Last week I finished reading “Roadside Picnic“, the 1972 sci-fi novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky [as per suggestion of a friend]. For me, the book “felt” quite a bit  similar to  Huxley’s “Brave New World”. Dystopian society built around one major life changing element which is a source of unnatural luck for some and unfair disadvantage for many others.

I did enjoy reading the book, I really liked the central idea. But I must also say that this is generally not my cup of sci-fi. I am much more into Asimov’s style of sci-fi. When I read a science-“fiction” book, I am not really looking for a window into the future of the mess we currently have, what we are already experiencing. I’d like to look further forward, perhaps to what comes after that mess.

But if “Brave New World” or “1984” are for you, then this is totally recommended.
