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Fortunate Post Mess-up!

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I know, I’ve been quiet lately. I know you folks have been expecting to hear/read quite a bit more about how things are developing here. Well, truth is I recently lost someone of weight in my life under rather strange circumstances. As a result, I’ve fallen back a bit from all forms of online communications, while I’m trying to deal with this. But I’m still here and I do read all that you write.

This is quite difficult, I’m completely heart-broken and to all honesty it couldn’t have come at a more complicated point in my life. Nonetheless, I’ll get past it soon. I’ll survive… always do.

P.S.: As far as music therapy goes, I came across this track a few days ago quite accidentally on MTV DE. And I totally fell in love with the band.

Happy 2011!

So the new year has started with a collection of happy and sad events. The biggest happy one of course is that I took the last step forward and I’m now settled in Switzerland, and hopefully we will not have to worry about any more back and forth flights. And now I have to start a lot of things from scratch…. ah well, all is good. =)

I wish you all a great 2011, and hope you had a lovely new year’s eve. I had a pretty fun one, with Oliv, my mom, and Kolja. =) There will be pictures….


  • Filed under: Life
  • Modelling, and Modelling!

    A couple of weeks ago, I had an offer to do some modelling for a pretty well known Italian fashion brand. The offer came to me through an Italian musician/artist friend of mine who is active in that field, and in touch with the founder of that brand. I told my friend that I was very flattered [which I really, truly am, believe me! =)], but working in that specific field is just not an interest of mine, and really not in harmony with my life style and fields of activity and work that I’m interested and involved in.

    So my friend relayed my response to his friend [a lady working for the brand], and then came the real surprise. A few days ago my friend told me that his friend had said that she was wondering why I had said no to the offer, since she had seen my profile on Facebook [oh, yeah!] and I had listed “modelling” as one of my interests. Apparently she was very curious as to whether I have an offer from some other brand or agency that I somehow found more interesting. =P

    Well, as you can imagine I had very big round eyes when I read my friend’s message saying all that. I knew that unless I was suffering from multiple personalities disorder, I couldn’t have possibly listed “modeling” as an interest of mine, and to all honestly I don’t think my friend believed that I had done so either. =P So then I ended up doing some digging in my own Facebook profile, and guess what… I discovered that I did in fact have the keyword “modeling” in there. Quite a few times too actually. Page names such as “Modeling the World” and “NLP Modeling” and numerous others with the “modeling” keyword most certainly are listed in my interests. =P Except of course, [well here comes the funny], those are all about  _SCIENTIFIC MODELLING_!!! D’UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here’s the moral of my story, and my advice to all the recruiters out there: Make sure your target model is interested in the same kind of modelling as you are. =P And when you see something with the word modelling in it on someone’s FB profile, CLICK ON IT, you’ll see it may or may not have anything to do with your kind of modelling. And yes, there are, in fact, OTHER KINDS OF MODELLING in this world! =PP

    We’re still having a good laugh over this so thank you….. ;))))

    People who have inspired me…

    A while ago I was asked this question on Formspring: “Which people inspire(d) you? (name a few if there are too many) Explain how they inspired you.” I ended up writing a pretty lengthy answer to it… and I was planning on turning it into a blog post, but hadn’t gotten around to doing so yet. Interestingly enough though, I’ve been receiving the same question from various people in different contexts all over the place, so I guess it’s best to write it down here and refer everyone to it. So, below is the answer to the question, and here is a link to the original question.

    Hmm. This is an interesting question with a pretty huge answer. =) Yes, there are indeed too many people who inspire me. It may be that I get inspired easily, by many things, ranging from very simple to very sophisticated. It could be a single sentence that someone says, or the simplest act, and what I get out of it could be massive.

    Ok, lets name a few, more or less randomly and off the top of my head.

    – My mom. Mahroo Araeenejad. =) She’s the strongest person I know, with a pretty much unbreakable spirit. She’s the power house, the one to rely on. And not just for me, for everyone around her. She has a heart bigger than this universe and a soul purer than sunshine. She inspires me in more ways than I can count.

