With all the cancellations and forced endings, not much good sci-fi remains to be watched on TV nowadays. There’s only one season of Fringe left, and once that’s over, we’re only left with Doctor Who, which everyone already knows about, and “Touch“, which apparently not many people have heard of so far. This of course isn’t good, cause when people don’t seem to know about a series, chances are you will read about it’s cancellation soon. Look what happened with “Awake”….

Anyway, point is, “Touch” is a rather new and absolutely awesome sci-fi series, which so far only has one season. Good news is, it has been renewed for a second season. This is the first real “food for thought” new series that I have seen in a few years, that has a brilliant plot and all the necessary elements to excite both my mind and heart. I’ve actually watched some of the episodes twice, which says something given all the time that I absolutely do not have. So… well… check it out, and do let me know what you think! [Anyone else a fan?] 

[Click for the full-size wallpaper.]

P.S.: Yes, I realize this is the 2nd time I’m writing pretty much the same thing about the series. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.