Winner of this year’s best demo at The Gathering, ASD’s new demo is pretty much a complete action movie, with an awesome plot, amazing stunts and the superbly perfect music to make you feel the “Rapture” in your bones. =) The demo, which according to certain rumors [ 😉 ] takes place on the “Planet Risk”, has trains, trucks and ships crashing and bridges falling down in neon blaze, making it impossible for you to take your eyes away from the screen for even a fraction of a second. And of course aMUSiC and Leviathan’s powerful soundtrack [very thoughtfully named “Throw Navis Off The Train! =))] completes the hypnotizing effect of the demo. So, check out Rapture! 

Oh but there’s even more great news: Congratulations to aMUSiC, for winning this year’s award for best music, for “Afternoon Stroll”, the soundtrack to the awesome demo “Midnight Run”. So lets check that out too! =)

And by the way, “Rapture” was in fact not the only ASD release yesterday, there’s also 2 new cute little games that you can download and have fun with, “Demobot Olympics” and “Seconds To Nothing”. Enjoy! =)