There’s music I like, there’s music that can make me happy, and then, there’s music that can take me to the 7th heaven. Well of course the last category is the most difficult to find. That’s why when an artist who can create that certain kind of music, releases a single track after a period of absence, that’s definitely the cause for some serious excitement on my side! 🙂 Wonder what I’m talking about? SURPRISE SURPRISE people, Genox just released a new single! YAY! I’ve been listening to this same track over and over and over again since last night, and I have absolutely no words to describe it. I might have said “incredible”, but that just doesn’t cut it. So check it out for yourself, and experience the effects of “Various Shades Of Blue“. 🙂

Update: Ok it seems like Genox just uploaded a whole bunch of his tracks, which you can access through his blog. So… check it out! 🙂