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Bye Bye Twine =(((( [Hello Diigo?]

Since I seem to be on a roll with writing disappointment logs, I may as well write about my biggest online disappointment of late. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it really is the end of Twine. =( And this time it’s for good….

Since the April of last year, I pretty much disconnected myself from Twine. I still used certain aspects of Twine for storing my data, but just that. Unfortunately at that point not only the most important features of Twine were no longer working, but the RN had officially terminated all our feedback channels, showing clearly how much they no longer cared about improving on the original idea of what was supposed to be. I think it was obvious… from that time that things were not going to go the way they originally were supposed to, that Twine was never going to become what it was promised to be. I just didn’t want to believe it…. I was waiting and hoping for Twine 2.0 to actually work!

Well guess what. During the 2.5 months that I was in Iran, the news has been published that Twine 2.0 is going to be just a semantic search engine. Everything else is gone. The social / interest network, bookmarking, twines….. everything is going to be GONE. Just… just like that. Well, you can imagine my disappointment…. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. x(

I’m still not a 100% sure what they’re going to be doing with our content stored on Twine. There’s talk of APIs…. ah well. Honestly, I don’t believe there’s any hopes of every becoming something successful anymore. Why? Well… when Twine started to come to existence, it had a few points going for it. It was a new and great idea, and there weren’t all these competitors doing a better job of it out there. It hadn’t yet disappointed the entire www, and it had a bunch of people like “us” willing to spend that kind of time, effort and energy for making it better. And now, well, it has neither. Between Google, Bing and a gzillion other search engines many of them pretty interesting, Twine is going to be lost.

Hmmmm… I don’t care anymore anyway. The way I see it, Twine was simply never about what I thought it was about anyway…..

Well cheers to us though. =) I mean the friends I’ve been lucky enough to gain through this whole Twine deal. This is the only thing that makes it all worth. Twine can disappear for all I care. I have kept my connections…. And of course there’s always other means of collecting and sharing our interests. And right now, it’s called Diigo. I’ve started giving Diigo a try now… and so far I’m VERY impressed. I’m going to wait and see how things go with that…. I’ll write more about it once I develop a more thorough view of it. =)

And now, lets forget about Twine…. =P


Sunset On Mars

Captured by the Phoenix Mars Lander a few days ago. Love it. [Click for full size.]

On other news, today I watched the panel discussion on the future of the web [Tetherless World Research Constellation]. Very informative, but no comments for now, as I’m still compiling a good part of it in my head.

