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Due to my collection of genetic peculiarities, I’ve undergone quite a number of tests and studies throughout my life. However last night during the “Quantified Self” meetup, I global_178140052[1] realized I’ve never actually looked into my sleeping patterns and stages. Given my truly weird lifelong sleeping habits, I think it might be interesting to do so.
For as long as I remember, I’ve slept an average of 4 hours per cycle. As a child perhaps I would stay in bed longer, but the 4 hours were all the sleep I needed, and it’s still the same. I can force myself into sleeping more, that actually can at times work, but it will result in something like what people usually experience when they don’t get enough sleep. There have also been times when I’ve gone for a number of days with much less than that, or no sleep what-so-ever. And then I sleep for a much longer time, and all is well. The little sleep that I get is quite enough, and I’ve basically never had a problem with being tired, sleepy or out of energy during the day. None of this has ever had a negative effect on my health, mental sharpness and so on. The few hours that I sleep are usually deep, unbroken, and apparently quite fulfilling! [Some years ago there was a study about this, titled “The Sleepless Elite“. Didn’t offer much in terms of answers though…]
The other odd bit is the way I dream. I’ve heard in many occasions, including last night at the QS event, about people attempting to induce lucid dreams. There’s been quite a good deal of speculations about the positive or negative results of doing that. The thing about me, is that I don’t have anything other than fully lucid dreams! I dream quite a lot, I tend to remember my dreams clearly, and in my 29 years, I have never had a dream that wasn’t lucid. I’ve been trying to figure this one out, talking to psychologists, neurologists, and you name it…. so far I’ve not come any closer to knowing why.
So with all this, it was very interesting for me to look at the sleep charts created by “Zeo Sleep Manager“. The device detects and records your REM, Light and Deep sleeping stages [among other features…]. This is something I’ve never tried, and I do wonder, with my little “situation”, how my chart would look like. Perhaps I should give it a try.
More on the QS meetup, it was also interesting to see presented as a self tracking tool. I just realized that I’ve been doing this for quite a few years now… I listen to humongous amounts of music on daily basis, and I can’t really tell you what kind of music “I like”. Depending on my mood and state of mind, I could be listening to just about anything. What I’m listening to is a reflection of my psychological patterns, and for many years now, my close friends and I have been looking at my charts to get an idea of “how I’ve been doing”! So yes, haha, is in fact the perfect self tracking/study tool! =)
And that’s about all I have to say for now….

Murano Glass Pen

So here’s something I received in the post recently, from Venice. It’s a dip pen, entirely made out of glass, also known as a “Murano Glass Pen”. Thanks to a good friend I recently learned about the existence of these… yes, I had never seen one of these before, which given my general obsession with odd writing/drawing equipment, says something about the rarity of these pens. Apparently they’re quite old, and even less popular than normal dip pens. 

I must say this is definitely the smoothest dip pens [or generally drawing / writing equipment] that I’ve ever used. The numerous cuts around the tip allow the pen to hold onto enough ink to fill a page with, without any need for re-dipping. And the glass tip simply draws like a dream… Honestly the pen feels like magic in my hand. I’m generally a huge fan of dip pens, but this is just mind blowing. 

Verse : Private Content

Due to requests from friends [since a very long time ago] and some recent developments, I finally sat down and came up with a way of having private content on Verse. The code and the solution itself are somewhat messy, mainly because a Wiki is basically not designed for private content [quite the opposite…]. But well, so far it looks like it works. It is now possible to have private categories, all items belonging to which would be private. Private categories can be accessed by certain user groups.

It should be kept in mind though, that this is basically like a lock on a diary. It is simply for the purpose of picking and choosing what content will be shared with whom, but it should not in any way be considered truly secure. So basically don’t store your credit card numbers in there please.

Now, anyone who wants to use this feature, should tell me to set category[s] and user group[s] for them.

URI Shortener

So, for a million and one reasons I just created my own URI Shortener. Since we had this discussion with a couple of friends before… well this is for you, it’s open so everyone can used it. 😉

Yes, I Am Ambidextrous

Sometimes when you grow up with something as a constant in your life, you get so used to it that you end up not finding it in any way interesting or significant anymore. Then, it takes a bunch of googly eyed surprised people to remind you that this “Thing” is in fact not terribly common.

