When it comes to music, I’d say Mike Oldfield is certainly a God. I’ve felt the same ever since the first time I heard his music [I was an infant then… my parents were listening to Mike Oldfield]. Mike Oldfield’s music has been with me my entire life, and I would even say that in some ways, it has saved my life. The song Shabda is from his latest album called “Music of the Sphere”. Don’t mind the video as it’s not official… just listen to the music.

Terra autem erat inanis
Super faciem abyssi
Lux æterna dona nobis
Terra autem erat in cæli

Terra autem erat inanis
Super faciem abyssi
Lux æterna dona nobis
Terra autem erat in cæli

[Sorry for not translating… my Latin is enough to understand this, but certainly not enough to attempt a legid translation…]