To be quite honest, I’ve never liked delicious very much, instead I prefer the link directory in my own website. I don’t use Flickr in any serious manner, never have, and I just post my photos in my own little private self built online photo gallery. I find Twitter quite useless, and I have an official dislike for MySpace and similar services. I guess one of my major issues is that I don’t like to sign up for 292384 different services, and have 292384 different profile pages, and 292384 accounts, to do 292384 different tasks for me [and often even repetitious tasks!]. I find that my friends and family, as well as all other people that I know and care about, tend to find it quite comfortable to just go to my website, read my blog, have a look at my new links, news, pictures and everything else as it’s all in one place. I get the feeling that I’m not a fan of disconnected / decentralized / all over the place data, which is one major reason why I like the whole set of ideas behind DataPortability [hence the “I Support” logo].
Of course I have a Facebook account which I was pretty much forced into signing up for, given that some folks I know only keep in touch that way. But well, I only log into it every once in a blue moon. I have a passionate dislike for what they do [or don’t… when it comes to things like Google Friend Connect] with your personal info [yeah… “those”].
In general there are a lot of things that I don’t like about current social networking websites. The constant competition among users to add to their popularity scores by going around and randomly adding people they don’t know, have no interest in ever getting to know and have no common interests with, bothers me. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy it very much when somebody adds me to their network because of… well… “something”, anything other than being just another face in the list. I enjoy getting to know people who like to share something with me very much. But I’m sick and tired of constantly receiving add requests from people who don’t even read my profile before pressing the “add” button. What royally boils my noodles though, are the people who send you rude messages if you don’t accept their add request. Fancy that! There’s also the spam, the chain messages, the conspiracies and cyber bullying that result in people committing suicide and tons of other annoyances. Interestingly enough, yesterday I came across this article that summarizes the best of what bothers me. So instead of writing it all down again, I just direct you to the article.
So, with all of the above reasons, the only social networking capable websites that I seriously use, are the very few very special ones that I find worth it. If you Google my nickname [Aasemoon] you’ll see that I’ve given a try to almost everything that’s out there, including some very recent social networking / bookmarking websites like Zigtag, Mento and Myrl, but out of all of that, here’s what I actually use:
Shelfari – Although I have had my share of disappointments with it, as I receive too many really annoying spammy messages in there, and therefore I have cut out of all social networking capabilities of the website and I’m just using the shelf [and for that, it’s the best]. – I love this one… just love it… absolutely nothing else like it for the purpose.
And of course, the most recent addition is twine. This one has impressed the heavens out of me so far. =) I didn’t just come across twine. I was Googling for something with the capabilities that twine has, and that’s how I found out about it and eventually joined the beta. So far, I love it. I have to confess, my approach to twine has been a very self centred one. Ever since I joined the beta I’ve been mainly playing with different features trying to find out exactly what twine can be for me. I also have to mention that sometimes I have a way of using tools in ways that I find beneficial for me, even if how I use that tool isn’t exactly the intended purpose of the tool [as long as I don’t bother anyone else, that is!]. So that’s exactly what I’ve been doing with twine, and here’s the result: I’m now using twine as my ultimate social bookmarking tool, my 1 line blog, my image blog, my twitter, my interest profiling tool and a whole load of other things, and in time I’m sure I’ll find more uses.
I have created a few twines related to my interests where I and other interested people post relevant links, pictures and all sort of data. That’s very cool because I get a chance to have a look at what other people with similar interests are looking into, and I’ve ended up learning a lot that way. I’ve also created a public personal twine, where again I and others post all sorts of things… anything that any of the members of the twine might find cool. That’s also where I post images, thoughts, notes…. it’s very multi purpose. I also have a personal personal twine, that only I can see or post stuff to, and I mainly use it for testing twine related stuff or collecting articles to read later.
Another thing I like about twine is how alive it seems to be. I constantly see changes, improvements, new features and new ideas. I guess a large part of that has to do with the fact that the developers of twine are very open to suggestions from users. I know that there’s a lot more that needs to be done before twine goes public, a lot that the users and developers want to have before they can call it ready. But even as it is right now… I’m really enjoying it, and honestly I’m a little surprised with a few articles I’ve read here and there on the web talking about people’s disappointments with using twine. Hey, it’s beta after all… come on! I’m only hoping that the day twine goes public, the spam protection capabilities will be fully “there”. Other than that… I just want it to go public so that I can show off with my twines. =D 😉

Twine: I’m In! =)

Yes yes, I did receive an invitation from the Twine cast and crew. =) Honestly I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, and I’m happy to say that I haven’t been disappointed with what I have seen so far. The truth is, I also do have the same feeling as Genox about the number of current social networking websites, as well as their quality. [Which is: not a very good feeling!] But now after having used Twine for a day and half, I can say that it’s something new. Yes, finally something new! I still have to use it quite a bit more before I can talk more about what it does and how it’s like, but from what I’ve seen so far, to put it simple, it really is a way of sharing knowledge and interests! It’s like Wikipedia + + Digg + a public weblog, and it has social networking tools and abilities too. I’m currently very much curious about the “behind the scenes” of it, and I guess I have some digging to do. 😉 Oh yes, I also have to mention that although you get a warning when you try to log-in using Opera, saying that the browser is not supported, but actually everything works just fine on Opera, including the bookmarklet.

