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Archive for the ‘Sci-Fi’ Category

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Roadside Picnic

Last week I finished reading “Roadside Picnic“, the 1972 sci-fi novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky [as per suggestion of a friend]. For me, the book “felt” quite a bit  similar to  Huxley’s “Brave New World”. Dystopian society built around one major life changing element which is a source of unnatural luck for some and unfair disadvantage for many others.

I did enjoy reading the book, I really liked the central idea. But I must also say that this is generally not my cup of sci-fi. I am much more into Asimov’s style of sci-fi. When I read a science-“fiction” book, I am not really looking for a window into the future of the mess we currently have, what we are already experiencing. I’d like to look further forward, perhaps to what comes after that mess.

But if “Brave New World” or “1984” are for you, then this is totally recommended.


Ender’s Game [The Book]

Last night [well, basically ’till morning] I finished reading Orson Scot Card’s “Ender’s Game“, the first book of the “Ender’s Saga”. The series have been on my reading list for basically ever now, but somehow I never got to it. Then the movie showed up which I Ender's_game_cover_ISBN_0312932081[1] don’t want to see before reading the books. [I’m a much bigger fan of books than movies and I don’t want watching the movie to spoil the books!] So a week ago I finally started reading the first book, and well, looks like I pretty much devoured it.

Once I started reading “Ender’s Game” I simply couldn’t put it down. The book definitely is one of the best sci-fi I’ve ever read, as was suggested to me by several of my friends. [You were all right! =) ] Now I’m going to start with the 2nd book… I’m of course very happy that there’s already 12 books in the series, and the author is writing some more…. I really do want more of this!

Man of Steel

Honestly I wasn’t in such a hurry to see “Man of Steel”. Superman movies and comics have always been mere light entertainment to me, and even though I have occasionally enjoyed watching a movie or reading a comic, I’ve never been a fan. Through the years I’ve felt a chronic lack of plot and character development in all things Superman. [Which basically sums up my relationship with 99% of DC’s comics.]

So you can imagine my surprise, watching “Man of Steel” last night, and realizing in the middle of the movie that I was actually really enjoying it! Especially seeing the movie’s less than great ratings and the plenty of dissatisfied reviews! [Then again I often seem to like what everyone else hates and vice versa!]

Yes, I really really liked this movie! Many important details were changed, characters were much better developed, and most importantly so much nonsense and absurdity has been eliminated! I mean surprise surprise, for once in my life a Superman movie actually makes rational sense!!!!


For once we actually see a proper, well pictured, back story. Which actually explained why everything happened the way it all happened. I really enjoyed the beginning part of the movie where Krypton has been quite nicely illustrated, and we finally get a better idea of what “the parents” were like and what the circumstances were. Or for that matter why Zod acts the way he does. Also the earthly parents of Clark Kent have been much better developed. Supeman’s own character finally has some proper development with much less cheese involved. Oh, and for once, finally, someone has decided that Lois Lane should not be the idiotic, clueless, pointless, shame to all women, constantly in need of rescuing, aka the classical character. Thank you very much for that.

It’s been said the movie will have a next instalment in 2015. I do look forward to seeing that.

By the way, come to think of it, it’s interesting that the latest Batman movie was also the best I’ve ever seen, for pretty much all the same reasons! Looks like DC might have finally figured some things out… 😉  Maybe it’s time I go back and check the comic books……

Cloud Atlas

I don’t know how it happened that I haven’t read the book yet, but now I seriously believe that I should. And I will…. once I’m done with my current Dan Brown reading.

I watched the Cloud Atlas movie last week and it blew my mind to so many little pieces. Had not enjoyed a movie this much in a long while. It lacks in absolutely no category. The plot is unbelievably good, the cast is just brilliant, the humour is priceless… And this movie actually has a message, for a change.


Star Trek: Into Darkness

“Star Trek: Into Darkness” : I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUV IT! =D I mean, I really really really love it. We went to watch it on Monday evening, and it’s still running in the background of my mind. Fantastic plot, awesome visuals, perfect cast…. This is definitely one of the very best Star Trek movies I’ve ever seen, and I already have the feeling that unfortunately it is, and it is going to be, underrated.

[Warning, from here on there could be spoilers.]