The larger part of the human population is right-handed [and in general right-sided], the smaller part is left handed/sided. And then there’s the negligibly tiny fraction of the population who are both, aka ambidextrous. Natural ambidexterity is extremely rare. Most people who seem ambidextrous are left handed people who due to various circumstances have learned to write with their right hands. People who are naturally ambidextrous can use their hands/feet/body in general with the same comfort on both sides. So yes, it’s not usual but it exists.

Every once in a while [a couple of days ago this time] someone catches me in the act, wondering, for instance, why it is that the piece of paper that’s been in front of me the whole time looks it was written on by 2 different people. And then I have to explain that it’s because the my left hand’s handwriting is completely different from my right hand’s. [Which is why I have to be careful not to switch hands in the middle of writing an exam or a legal document!] And then comes the big surprise, and the googly eyes.

So yes, ambidexterity exists. It’s rare, but it’s here… not a myth. I’ve been naturally ambidextrous since childhood. I write, fence, eat, catch a ball and do just about anything else with both my hands the same way [without need for any special practice] and the same applies to my feet and body in general. I can also write with both my hands, at the same time, in different languages. [On the downside: I have two handwritings and they can both make your eyes hurt.]

I however don’t know anyone other than myself with this condition and I would like to. For instance I would like to know if other ambidextrous people have the same handwriting issue! So if you’re reading this, and you are one, please do let me know. =)

  • Filed under: Aasemoon, Life
  • Fasnacht 2011

    Oh, right, I forgot to mention…. the pictures and movies from Fasnacht 2011 parades are online! You can check them out here. =)

    I was at the venue both in Biberist and Solothurn this year, so there’s photos and videos from both. It was quite a lot of fun being there, and I’m still collecting confetti from my clothing, shoes and the flat’s floor. =P As you may notice in a couple of Solothurn videos / pics, I was given a bit of an up close and personal confetti shower so when I got home, I was looking like a very colourful clown of some sort, specially since confetti has a way of sticking and staying in my curly hair. =P

    A few examples:

    I have to start this by saying that I’m not trying to “bash” vegetarians or vegetarianism. I’m not an anti-veg, and I don’t have a problem with vegetarians or vegans for that matter. Generally I’m a kind of person who believes that every human being is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and I respect people’s way of life, regardless of how different from mine they may be. I have to insist on all of the above, because I don’t want to cause any misunderstandings.

    I don’t know how exactly this started, but I’m currently feeling exceedingly tired and annoyed, as a result of a collection of encounters that I have had with vegetarian people during the past couple of years. When did vegetarianism turn into a religion? And why is it that a very large percentage of the people who turn veg, see it fit to try to either convert you, or act as if you’re somehow unholy?

    I read the labels on the food products I buy [or anything else for that matter] quite carefully. I pay close attention to my diet, nutritional balance, and needs of my body. I do sports and I exercise every day, sometimes heavily. Generally I pay attention to my health and fitness. Apparently, this somehow makes me the perfect target. First I am “invited” to take the “next step”, then comes the bickering and well, if you know anything about me you probably know that I don’t react too well to someone trying to poke at me using arguments that they can’t properly and logically defend. And yes, I’m afraid most of the times the discussion comes to an uncomfortable halt once you bring the medical and nutritional facts to the tables. Facts that unfortunately most of these terrifyingly passionate vegies didn’t think to read through before they chose vegetarianism not only for themselves, but for the rest of us as well.

    But before we get to the actual health facts, I also have to make a mention of another questionable reasoning the religious vegies usually bring up [very often when all else seems to fail], and that’s the whole animal cruelty discussion. Well, I don’t wear Merino wool or fur or anything of the sort. I don’t eat in McDonald’s or any of the similar chains. I think what these corporations do to animals is indeed criminal. But is that in any way the same as what humans have traditionally been doing for millenniums now?

    When the Native Americans hunted a buffalo, they killed it as quickly and painlessly as possible. They did so for their survival, and they used pretty much every part of the animal for a purpose, so that nothing went to waste. Like them, I believe in nature, and in it’s rules and balance. In the cycle of nature there are billions of examples of bigger living organisms feeding off of smaller ones. I don’t see anything wrong with that. To me, that’s as correct and  natural as it gets. However, unfortunately us human beings have turned into the only animals who kill other living beings just for the heck of it, or torture other living beings for our own profit, and I truly despise that. But how does it make any sense to say that use of meat or other animal products in the traditional sense is also “animal cruelty”??! “Meat is murder”? Really? If that’s the case then I suppose mother nature is the biggest murderer of all eh?