    – My uncle. Dr. Mehdi Ghalibafian, also known as “the father of Iranian concrete science”. His wisdom, his dedication, his courage, his knowledge, his resourcefulness, his intelligence, his fantastic sense of humor, his kindness and his amazing personality will always be a source of inspiration to me.

    – Isaac Asimov. His books, specially the robot series, were among my main reasons for getting interested in robotics, AI and futuristic technology as a child, and later on choosing that as my main field of study and research.

    – Frank Herbert. The author of the Dune series. His books are life changing. Food for mind and soul.

    – The Little Prince. The adorable fictional character of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s legendary book of the same name. This book is like a road guide to life for me.

    – Mike Oldfield. His music speaks to me, very often saying that not even the sky is a limit.

    – Albert Einstein. I don’t think I need to explain this one. 😉

    – Thomas Edison. The God of “if at first you don’t succeed, try try try again”.

    – My friend TanTan. She has many many amazing qualities, but something about her that really inspires me is how truly fantastic a friend she is. I mean really, there’s being friends and then there’s being her…. <3

    – Vincent van Gogh. Hard to explain. There’s something I see / feel in his paintings that is very difficult to put into words, but it’s quite inspiring. I read his biography as a kid and it had a great effect on me somehow.

    This list could go on forever. Really, for EVER. It would include friends, musicians, scientists, engineers, writers, artists [and certain demoscene artists / musicians / coders would have their special place!]. But time is limited, and as I said, this is just a few, off the top of my head. This turned into an essay. Perhaps I’m going to make it into a blog post. And add it to Verse, so I can add people to it in time. Thanks for the idea. =)


    Toronto Quake. Yes. Really.

    Well this is somewhat funny. It’s been 2 weeks since a 5.5 magnitude [5.0 according to some sources] quake shook Toronto and a number of other cities, and I’m still receiving messages saying things like “Oh… uh… wait… what? But I thought you were joking!! Since when does it quake in Toronto?”. Or “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD are you alive? Are you ok? I just figured out that there REALLY was a pretty serious quake in Toronto!!!!”. =P

    Yes. There really was a quake in Toronto on June 23rd. Neither me, nor any of those major news agencies that wrote about it, made the whole 5.5 magnitude of it up. I was at home at the time of the quake, having lunch, or trying to. As I’m sure you all already know, I live on the 23rd [top] floor of a not terribly new building, and I can assure you that you wouldn’t possibly doubt the reality of the quake, would you have been here with me, enjoying the very very real swings of this giant rollercoaster. 😉 And even if that wouldn’t convince you, I’m sure when stuff on the walls and shelves started dropping down on your head, you’d be sold.

    I could hear the walls cracking and see small particles coming off the ceiling. I was about to move the coffee table to the balcony… My neighbours were completely freaked. Shouting, screaming, crying…. High-rise buildings are still being inspected for structural damage. Apparently the quake shook Toronto, Quebec [worst damage apparently], and parts of the USA. This wasn’t the 1st quake I’ve experienced in my life, but it was the 1st in Canada and it was definitely one of the scarier ones. But anyway, I’m alive! =P


    P.S.: Yes, if it would have come down to it, I would have jumped off the balcony.

  • Filed under: Aasemoon, Canada, Life
  • 27

    DSC05530[1] Yesterday, I turned 27. =) I like the fact that the number has a 7 in it, which has always been lucky for me. 😉 I guess it makes sense, given that this is most probably going to be the year of big changes. As in, _HUGE_Migrating Around The Globe_, sort of changes. Which I’m of course looking forwards to. We had a nice little party with friends, after which we went out to a Greek restaurant where I had one of my favourite dishes: Grilled Octopus. Ok, I know that maybe hard to believe for some, but Octopus really is VERY yummy, and I totally love it. =D I even took a picture for proof. [Yet DSC05161.JPG_802[1] again!]

