Tonight I watched the very last episode of the TV series Medium, without actually knowing that the series has been cancelled and this actually is the series finale. And after finally finding it out… well, I’m not too happy.

Medium was one of my favourite sci-fi series for a long while, and I always felt that felt that it was such a shame, that the series never received the attention and credit it deserved. Perhaps the main reason is that Medium was not out of the box enough for serious sci-fi fans, and not soap-opera enough for the mainstream, resulting in the series being completely underrated.

So the show finally got cancelled which in my opinion was too early and yet not completely unexpected. But after 7 seasons, I must say I was expecting quite a bit more for a finale. I mean I actually liked the plot for the finale quite a lot, and I enjoyed watching it. But I was constantly expecting Allison to wake up from the first layer of the dream, realizing that Joe hadn’t actually gone to the trip yet. And I most certainly did not want this as finale. The series ending with the death of a main character, and with bunch of flash forwards? And they didn’t even make it a 2 hour episode!!

So yes, altogether I’m rather disappointed. Regardless of what genre the series could or could not be categorized under, I always enjoyed it and I think there was still quite a bit more to tell. So I guess now I can only hope that someone with pick up the story line and continue it as comic books, the way Joss Whedon did with Angel comics for instance. I get the feeling Medium could actually make quite an interesting set of comic books…. hmmmmmm…. I guess we’ll see……