    So now let’s get back to the health and nutrition side of things. I’m not going to try to explain the medical facts myself seeing that I don’t have a degree in any of the related fields, but instead I have decided to create a reference list below, from a number of quite well written articles on the web that explain everything.

    Of course I have to add a few notes of commons sense as well. In general what a person’s body needs and what keeps them healthy is to a good extent depending on the person’s body type, age, sex, life style, form and amount of activities and many other details. To recommend a diet [more like a life style in this case] to someone without taking account all the variables of their life, is generally a very bad idea. I for instance have a somewhat above the average amount of physical and mental activity per cycle, and I hardly ever sleep. The following articles will give you an idea as to how it would be an extremely bad idea for someone like me to become a vegetarian.

    Also, if your diet used to consist of so much meat that you may have expired from Gout, your new vegetarian diets is most certainly much healthier. If you pay a good deal of attention to your vegetarian diet and make sure to include replacements for what you don’t eat, you can certainly have a more healthy diet than most people in this world. But again, that doesn’t mean that vegetarianism can be healthy for everyone and in fact, very often it is not, specially since it becomes a severe pain to create a “real” healthy vegetarian diet, which is something that many vegetarians don’t seem to realize.    

    The list of articles and references below is something that I’m compiling [with help from friends] so that from now on I can just forward people with “suggestions” to it, instead of having to say/type it all again each time. I have gone through the articles that I’m listing, with a couple of doctor friends, to make certain of their validity. If you’d like to add anything to this article or the links list, either log onto Verse and do so, or contact me. Enjoy reading! 😉

    [I have posted this article and the actual links list on this Verse page. This way anyone else interested can edit and contribute, so that we can have a more complete reference in time.]

    I know, I’ve been quiet lately. I know you folks have been expecting to hear/read quite a bit more about how things are developing here. Well, truth is I recently lost someone of weight in my life under rather strange circumstances. As a result, I’ve fallen back a bit from all forms of online communications, while I’m trying to deal with this. But I’m still here and I do read all that you write.

    This is quite difficult, I’m completely heart-broken and to all honesty it couldn’t have come at a more complicated point in my life. Nonetheless, I’ll get past it soon. I’ll survive… always do.

    P.S.: As far as music therapy goes, I came across this track a few days ago quite accidentally on MTV DE. And I totally fell in love with the band.

    Modelling, and Modelling!

    A couple of weeks ago, I had an offer to do some modelling for a pretty well known Italian fashion brand. The offer came to me through an Italian musician/artist friend of mine who is active in that field, and in touch with the founder of that brand. I told my friend that I was very flattered [which I really, truly am, believe me! =)], but working in that specific field is just not an interest of mine, and really not in harmony with my life style and fields of activity and work that I’m interested and involved in.

    So my friend relayed my response to his friend [a lady working for the brand], and then came the real surprise. A few days ago my friend told me that his friend had said that she was wondering why I had said no to the offer, since she had seen my profile on Facebook [oh, yeah!] and I had listed “modelling” as one of my interests. Apparently she was very curious as to whether I have an offer from some other brand or agency that I somehow found more interesting. =P

    Well, as you can imagine I had very big round eyes when I read my friend’s message saying all that. I knew that unless I was suffering from multiple personalities disorder, I couldn’t have possibly listed “modeling” as an interest of mine, and to all honestly I don’t think my friend believed that I had done so either. =P So then I ended up doing some digging in my own Facebook profile, and guess what… I discovered that I did in fact have the keyword “modeling” in there. Quite a few times too actually. Page names such as “Modeling the World” and “NLP Modeling” and numerous others with the “modeling” keyword most certainly are listed in my interests. =P Except of course, [well here comes the funny], those are all about  _SCIENTIFIC MODELLING_!!! D’UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here’s the moral of my story, and my advice to all the recruiters out there: Make sure your target model is interested in the same kind of modelling as you are. =P And when you see something with the word modelling in it on someone’s FB profile, CLICK ON IT, you’ll see it may or may not have anything to do with your kind of modelling. And yes, there are, in fact, OTHER KINDS OF MODELLING in this world! =PP

    We’re still having a good laugh over this so thank you….. ;))))


    Hey, I'm Aasemoon, and this is my blog which has been around since 1998. Childhood toy project that ended up growing up with me. You can reach me here:

    Zorbas is my kitten. You can see some pictures of him below. =)



    Instagram @aasemoon_


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