First of all, a note to the guys and gals who asked for the Distillery photos. I’ve now posted a few of those in my phlog. Just for you. 🙂
With regards to amv’s comment on the last post, the Demovibes website seems to be up and about now:
What else….oh yeah. In my on going scene-music diggage, I finally found…well… let me try to explain to you what I found. The Assembly 2006 freestyle music competition happened on around 7:45 of a Saturday morning [Toronto time]. So I was half asleep when the competition started, and I was watching the web-tv on my notebook in bed. I remember hearing this fantastic song that took my breath away, but somewhere in between my struggle to open my eyes and a silly stream blink, I ended up missing the song info. So now after going through almost all the competition entries, finally I found it. “When Time Stands Still” by PK, check it out.
Also, I know that some of you have already discovered this, but if you haven’t, make sure you check out “Aufgewacht Und Tee Gemacht” by Genox. [Ummm…”Woke up and made tea”?! I just hope I got the spelling right.] I’ve been listening to this about 10 times a day recently. One of the best that I’ve heared from this artist so far. Absolutely brilliant.
These 2 tracks speak directly to my heart. <3 <3 :>
And that’s about it for now……

Update: Umm Guys…there’s a new comment on the first part of the display report that you might like to check out. 🙂