    I would like to thank all my friends for the very nice birthday wishes, cards, eCards and…. Thanks you so much, it means a whole lot to me. =) 

    Norooz, 2569 [1389]


    Norooz…. it’s here again. =) Time goes by fast, doesn’t it? Well, I have to admit, it’s been a very interesting year. A lot of interesting events happened this year, in many various contexts and directions. And from what I see right now, the coming year is probably going to be even more adventurous. Some crazy things are in the making, lets just say that for now. 😉

    Tomorrow at 1:35 PM Toronto time, 6:35 PM Zurich time, and 9:05 PM Tehran time, the Persian year 2569 [1389] starts. Happy Norooz everyone, and wish you all a fantastic new year. =) 

    My Peculiar Animal Magnetism

    A few months ago, a neighbour’s cat walked right into my bedroom when I opened the flat door to come in. After inspecting my bedroom for a bit, he found himself a comfy place on a mini table under my window, and that was that. The cat didn’t seem to want to go out! =) I tried picking him up and putting him on the floor and leading him to the door, but he just turned around and went right back to where he was. Then I sat down and started doing some work on my notebook, and the cat would just circle around my chair and rub his fur to my feet. =)) Any attempts of getting him to get out was completely unsuccessful. Until finally after about an hour of playing around in my bedroom, he finally “accepted” to go back home.  

    If you know anything about raccoons, you probably know that they never let you get close to them. They raid people’s backyards and if one of them finds its way to your kitchen, you should probably say goodbye to any food you had in there. =) And they seem to detect human presence from kilometres away, ’cause the only thing you get to see of them is their cute behinds jumping up and down running away from you with the speed of light. =) And then, once when I was sitting under the rain, in my aunt’s backyard, I noticed one of these cute creatures slowly walking towards me… I was expecting it to just turn around and go away at some point, but that didn’t happen. It walked right to the spot where I was sitting, and then it climbed up my jeans all the way to my knee, so that it’s eyes were looking directly into mine. It was extremely odd! I even petted the raccoon’s back a bit. So it was just sitting there on my knee for some minutes.. I don’t even know how long. And then it decided to leave….. it was a very cute encounter. =)

    Yesterday, I noticed that a couple of pigeons were in the balcony again… up to someDSC02056.jpg_802[1] mischief. I love them really, but they make a bloody mess in the balcony that seeing how I’m on the 23rd floor, is slightly difficult to get cleaned. 😉 Anyway, I knocked a few times on the glass door to the balcony… quite certain that they would be scared and leave. Well, that didn’t happen! So I stepped in the balcony, excepting them to fly away any second now. That didn’t happen either. At some point, I found myself face to face with the pigeons… close enough that I could see all the shiny pretty colours in their eyes. And I was laughing my head off too, seeing how they were just.. standing there watching me! =D So at the end I gave up… and walked back in…. it’s as if they knew the threat was simply non-exiting! =P I swear, one of them was totally giving me the “yeah, right” look! =)))))

    And these are just a few….. so… what is it with animals and me anyway? Any theories? =)))

    The KLM Nightmare!

    The Royal Dutch Airline. Supposed to be a good one. If like me, you travel from the North America to the Middle East [or even Europe] a lot, you’re probably quite familiar with the airline, given that it’s usually easy to find tickets for any time of the year. But honestly, I think my trip to Iran and back, was probably my last KLM experience EVER. I’ve had it with them. The flights always end up nightmare-ish, and there hasn’t been a single time when I’ve been in and out of the Shiphol Airport [Amsterdam] without some sort of a horror story.

    Coming back from Iran, as I wrote in the last post, I was in pretty rough shape. I was really hoping for a painless trip, which unfortunately is exactly the opposite of what I had. The flight from Tehran to Amsterdam wasn’t “that” bad, just the usual hassle with the terribly tightly placed seats of KLM. In the Shiphol Airport [aka the bane of my existence] as usual we checked the info boards for our flight time and gate a few times, last of which was about 30 minutes before we headed to the gate.