Also: The online version of Zine #13 is out! Yes, it is, finally! Click here to read.

Twine, Anyone?

Has any of you folk, reading is blog, heard about Twine yet? I guess I could start with giving you some background as to what this is about. You know how I have this habit of digging around the web for..well.. for everything? Including useful tools to add to my website for organizing this and that, and the latest big bangs of the web world? Well last night I was looking at my own blogger profile and the ton of interest links that don’t exactly do much.. and then I thought to myself, that maybe just like my little link organizer, I should fix a little something of my own that would give me the ability to organize my interests in a somehow more useful way, instead of just having a repeated bunch of words in every profile that I have on every website, including my own. But then… organize the interests to do exactly what with it? For example on my blogger profile, if you click on each listed interest, you get a list of other people with that interest. That’s kinda cool, but not so much since a good many people using blogger never really create a profile. And half of what you do get is actually pretty outdated anyways. Not much of a good way of figuring out exactly who may be able to help me out with my Pliant problems [the programming language that I like and somehow nobody else does]. And I have to add this, the “interest search” feature in most of the networking websites isn’t exactly much better either. So, I figured I needed some ideas, and the googling started. My first query was “organize your interests online”, and the first result that popped up was this article on talking about something called “Twine”. Following the link to the Twine website and having a look around, I figured that this, is probably the 10000 times more advanced version of what I was looking for. The ultimate way of organizing what you’re into, and finding out that you’re not quite the only person with that certain weird interest that you think nobody else in the entire universe has. So, marvelous all of that, lets give it a try! But hey, not so fast apparently. Just when I wanted to sign up, I saw that tiny little banner saying that this a beta and invite only. Meh. Now my interest is boiling and I can’t get inside this thing. Ah well, I thought I should probably ask my friends! I got into every other invitation only beta by asking friends! But no luck, nobody has even heard of this. Ok then, lets ask google again. Maybe I can find something. And yes, I should probably post an article about it, maybe someone gets back to me. So I was halfway writing this post when I found this weblog: Minding the Planet. The latest post on that blog says that if I write an article about Twine, and send the author of that blog the link to it, and if it passes all tests, I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight get an invitation. Of course it’s a pretty big “might” since from what I read, there’s a good 30,000 people waiting out there for an invitation. But well, I already wrote this, I may as well send it in and see what happens, right? =)

RSS Bandit!

I’ve been looking for a “good” feed aggregator [aka feed reader] software for quite a while. There are a lot of online aggregatorz and some of them seem to do a good job, but somehow I feel more comfortable with the onez that I can have on my desktop. It’z probably because there’z more u can do with desktop aggregatorz than online onez, plus they’re simply faster and easier to use. However, obviously not all the available desktop aggregators are so great! I’ve used THIS RssReader for quite a while but I’ve never really been happy with it.
– It’z not compatible with all versionz of RSS/Atom
– For some reason it finds errors in feed formats that really contain no errors (!!)
– It exports the feeds in an XML file that’s not compatible with any other aggregators [seemz to contain errorz!] and no OPML outputs whatsoever [so what’z the point of having an export feature like this anywayz??]
– Worst of all, somehow it managez to jump up to about 106MB mem usage in no more than 2 secondz after it’z run!
And these are only a few of it’z problems, but since I couldn’t’ find any better desktop aggregators I kept using it until today….yes… today I finally found THIS. It’z called RSS Bandit and so far it seemz to be the best one I’ve seen. It’z:
– Light
– Fast
– Easy to use
– Compatible with all sortz of feed formatz
– Low in mem usage
– Got OPML import & export
And so many other kool features. Plus, I gotta admit, the little bandit smiley face tray icon is cute! So if u’re looking for a good feed aggregator too, make sure to give this one a shot.


Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



Instagram @aasemoon_


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Aasemoon's bookshelf: cariad