“Wrath of Khan”, and “The Search for Spock”, were actually the first 2 Star Trek movies I watched as a child [very little =)], and basically the first time I watched anything Star Trek. Somehow the two movies left quite an impression on me… perhaps the reason why I’ve always been such a huge fan of the franchise. The scene of Spock’s death in “Wrath of Khan” was something that really affected me… the idea, the feelings, the message… So you can imagine, for me it was quite amazing to watch the same scene in the new movie, except with the positions reversed. In fact all the “mirrors” in “Into Darkness” were very exciting for me.

I also think that the choice of Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan, was basically as good as it could possibly get. =D He was completely perfect for the role. The character of Khan was always interesting, but I feel that Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance somehow managed to make something new out of the character. A much deeper, much more twisted, and terribly impressive new Khan. I’m also a huge fan of the “old Spock” cameos, and Simon Pegg as Scotty is also a completely brilliant choice.

I really cannot understand all the criticism that the movie is receiving. I just hope that J.J. Abrams keeps doing what he’s doing, and I look forward, impatiently, to the next one. =D

Robot & Frank

Few days ago I watched “Robot & Frank“. One of the better Robot movies I’ve seen. I guess I mostly liked the fact that this movie, unlike many sci-fi/futuristic movies I’ve seen, is not trying to decide or state whether this kind of technological advancement has positive implications or negative ones. Instead, it’s simply showing that it can have  pretty serious effects on the most private aspects of our lives, and our relationships, with others and even with ourselves.

Oh, and I loved the soundtrack! =)


The Dark Knight [Finally] Rises

About a year after all the buzz, and everyone [and most likely their dogs] having already MV5BMTk4ODQzNDY3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODA0NTM4Nw@@._V1_SX214_[1] watched “The Dark Knight Rises”, Saturday night I finally managed to watch the movie. =D I had simply not found the time before, especially given that I’ve [please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me, please don’t shoot me….] never really been that big of a fan of the Batman movies. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had fun with the movies and the comics and heck, even the old TV series. =) I’ve just not really been a _fan_. At least, not till now.

The recent Batman movies [Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale] have been quite different from the older versions. There’s now actually a plot, a real story, some fantastic character development. And now, with this latest movie, I’m actually a fan! For the first time in my life I’ve actually watched a Batman movie that I’ve really truly enjoyed enough to even feel like watching more than once. =D

Of course it also appears [at least so far] that this is going to be the last Nolan/Bale Batman movie, which is quite a shame. This has definitely been the best version of Batman so far, and I really would have liked to see more of it….

Donovan’s Echo

On Saturday night I watched “Donovan’s Echo“, thanks to the recommendation from a good friend. =) And totally loved it. Here’s yet another movie that somehow never became popular, and no one seems to ever have heard of.

Fringe Ending…

Warning: Here be spoilers!

So it’s been a couple of weeks since Fringe ended, and last night I had a chance to watch the series finale once more. I’ve been playing with it in my head, and I’m not a 100% certain how I feel about it. I think I enjoyed many aspects of it, but I also think that it wasn’t, at all, enough.

I’m a big fan of how J.J. Abrams stories usually grow larger than life. The so many parallel story lines, the plots within plots, the insane developments of characters, I love it all. At the same time I think that there’s a bit of a side effect to all this, which is probably more a business/channel policy issue than anything else. Given how the most interesting sci-fi series have one by one disappeared and any new promising series seems to get cancelled before even officially taking off, there’s almost always not enough time for J.J. Abrams story lines to be properly brought to a satisfying conclusion.

It seems like J.J. Abrams stories grow so awesomely huge that tying up all the loose ends and answering all the questions alone will require a few seasons. So regardless of how well designed, how exciting and how all in all nice the finale might be, it’s just never enough. A really painful example of that was Lost. I actually was one of the few people who did like the concept for the finale, but gosh was that just insufficient!

The Fringe finale was much better. It did offer some closure, and it answer some questions. However there’s still way too much that’s left to our imagination, and I even see some inconsistencies. For instance, I don’t believe that Walter technically could disappear. I also think that the chunk of time that we never “saw”, the period of time in which Etta was born and raised, was something that perhaps we were originally intended to see, due to some references in the series itself and also the comics. And I could go on….

Now I can only hope that there will be more comics to fill up all the gaps that the series has left behind, and offer some more explanations.


Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



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