on a roll with writing disappointment logs, I may as well write about my biggest online disappointment of late. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it really is the end of Twine. =( And this time it’s for good….

Since the April of last year, I pretty much disconnected myself from Twine. I still used certain aspects of Twine for storing my data, but just that. Unfortunately at that point not only the most important features of Twine were no longer working, but the RN had officially terminated all our feedback channels, showing clearly how much they no longer cared about improving on the original idea of what was supposed to be. I think it was obvious… from that time that things were not going to go the way they originally were supposed to, that Twine was never going to become what it was promised to be. I just didn’t want to believe it…. I was waiting and hoping for Twine 2.0 to actually work!

Well guess what. During the 2.5 months that I was in Iran, the news has been published that Twine 2.0 is going to be just a semantic search engine. Everything else is gone. The social / interest network, bookmarking, twines….. everything is going to be GONE. Just… just like that. Well, you can imagine my disappointment…. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. x(

I’m still not a 100% sure what they’re going to be doing with our content stored on Twine. There’s talk of APIs…. ah well. Honestly, I don’t believe there’s any hopes of every becoming something successful anymore. Why? Well… when Twine started to come to existence, it had a few points going for it. It was a new and great idea, and there weren’t all these competitors doing a better job of it out there. It hadn’t yet disappointed the entire www, and it had a bunch of people like “us” willing to spend that kind of time, effort and energy for making it better. And now, well, it has neither. Between Google, Bing and a gzillion other search engines many of them pretty interesting, Twine is going to be lost.

Hmmmm… I don’t care anymore anyway. The way I see it, Twine was simply never about what I thought it was about anyway…..

Well cheers to us though. =) I mean the friends I’ve been lucky enough to gain through this whole Twine deal. This is the only thing that makes it all worth. Twine can disappear for all I care. I have kept my connections…. And of course there’s always other means of collecting and sharing our interests. And right now, it’s called Diigo. I’ve started giving Diigo a try now… and so far I’m VERY impressed. I’m going to wait and see how things go with that…. I’ll write more about it once I develop a more thorough view of it. =)

And now, lets forget about Twine…. =P



Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


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