… on a loop! =D

Few days ago I finally received my copy of 4mat’s new album called “Decades” from Amazon. Yes, physical copy! =)

For the past so many [I don’t even know exactly how long] years I’ve been enjoying 4mat’s music, so when I found out that for the first time he’s releasing physical copies of his album, I figured I absolutely had to have one. =) Amazon.ca doesn’t carry the CD, so as usual it was back to the .com, hence the long wait.

Decadeds Cover. And my current desktop wallpaper.

For the past few days I’ve been looping the album, sometimes on it’s own and sometimes mixed with various Kahvi releases. And I just can’t get enough of it! As the album name suggests, the compilation is such that it really gives you the feeling of listening to the essence of 4mat’s evolving music during the past decades. And as I expected, the tracks are just fabulous! So if you’re a fan of chiptunes, electronic music or generally great music, you’re sure to enjoy this.

If you haven’t already, go get yourself the album. Now. Preferably physical copy. 😉

Decades CD on Amazon.com

Decades on Bandcamp

Decades on iTunes