    When we arrived to the gate, the check in line was pretty huge, as expected for that time of the year. SO we stood in the line. First the security checked our boarding passes and passports, and then we entered the 2 kilometer line for having our hand luggage checked. As usual for this bloody airport, they had us empty our backpacks on their checking tables, take off our jackets, earphones, …, all the way down to my boots. The point is, we were in that bloody line for nearly an hour and a half. So then came the final security check before boarding… and that’s when the officer gives us this weird look:
    – “Oh uhmm… says here you’re going to Toronto?”
    – “Well yes?!”
    – “But… but that’s not possible, we’re going to Washington!!”
    – “Exactly WHAT are you talking about??”
    – “The gate was changed!”

    So, well, my eyes went round. Apparently the gate had changed while we were standing in the bloody line [we have a habit of going early!] and NO ONE had made an announcement. Worse than that, the bloody security had CHECKED OUR BOARDING PASSES AND LET US IN!!!!! We ran back to the new gate, but the flight had already left, and NO ONE HAD CALLED OUR NAMES OUT. Imagine that. I mean how incompetent can people be??

    Given my past experiences with the bloody airport and the sodding airline, I knew what we needed to do then. We went to the transfer desk, and I had to explain to the less than smart people in charge how they had messed up. They said that there was another plane leaving for TO about 4 hours later, and they’re going to put us on the waiting list for that flight. Of course since it was holidays time, it was quite possible we’d not be able to get on that plane. So then I asked them what we were supposed to do if we can’t get in that plane, and they said we may have to think about a hotel.. ah well, my tiredness mixed with full annoyance and the gas poisoning left me no patience for staying at a hotel for God knows how long… we really had to get on that plane. I was thinking to myself, that quite possibly, I’ll have to start shouting at them like the last time [about which I will write next!], for them to understand the mess they’ve made and put us on the next plane….

    Anyway… we were in that airport for nearly 7 hours, after which we finally did get on that next plane. That is of course, after repeating the bloody irritating process of getting checked. The entire trip was about a good 20 hours. When we arrived to Toronto, I was only 10% conscious. Ah well, at least we arrived…

    But hey, the back to Iran trip wasn’t even my worst experience with KLM. I had one even worse than that. =P A couple of years ago, when I was going to Switzerland for the Christmas holidays, my plane from Toronto to Zurich was stuck on the ground for more than 7 hours, with the passengers actually sitting in it! Supposedly it was due to the bad weather, except all other flights from other airlines left with no trouble… The 7 hour delay of course resulted in me missing my flight from Amsterdam to Zurich. Me, and everyone else on the plane! So it was a real mess. First I had to walk the length of the Shiphol Airport 50 times back and forth to find out where I should go and who I should talk to, in order to get myself on another plane. And once I got there, it looked like they had NO idea what they were going to do with the crowd of irritated people standing in front of them. What’s funny is that there was NO talk of putting us in a hotel or something, and since again it was crowded and all seats in all planes were fully booked, they seemed to not even have any hopes of getting us to hour destinations any time soon.

    Finally I lost it. I was tired, irritated and annoyed as hell. And of course worried about what was going to happen to my luggage. So the next person who gave me the impression that they simply didn’t know what they were talking about, got me shouting. Yeah, that doesn’t happen very often…. I had to scream at them, in order to get them to put me in the next flight and send me to Zurich. My entire trip was more than 24 hours… yeah, fun!

    A rather odd coincidence was that there was this old Polish lady with me on the plane to Amsterdam, and when I was flying back from Amsterdam to Toronto I saw her again, she was on the same plane… again! What are the chances of that anyway? Well, she told me that there were people from the Toronto to Amsterdam flight that I was on, who actually got stuck in the bloody Shiphol airport for days, before they were put on a plane to anywhere or given a hotel room to. Very uncool eh?

    So that’s what KLM is like. Their security people often shout and scream at you if you so much as look at them wrong, their stewards and stewardesses often won’t bring you a sodding  glass of water even after you ask for it 5 times, their seats are soooo tightly arranged that won’t let you an easy breath, and their food is just… well… I’m not even going to start with that….

    Even though I don’t like bashing and badmouthing… I had to write this. Actually a couple of my friends suggested I should do so too.. I guess I’m hoping it’ll save someone some trouble, if they read this and not go for KLM. =)


    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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